Img 1050a2

Grandma Lea Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 2 hours ago on Kevin Necessary Editorial Cartoons

    Imagen people with free will, next thing you know they will want individual freedom, especially as they are not members of some lunatic religious organization who feel they can impose their tripe on the remainder of society without paying the consequences

  2. about 2 hours ago on Clay Jones

    it is obvious not don’t judge unbribed, one of my black friends said he is just a DAN

  3. about 2 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    with all the girls talking is that insurrection of in sufficient erection; probably both knowing that looser

  4. about 2 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    guess he equates to the rest of the lint in there, how much is ginny renting him for this week

  5. about 6 hours ago on ViewsAmerica

    No it is not often that the federal government (congress) spends over 10 million dollars on a case that according to federal statistics gets the perpetrator probation for the first offence

  6. about 6 hours ago on Mike Luckovich

    it is over their head, but then again so is snail poop

  7. about 7 hours ago on Joe Heller

    Yep got one with 0 political affiliation, never worked for the government in any way shape or form, makes him a good target to spend hundreds of million in tax payers money to get a conviction for something that at its most according to statically records, resulted in probation for first offenders. Not like 34 convictions where there should be no probation because of the displayed distrainment for the law.

  8. about 7 hours ago on John Deering

    Always wondered how tRumpface does that, bone spurs throws golfers off their swing; only way he could get the games he claims he has had is if he was lying about having bone spurs or cheating; of course he is noted for both!

  9. about 7 hours ago on Matt Davies

    Show us the proof and have a grand jury convened to look through it;

  10. about 7 hours ago on Chris Britt

    those who cry last are the survivors and the dead’s families