Ted Rall for February 07, 2024

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  4 months ago

    I’m actually right in the middle of something slightly similar. But I’m not experiencing anything at all similar to this vignette. Nor have I ever seen it in play. I presume Rall must have SOME basis since he usually does, but it’s completely unlike my experience and that of all my friends and relatives.

    And not a single one of “my” health care professionals has ever mentioned politics even peripherally.

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    David_the_CAD  4 months ago

    Or you could use the NRA health care plan.

    You get a gun with 1 bullet to use as you choose.

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  3. 20130202 084632
    Plumb.Bob Premium Member 4 months ago

    The ACA saved my life. The one time in my life that I can put my finger on a specific thing a president did that benefitted me directly. Now I know how the mega rich feel!

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  4. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member 4 months ago

    That looks nothing like King Charles.

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  5. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 4 months ago

    I guess Ted is doing an allegory of some kind here?

    He’s saying that democracy in the U.S. is comparable to stage four cancer and Democrats aren’t doing anything to save it?


    IF that’s the case, Ted seems to have forgotten his prescription pad.


    I agree that Democrats have pretty much always been deficient in attack dogs.

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  6. Img 1754  2
    GiantShetlandPony  4 months ago

    Nope, it’s the Repubs that believe in thoughts and prayers, and other hocus pocus. A Democratic doctor believes not only in science, but doing no harm to their patients. They certainly weren’t the ones prescribing Ivermectin for Covid.

    Anyway, I’m going to take this as a deflection for Orange Traitor telling people in Iowa to make sure they get to the caucus to make him their republican presidential candidate. As long as they voted before dying, he was quite OK with that. That’s something Putin’s Orange Puppet actually said.

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    Olddog1  4 months ago

    How is this a reference to the Republicans stalling the border bill until after the election? /s

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    uhohlol  4 months ago

    Seems like a pathetic attempt at messaging, ted.

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    Jke ast Premium Member 4 months ago

    Ted, what is todays rant supposed to say?

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  10. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  4 months ago

    WOW! Ted REALLY hates Democrats doesn’t he?

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    steveconkey2003  4 months ago

    Just say your a migrant…..Best healthcare ever, free.

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  12. Butlerasa2
    The Butler  4 months ago

    The dream I had last night: Biden wins in a close election even though Trump is incarserated. Biden serves only two years of his term because of bad health. Kamala Harris becomes president. Gavin Newsom is installed as vice president. Forward to 2028. Newsom challenges Harris and wins the presidency. Trump dies of chronic diarrhea in federal prison the day of President Newsom’s inauguration .

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    ChristopherBurns  4 months ago


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  14. Lifi
    rossevrymn  4 months ago

    Biden is gonna win…………………Let me git ahead of the next DMZ podcast. Under their theme of Biden is too old, the 2 self-proclaimed Francophiles, Stanti and Ted Rall will be all over Biden mistaking current French President Macron for former President Mitterrand……………………..Biden is, in fact, too old. The orange idiot is, in fact, too old and crazy and evil and a dolt, who smells bad because he may be pooping himself and is wearing a diaper. We are in a binary situation, for those of us who are realists. Ted is more of a romantic, operating partly in a world that never existed, idealist, which is ok because we someone to do it, so can we better identify our positions on our planes of existence…………….Ted is…………………………….over there………….yeah, see that dot on the horizon, no not that, that’s Marx…………….no, the one further out there, yeah, you need to squint, …………………..well, squint harder……………that’s it, that’s him.

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  15. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 months ago

    A vote for Trump’s anti public health republican minion party is a vote for cancer.

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    newyorkslim  4 months ago

    Democrats combine two dangerous traits — incompetence and fanatical determination to control our lives and thoughts.

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    preacherman Premium Member 4 months ago

    It’s true that many of us Dems would like to see a more energized Biden, and we still hope he’ll show some life closer to the election. But, this ‘24 looks to be a rehash of ’20 although the basement strategy will probably not work as well. Joe will have to get his face out there, though he’ll have the advantage of not being seen in a trial, scowling at a judge. Coming on as the defender of Democracy is playing fairly well, but he’ll need to promote his employment numbers, gains by unions, lowering of inflation, lowering of unemployment numbers, and all the things that should make Biden seem like the only choice for our nation.

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  18. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 4 months ago

    Here’s how the United States has fared since President Joe Biden took office three years ago:The economy added more than 14 million jobs. The number is now nearly 4.9 million higher than before the pandemic.The unemployment rate dropped back to just above the pre-pandemic low; unfilled job openings again outnumber unemployed job seekers.Inflation spiked to the highest level in over 40 years. Despite recent moderation, consumer prices are up nearly 18% overall during Biden’s time. Gasoline is up 29%.Average weekly earnings haven’t kept pace with prices. After adjusting for inflation, “real” weekly earnings declined 3.4%.Defying expectations, the nation’s economy expanded 2.5% in 2023, marking the third straight year of economic growth.Crime data show a decrease in murders in U.S. cities in 2022 and 2023.The S&P 500 has increased 28.2%.The number of apprehensions of those trying to cross the southern border illegally remains near historical highs. For the 12 months ending in November, apprehensions are up 296%.For the third straight year, gun purchases declined, as measured by background checks for firearm sales.Crude oil production is up 12.7%; imports are up 8.7%.The trade deficit for goods and services is about 20.9% higher.The number of people without health insurance has gone down; enrollment in Affordable Care Act marketplace plans is at its highest point yet.The number of people receiving federal food assistance has declined by more than 700,000.The publicly held debt has increased by about 24.7%.www factcheck org/2024/01/bidens-numbers-january-2024-update/

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    piper_gilbert  4 months ago

    I am currently receiving chemo for cancer, and I find someone making a comic on this subject to make a political statement beyond evil. I will pray for this evil soul.

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    ncorgbl  4 months ago

    Baloney. The only ones putting anyone in jeopardy from any health coverage are Republican/conservatives who tried to end the ACA, and tRump who begs for donations, sneakily withdrawing monthly from bank accounts who intended only one contribution, and spends the money on his own defense and legal costs.

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  21. Inbound to iraq  2
    Scoutmaster77  4 months ago

    Mr. Rall, I usually find your “cartoons” interesting. However, you scrapped the bottom of the barrel with this one and came up empty-handed. :-|

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  22. Catch22
    SusanMontgomery2  4 months ago

    Why did she go to the NHS in the first place?

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