John Deering for April 28, 2024

  1. 2005 christmas pictures 037
    Zuhl's Wife  about 1 month ago

    The shyster lawyers are trying to claim that their MAGA client would first have to be impeached before he could be criminally charged. for anything before, during, and after his term of office,

    Yeah, right, as if a “jury” of corrupt MAGA Senators would impeach their mob boss. Just ask Mitch about that.

    MAGA SCOTUS justice Alito claims that “Congress has no Constitutional authority” to regulate ethics behavior of the Supreme Court. I guess that means Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 will be very, very disappointed.

    The shyster lawyers conceded that a criminal President’s minions could be prosecuted for their crimes, but not the mob boss who ordered them. And besides, crimes like bribery is considered not to be an official act (which is immune from prosecution), but a personal self-interest act, which does not have that immunity.

    Gee, funny how Justice Thomas didn’t weigh in on that one…

    Having been groomed for years by the Federalist Society, this MAGA court has no honor, no decency, and no integrity. And they don’t care, even as they laugh and spit in our faces.

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  2. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  about 1 month ago

    Let’s be fair. — It’s the five reactionaries and their deluded chief, not the three conservative Democrats who choose not to move in that direction of the Uncle Thomas Court.

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  3. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member about 1 month ago

    That is nausea-inducing.

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    A# 466  about 1 month ago

    You mean it’s not already?

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    librarylady59  about 1 month ago

    The Nation published “The Supreme Court Is Broken. How do we fix it?”

    Ryan Doerfler suggests stripping total power from the Court. "Considering the history of the federal right to abortion helps to reveal the severe limitations of relying on a juricentric approach to securing fundamental rights… What this history suggests is that the most plausible path to a meaningful right… is through federal legislation rather than judicial edict… By invoking its power under Article III to make “exceptions” to the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction over most cases and its total discretion over most cases and its total discretion over the existence or “inferior” federal courts, Congress could – and should – insulate legislation like the Women’s Health Protection Act from judicial invalidation by including a provision withdrawing from any court the right to consider challenges to the constitutionality of that law.

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    Chazz  about 1 month ago

    That’s one minority I do not root for.

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    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 month ago

    Eric Trump suggests he can’t buy ‘skin lotion’ at the local CVS because of Biden

    The republican fascist party is arrogant and easily irritated.

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    ncorgbl  about 1 month ago

    As Zuhl’s Wife said, and bear repeating:

    "Having been groomed for years by the Federalist Society, this MAGA court has no honor, no decency, and no integrity. And they don’t care, even as they laugh and spit in our faces.
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    rlaker22j  about 1 month ago

    if they give him immunity that means Joe can shoot him and get away with it right and wipe out anybody[the house reps]long as he is the prez

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    Grandma Lea  about 1 month ago

    tRump should have thought about immunity when he made his public statements where he claims he did not take the oath of office for presidency, if he did not take that oath, then legally he was not president; so he has no legal right for claiming immunity as he was just a con-artist playing president

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    smartman  about 1 month ago

    They really should have asked if the President had the ability to haul Supreme Court justices off to jail. Though I doubt that would have dented the RWNJs on the Court. They’re woefully unqualified and owe their loyalty not to the Constitution but to Trump. Suppose the Corrupt 6 gives a POTUS any immunity at all. In that case, every single legit candidate for POTUS from the Democratic Party will be eliminated or jailed just like they are in every 3rd world s-hole country, which coincidentally we will be if the Orange Fuhrer wins.

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  12. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Looks like Trump has a whole new set of “Junior Law Partners” that will “assist” him in his various scams and grifts. They’ll keep him out of jail too!

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    babka Premium Member about 1 month ago

    check out a documentary called BAD FAITH & be afraid. be very afraid, & take action to defeat Christian Nationalism any way you can.

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