Prickly City by Scott Stantis for December 07, 2013

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Meanwhile, the largest tax cheats get a pass courtesy of Republican deregulation.

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    Cheapskate0  over 10 years ago

    Hopefully, this is the end of the bunny strips.

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    jbmlaw01  over 10 years ago

    You can always spot a leftist – they blame republicans for the crazy and illegal stuff done by Obamaniacs.

    Mexican crime wars created by an idiotic Holder program to try to stir up anti-gun sentiment in the US? No problem, it was Bush, even though the Republican program was aborted almost immediately after conception.

    Misuse of the IRS for political purposes?Just following Nixon, although the IRS commissioner during the Nixon administration refused to act so political.

    Craven chief executive hiding out while his ambassador was being abandoned in a Middle East hell-hole? Leading from behind.

    Insane effort to micromanage the US healthcare industry? Got that idea from Romney or Heritage, even though the Romney bill was only 77 pages long (vs ObamaCare’s 2400) and Heritage subsequently proclaimed its idea unworkable 20 years before Obama. ObamaCare looks more like the government mis-micromanagement of airline fares before the Carter administration did one of the three things it got right.

    No, this is the Clunkers for Cash, eternal Federal spending for Stimulus, cobwebs-for-brains administration. Recycled screwups from the Roosevelt administration have been the best parts of this unending serial failure.

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    KPOM  over 10 years ago

    @NightGaunt, the former Enron advisor is a hypocritical hack. According to Keynesian theory, the Iraq War was stimulative. Yet back then the former Enron advisor was worried about the size of the deficit. When his guy came to power, all of a sudden his concern was that our deficits weren’t big enough.

    Cash for Clunkers did nothing but drive up the prices of used cars (hurting the poor) and move forward new car sales at the expense of future sales. The car site Edmunds did a study comparing it to normal incentives and basically concluded that it was very expensive for what little impact it did have.

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