Ted Rall for June 11, 2021

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  about 3 years ago

    Welcome to the two party system where you generally end up voting for the lesser of two weevils. I was interested to see that the next generation seems to be much less divided on such issues and will apparently be quite interested in NON-party government systems. See for instance an instance in which Ireland choose a group by lottery (NOT experts chosen by politicians) to deal with a very difficult partisan issue… with considerable success.

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    Judge Magney  about 3 years ago

    Obama care may not be perfect, but it’s meant access to real health care for millions of Americans. And if we didn’t have it and it’s protection for people with pre-existing conditions, millions of COVID survivors would be priced out of affordable health care. So screw off, Ted Rall.

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    GiantShetlandPony  about 3 years ago

    The greater irony is the Republicans wanting voter ID, but not wanting valid proof of vaccination cards.

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    79nysv  about 3 years ago

    We need a new form of Government. We have been sold out by both current parties.

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  5. Hague1
    IAMTHELAW Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Ted hit the nail on the head today.

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  6. Glam rock days
    sykerocker  about 3 years ago

    Ok, I’ll go with that. Now, how does that figure with this past Tuesday’s Virginia Democratic primary, which had the third highest turnout ever, and watched pretty much every progressive and self-described “socialist” candidate defeated. In a couple of cases losing their chance for re-election to seats they already held. The usual trope is that, “if real progressives are given a chance to run rather than the inevitable watered-down moderate, we’ll conquer.” In practice, for Virginia at least, it doesn’t seem to work that well. This in a state that has pretty much stepped out of the purple into reliable blue.

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  7. Download
    artegal  about 3 years ago

    Can someone please give an example of a form of I.D. that is required to vote that “you can’t get.” I’m genuinely curious.

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  8. Pine marten3
    martens  about 3 years ago

    Well, Ted, a revolution is exactly what the Trump people want also. Maybe you should join with them the next time they storm the Capitol.

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  9. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member about 3 years ago

    The Republicans want to keep you from having a living wage and decent health care. They know that if you understood that all that is standing in the way of the Democrats making that happen is the Republicans that they would never win another election. Consequently, they have to keep as many people from voting as possible, and as many of those who do vote confused enough to vote against their own best interest.

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    StackableContainers  about 3 years ago

    I’ve never wished that despite the result of any election and how the people elected carried out their jobs. People that do wish they hadn’t voted need to stop whining and become useful to society.

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    ferddo  about 3 years ago

    Yeah, we often only get to choose among lousy candidates – but that’s still better than not being allowed to vote at all…

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  12. Fighting irish hood auto decal 2000x
    ndblackirish97  about 3 years ago

    Wait. What? Yeah GOP want to limit voting access and opportunities to vote in order to maintain minority rule. But Dems want you to regret voting? I agree these is always much regret in voting for a Democrat who breaks their campaign promises but these days the two party system gives you Conservative and Conservative-lite candidates to choose between. Conservative-lite, I mean Moderate, wants you to believe they are pro-worker and not pro-corporate. It sucks balls…our election system that has failed to be a fair multi-party system since the Civil War.

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    jvscanlan Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Progressives are like children who have yet to take any civics class

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  14. Professor chaos
    countoftowergrove  about 3 years ago

    I beginning to think that Theodore is a true Bernie bro in that he doesn’t bother to vote. It’s been my voting life experience that democrats fail to live up their aspirations and the GQPers never fail to not live up to the bar of common decency.Remember Ted, it’s nobler fail in the pursuit of aspiration because it’s the lesser evil.

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  15. Anger
    grumpypophobart  about 3 years ago

    Seems to me, the people themselves don’t want to fight for higher wages. They accept Republican and thew wealthy argument that one need not join a union. Not everything can be sheeted home to politicians. People themselves need to take up the cudgels against exploitation.

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    GiantShetlandPony  about 3 years ago

    This cartoon is another attempt to make people vote against their interests and vote for the Republican fascist machine.

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  17. Girlyman throw
    359mxn  about 3 years ago

    I’m trying to figure out the logic here and have failed.

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  18. Sevasleeping
    Serial Pedant  about 3 years ago

    It’s easy to gain all those social goals; all they gotta do is get Joe ‘Pinko’ Manchin and Kirsten ‘Fence Sitter’ Synema to vote as Democrats every now and then.

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  19. My personal icon
    cocavan11  about 3 years ago

    Rall deliberately continues to misread the causes of political and economic problems rather than to explain the problems’ true sources (in most cases, the pigheaded traitorousness of Manchin and Sinema). Rall’s FAVORITE implication is that we Democrats could solve all our nation’s political and economic problems as easily as flipping on a light switch. Rall KNOWS BETTER, but it suits his purposes to sow chaos by assigning blame to victims and taking smug, personal credit for what is actually blurred and misleading insight. Rall assiduously avoids intelligent, educated, and objective takes on politics and economics in favor of confused and confusing misrepresentations of reality.

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