Tom Toles for May 08, 2013

  1. Madmen icon
    McSpook  about 11 years ago

    Wow, nice to read something uplifting about our President. Too many nasty trolls out there, screaming hate and spewing half-truths and out-and-out lies.Thanks, Reflex-76, for the positive energy.

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    zoidknight  about 11 years ago

    So you did not read the bill either did you?

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    echoraven  about 11 years ago

    Hopefully and as far as Obama being the best president… a wee bit of wishful thinking. While the rich have benefited greatly from his presidency and those on the dole, the working poor and middle class have lost ground, the people that have to bear the brunt of his policies.

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    ConserveGov  about 11 years ago

    Here’s very predictable result of Obamacare (unless you’re just dumb like Pelosi and Reid)—-————————————————————————————————-

    Total employment rose by 293,000 during April, but part-time jobs increased by 441,000. As a result, full-time jobs declined by 148,000.

    Yay! Despite the trillions of government spending by the Spendocrats, the economy is actually WORSE than 4 years ago. Good job!

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  5. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 11 years ago
    The people who have pre-existing conditions and those that can’t afford insurance tend to feel different about it.

    The insurance offered will be lower than what the insurance monopoly is now

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  6. Horsehead aldohubble 960
    krisjackson01  about 11 years ago

    I’ve lived in Europe. There, nearly everyone is covered for nearly everything and they pay for it through their taxes … and they pay 7 or 8% of their income for it, unlike the 17% we pay here. They continuously marvel at the fact that people are fighting tooth and nail to not have health care in this country. They are puzzled that so many want to go back to the profit-centered model of the insurance companies controlling everything. Yes, it would be better if we had a public option, and we will at some point. But for the moment, Obamacare is a good step.

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  7. Topzdrum 1w
    Hawthorne  about 11 years ago

    The GOP didn’t need to read it. It was a thinly disguised remake of Romney’s Massachusetts health care.

    In terms of affordability, it is no better than what we have. I looked into it earlier this year, when it was found that my cancer had recurred. With two ‘pre-existing conditions’, coverage would have cost me my entire SS income. Since that’s all I have, it was … impractical, shall we say.

    When it is fully implemented, there is again going to be a huge gap between what people can actually afford, and what the government says they can afford. They’ll voucher out the indigent, no doubt, but the rest of us have been thrown under the bus. Again.

    Obama wanted single payer coverage, which is certainly the economical way to go. Which means that would be the best thing for the country, as well as for the people. But the Right wouldn’t hear of it.

    So Romney’s turd is Obama’s fault. Massachusetts is far from representative of the entire country. RomneyCare isn’t what we needed.

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  8. Epicfail
    danielse  about 11 years ago

    Which raises an obvious question: If ObamaCare will be so great, why did they set it up to not take effect until after Obama’s re-election?

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  9. Topzdrum 1w
    Hawthorne  about 11 years ago

    Sadly, you are right. What we needed was single payer coverage, which Obama was supportive of. However, it became crystal clear early on in his first term that the GOP would commit collective suicide before supporting that.

    And that’s what they did, more or less. So we’ve been thrown under the bus again.

    You are right that there is nothing ‘free’ about Medicare; it took us over four years to pay off my husband’s heart attack. I qualify this year, but I don’t see, really, where we will find the money for the supplemental insurance or the co pays.

    I did hear that the ‘donut hole’ has been done away with. Does anyone know if that’s true? If so, that is a real gain, but it doesn’t change the broader situation. The new coverage will be no more accessible than the old for a great many people.

    Unfunded mandates are also unconstitutional.

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  10. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  about 11 years ago

    Especially if the Republicans are running the gubbermint.

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    edward thomas Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Does Tigger only sneak on once a day, so he can cram all his garbage in multiple posts before he’s found ou by his Mommy?

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