Lisa Benson for January 01, 2013

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    nz4m60  over 11 years ago

    Sad… (and ignorant too)

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  2. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member over 11 years ago

    So, did Congress pass a budget like they were elected to do, or did they just pass themselves another pay raise?

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    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    Bad wreck, but everyone survived. Doesn’t even look like they got hurt. Maybe that means we can survive the impact of this stupidity as long as we learn from it.And also, American cars are much safer than they used to be. ;)I kind of feel the donkey was in the back seat yelling while the elephant was constantly grabbing at the steering wheel.Too bad Obama can’t control his party or influence the republicans. Besides, Obama can’t be the designated driver….the Secret Service doesn’t let him drive.With hopes that 2013 will be better,C.

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  4. Tigerfarts
    SpicyNacho Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Just what “day” did he save? He went on TV and blamed Republicans (even though Harry Reid and the Senate held up voting on anything of substance), and used the phrase “balanced approach” even though he has never considered spending cuts nor will he ever implement them.

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    Mickey 13  over 11 years ago
    “Obama saves the day – just as you didn’t.”

    Dr. C: Happy New Year. For cartoon purposes he may have saved something but in reality both parties, starting at the top, have failed the American people to do anything more than make a cosmetic change to a problem that requires radical surgery. Obama, Reid, Bohner, and McConnell all basically failed the American people and make us look like a laughing stock to the world. If it weren’t so serious it would be a lot like slapstick comedy…

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    Mickey 13  over 11 years ago

    “Obama wrote a royal proclamation giving them a pay raise. (Oh, that’s “executive order”, I keep forgetting.)”*That is the greatest insult of all. They sit on their hands and do nothing and get a raise. If I had their record when in the business environment I would have been fired.

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  7. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  over 11 years ago

    Well finally, we agree on something, gore bane. Let’s go over the cliff. Really more like a curb to step off of. It won’t hurt.

    As long as everyone is paying their fair share in taxes, I’m happy.

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    joe vignone  over 11 years ago

    The Reeps ran up the debt to starve the government of money to fund social programs. Now they get to cut those programs in the name of austerity for the poor.

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  9. 6907
    dpbriley  over 11 years ago

    I’m not a “neocon,” but I believe in fiscal responsibility.Seriously, you on the left keep saying everyone has to pay their “Fair Share,” but you keep refusing to define what that is. It’s just a code word for we want more money from those who make more because we can’t be responsible with our current level of income.So, I’m to be penalized for investing in my education, risking my income, savings, sacrificing my time and improving myself to increase my salary and improve my lot in life?If I make more then you I am paying a higher percentage of my income in Federal taxes then you are, it’s really quite simple, if you are taxed at 23% on your AGI and I pay 32% on my AGI, then I am paying more then you.Stop the word games.

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    It’s Boehner insisting on being the driver, and he’s blind drunk.

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    dpbriley  over 11 years ago

    There was nothing round about in the logic and everyone has the same opportunity for deductions and loopholes, the tax laws apply to everyone. Just because you do not take the opportunities presented in the tax code doesn’t mean others shouldn’t. The only thing I proved was that the sound bite of over 7K millionaires didn’t pay any taxes, was just that, a sound bite without context and substance and that wasn’t even hard. I also noticed you failed to focus on any of the other points, like the various reasons for zero taxes being paid and that they were valid and within the law. You just can’t bring yourself to admit that they were within their rights, followed the law and did nothing wrong. You would rather demonize them, like I said above, SCREW THEM, THEY’RE RICH, circumstances be DAMNED!Also, those that invest are given better tax rates because the money is at risk, you do understand that concept, right? If I invest $1000 in X corporation there is no guarantee of a higher return and the possibility of a loss. The government understands and that is one of the reasons investment income is taxed differently.It’s only a dream because the politicians won’t vote for it, it wouldn’t allow them to play favorites with their various constituencies. Most of the people I know would rather have a flat tax system in place with less rules and regulations, it’s not the people that don’t want it, it’s the government.

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    dpbriley  over 11 years ago

    Oh, and another thing, don’t attribute things to me that I have never said.And like D PB posted, the republicans think no one should pay a higher rate than the poorest tax bracket, but the richest paying less than the poorest is okay. I’ve never said that, you really need to work on your reading comprehension.

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  13. 6907
    dpbriley  over 11 years ago

    Oh, and to punch one more hole in your diatribe, other then basic services like police, fire, education and things of the like, the government does not provide other services.Water, electricity, sewer and other utility services with rare exception are not provided by the government and you pay for those services based on usage, not a government supported system. Also, in today’s world, developers build the basic infrastructure including roads, sewer lines, electricity services, water services, etc. and they pass along the costs to the people buying the house, it’s not built by the government. In order to get building permits these are a requirement, as well as building some of the additional infrastructure usually supplied by the government, like parks, Police Stations, Fire Stations and School buildings. I know you may not understand that or have any experience in it, but it’s fact in this state and probably in others as well.Very little government infrastructure is built these days without private investment, you may recall that bond thing from earlier, or by extortion from builders to get it built.

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  14. Tmsho icon60
    josefw  over 11 years ago

    I read the first 2011 link provided. The 7000 that did not pay taxes in 2011. First of all that .002% of the population. Did you read this article? Because in it it states:One is tax tricks. The IRS should crack down more. Two is relying heavily on investments. The administration can try to level taxes for earned income and investment income. Third is great misfortunes.

    One-I agree with. Two-I don’t have a problem with as earned and investment income are two different things and we want people to invest. Three-even you would not demand money from a family that has been devastated from illness or natural disaster.

    Yes, these are facts, however they really do not pertain to the relevant conversation and the point you are trying to make.

    Look at this article and understand what the Bush tax cuts really did:

    Got to go, it’s late. Thanks for the comments on the other thread. Hope you are feeling better! Happy New Year!

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  15. Tmsho icon60
    josefw  over 11 years ago

    My Bad!

    Think I typed a B instead of a P html command

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  16. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  over 11 years ago

    Or we could apportion votes according to IQ scores.

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  17. 6907
    dpbriley  over 11 years ago

    Gosh, just no time to spank up on you again this morning, but let’s just take a quick example of your prowess at responsive and logical posting.What pray tell is does " ilegal loopholes weren’t legal" mean? If it’s illegal, spelling corrected, then it can’t be legal. A loophole is a legal way to avoid paying taxes, usually created for a special interest group or segment of the population.It appears the only one derping (?) here is you.

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  18. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    D PB: BPA (Bonnevill Power Admninistration), TVA, “cheap” coal from federal and state lands, “cheap” oil (to the mega-corps) from the Gulf, and federal lands (states charge more, as to private land owners), subsidies from the taxpayer (govrnment) are highest for “energy” companies and “agribusiness”, which mostly large corporations, NOT “mom and pop” operations. Without government, energy would be much more costly, and don’t even start on what folks in New Orleans and other areas for private companies to build and maintain levees and dikes to protect their land in flood plains.

    My water and sewer services have been provided by “government” in most areas where I’ve lived, and electicity has been provided by either government projects like BPA, and distributed across rights of way granted at cheap rates anywhere in the west. Nuclear power is also highly subsidized, even if “private” corporations run the plants.

    I agree with Ansonia on one element: I too cringe at how little the public, or “man on the street” knows about issues, and find it especially disturbing how little the “anti-government right wingers” know about much of anything, but they will cite Rush like good dittoheads, and never investigate the truth.

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    lonecat  over 11 years ago

    Evidently I didn’t explain my tax system clearly enough. The point is that everyone is treated in exactly the same way — that’s my claim to fairness. As soon as you make $50,000, you pay 5%, just like everyone else. As soon as you make another $50,000, you pay 10% on that, just like everyone else. As soon as you make another $50,000, you pay 15% on that, just like everyone else. And so on. What could be more fair? Everyone is treated exactly the same way.

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  20. Tigerfarts
    SpicyNacho Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Eryx said: “What would the point be for someone to work hard and succeed and earn a million for example? The only one I could see is so that someone making $20K could live as well as the millionaire with all he could get from redistribution.” Somehow, your statement makes me doubt that anyone anywhere is thrusting a million dollars at you, much less that you would turn it down."*I get that you are stretching your point to insult me. I hope you are are smart enough to see the difference in someone thrusting money at me and money that I have worked hard to earn. If someone is giving me a million dollars I am going to be more receptive to the higher tax rate than if I put blood sweat and tears to earn that million, and would think twice if the return after gov’t was not enough.*I have had numerous opportunities and promotions throughout the years. Some I have gone after and some I have not if the incremental income was not enough to offset demands on time, family, stress, and moving chaos.

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