Lisa Benson for December 06, 2013

  1. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    No Lisa, you said the spies are perfectly under control or did you forget?

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  2. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    I was watching a clip from C Span yesterday. California Congressman Duncan Hunter(CA) suggested the use of tactical nuclear weapons as a way to encourage Iran to stop developing nuclear weapons.He was against boots on the ground.Against healthcare, FOR nuclear attacks.Fortunately, my republican friends and relatives reassured me that Mr. Hunter is a dangerous minority within the conservative ranks, but that minority has been very very vocal and empowered over the last few years. I truly miss moderate Republicans AND Democrats. The NSA abuse will be taken advantage of by both parties as they seek to keep themselves in power. Respectfully,C.

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    greyolddave  over 10 years ago

    So help me here. Our spy network was criticized after 911 for not spying enough. So we gave them great authority to do that. Now that they did what we wanted them to do we criticize them for doing what we wanted them to do. Hmmmm. Oh I get it….If Romney had won there would be none of that, just praise for a job well done.

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  4. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 10 years ago

    To ALL

    I am writing today to apologize for my demeanor and my attitude yesterday. I was ugly in tone, and combative, which I would like to believe is unusual for me. Regardless, I do recognize that; my only explanation (not excuse) is that I was having a really bad day, but I had no right to take it out on GoComics posters.

    As penance, I will refrain from further comments today, and hope that I can be more my regular self in the future.

    I hope everyone has a pleasant weekend.

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  5. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    Wie Gehts, Morty?Moderates, imo, & no matter which party, are people who vote what is best for their country and their constituents. Extremists are divisive and focus on the most difficult issues instead of deciding what bridges to repair and how to upgrade our power grids and water/food supplies for the long term. Guns, abortion, gay rights and other issues are valid concerns but more appropriately fought over in states until an overwhelming consensus is formed one way or another. The issues being fought over in DC will effect the quality of life for every US citizen for decades to come. From healthcare, to infrastructure, to how to protect citizens from corporate malfeasance, our gov’t is supposed to be working on behalf of the people who elected them and the ones who will be voting in the future. As Chief Seattle said, “We do not own the land, we are only borrowing it from our children.” States deal with what happens every year, the Federal Gov’t should be dealing with what’s going to happen over the next few decades.I hope that offers some explanation.Respectfully, C.

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  6. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    CIA, NSA, DIA, NIS… They’re all PDQ to FYO if they get the chance!

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    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    As Debt Free and Trusted Mechanic have deleted their posts, I’ve likewise deleted my reply to the Mechanic.@ Adrian Snare – I’ve had several “Persian” acquaintances in my life, they don’t like to use the word Iranian. They are, as you surmised, just people like the rest of us who pray differently and use spice sets on their food with which many in the USA are unfamiliar. It sometimes seems we are like children who want to play together but whose parents are in a feud over things we can’t appreciate even if we could understand them. The Iranians have a legitimate foundation for their anger with the USA going back to when our CIA overturned the results of a democratic election in 1953. Not the best example of how a democracy is supposed to function, but – “Ends justify means”.You might enjoy “The Brothers: John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles and Their Secret World War.” In the name of God and Country, those two men laid the groundwork for many of the problems we are dealing with today.Thank you for you kind words, Mr. Snare.Sincerely,C.

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    grh9447  over 10 years ago

    “moderate Democrats”… that is an oxymoron expression. They want to raise taxes wehen we are the highest taxed industrial nation (note the UK lowered it corp taxes, & yesterday the UK Treaury annonced that collected taxes were HIGHER than anticipated.) They seem to feel that if there is dollar to spent, then it should be two dollars.

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  9. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    “You use a 2007 ‘toon to berate her about today’s activities? Dumb.”Care to explain to our audience what our spy agencies are doing now that wasn’t happening in 2007? I thought it was intrusive & overreaching then. I still do today, yet I suspect some folks think I’m an ‘Obamabot’. Go figure.Lisa has an obvious double standard. You seem to have the “2001-2007 amnesia” that’s been going around.

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  10. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    “That is the way it’s supposed to be. Unfortunately it’s the other way around with the cia and nsa holding the leash.”In Congress, there are a few libertarians who were opposed all along, and there are some liberals that have stayed opposed, despite the party change in the Oval Office. They seem to be figuring out that they’re on the same side this time. It’s the ‘moderates’ in both parties that are giving the intelligence agencies the go-ahead on this stuff.

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    Our covert “intelligence gathering” has been a lot more sophisticated than that made public, for a long time, and both House and Senate Intelligence Committees know what’s gone on, and haven’t changed things, except with the mess called “Homeland Security”, made things worse.

    With regard to “tactical” nukes, it should be realized that these can indeed be as high yield and the Hiroshima bomb. The REAL “secret” is that if ANYONE uses a nuke, everyone “interested” will monitor and know it (that intelligence gathering isn’t just ours), and that “spark” from “Merry Minuet” will be struck, and it will all be in the fan. Stupid to even suggest nukes for what “conventional” (far more powerful than folks think) weapons can accomplish, but still stupid with regard to Iran.

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