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Recent Comments

  1. about 20 hours ago on Gary Varvel

    Ah… I see. Just fine and righteous to railroad Democrats into jail but not a man who was tried and found guilty by a jury of his peers… probably smarter and more ethical than he.

  2. about 20 hours ago on Rob Rogers

    I do wish President Biden would pause all assistance until Bibi either toes the line or is forced out of office. I really don’t appreciate my tax dollars are being used to kill children and other civilians.

  3. about 20 hours ago on Pedro X. Molina

    I feel so bad for Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. Imagine you have reached the epitome of your profession and it turns out it’s full of immoral, unethical magas.

  4. about 20 hours ago on John Deering

    He did not like the jokes President [at the time] Obama made about him. Hubris led him to run. When he was president, I’d comment on his FB page… if he hadn’t ridden down the ‘golden’ escalator’, he’d still be a private citizen – lying, grifting, breaking laws – and no one would pay attention. Now, he’s in trouble and it’s all because of his hubris… and let’s not forget, he’s a *malignant narcissistic psychopath.

    *The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President, ed by Bandy Lee

  5. about 21 hours ago on Bill Bramhall

    Trump could still vote for himself after New York conviction if he’s not in prison on Election Day – Associated Press

  6. about 21 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    Plugging their ears… lalala.

  7. about 21 hours ago on Mike Luckovich

    In the conclusion to their paper, Petersen and his co-authors write that the need for chaos emerges from the interplay among “dominance-oriented” traits (i.e., a preference for traditional social hierarchies), feelings of marginalization, and intense anger toward elites. Together, these traits would seem to apply to several voting groups: white conservative men nostalgic for the patriarchy; independents who are furious about elite institutional failures during and after the pandemic; and culturally conservative, nonwhite Americans, especially men, who might feel marginalized by racism and economic inequality but also rue the latest waves of #MeToo feminism. Indeed, all of these groups are shifting toward the Republican Party under Trump. – “The Americans Who Need Chaos”They’re embracing nihilism and upending politics.By Derek Thompson The Atlantic, Feb 2024

  8. about 21 hours ago on Mike Luckovich

    Bull Twinkies

  9. 3 days ago on Jeff Stahler

    Gaia is hurting. I think of it as a person with cancer who’d do anything to get rid of it.

  10. 3 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    Some folks revel in chaos and nihilism.