Ted Rall for September 01, 2010

  1. Big dipper
    SuperGriz  almost 14 years ago

    “Your satisfaction is our eternal pursuit.” HA!

    I don’t want to be pursued for eternity.

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  2. Vanilla ice cool as ice
    edmondd  almost 14 years ago

    I wonder, if a police state would pay you to be under surveillance, say, 1000 dlls per week, would you have any complains? Einstein was right I guess, all is relative!

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  3. Vanilla ice cool as ice
    edmondd  almost 14 years ago

    By the way I want to wrest the Armed Forces from the Pentagon, reinstate the draft, and bring about democracy to the military, i.e., give soldiers the right to vote to see if a war is worth fighting for. Vote for me! Edmond for Benevolent Dictator.

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    Bilword  almost 14 years ago

    That’s a good one!

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    Bilword  almost 14 years ago

    I mean Ted Rall’s cartoon. Not the comments.

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    radicalmom  almost 14 years ago

    having called myself a liberal thinker for a few decades now, i can grok this cartoon. but the realist in me allows for thinking which progresses outside that box to acknowledge that even women and people of color are not without some shred of inhumanity or meanness. we are all guilty of hurtful behaviors at one point or another. it’s time to get over ourselves and see the deeper things which make us who we are.

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    4uk4ata  almost 14 years ago

    ^ duh. Belief, sex, race - we all equal in our ability to be insufferable idiots.

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  8. Raccoon1
    sirrom567  almost 14 years ago

    Ah, the blood! The bones! The facial hair! Good times.

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    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Perhaps it’s similar to Avatar, etc. where the bad guys are always unapologetic white males. A stereotype that whites are the essence of all evil, which is absolutely baseless and stupid.

    It could also point to Biblical interpretations, which place women and people of color further down on the moral totem pole.

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    Metzengerstein  almost 14 years ago

    But that guard on the left does not appear to be a woman or a man of color.

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    lonecat  almost 14 years ago

    ^^ Definitely a woman. I think this cartoon is a dig at liberals, and I also think it’s pretty funny.

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  12. Raccoon1
    sirrom567  almost 14 years ago

    The woman guard has Rall boobs. Look closely.

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    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    ^^ There’re some hints of boobage there…

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  14. Vanilla ice cool as ice
    edmondd  almost 14 years ago

    it’s a Gitmo-like place, with the acceptance of homosexual women and colored people in the armed guard forces, so liberals are now satisfied.

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  15. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    The thing to remember, though, is that when Rall criticizes the Liberals he does so from the position of a Radical, not a Conservative.

    If you don’t like the Liberal agenda, you’d be apoplectic over what Rall would put in its place. Or do you merely believe “The enemy of my enemy is my friend?”

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  16. Raccoon1
    sirrom567  almost 14 years ago

    Well said, fritzoid. I’m glad there’s one truly radical cartoonist.

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  17. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    I don’t always agree with him (pretty seldom lately, actually), but I sure like reading him…

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  18. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    “it’s a Gitmo-like place, with the acceptance of homosexual women and ”

    I was unaware that a woman being string and confident in the military automatically made her homosexual.
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    rottenprat  almost 14 years ago

    Equal Opportunity Employment, et al, displayed as being more important than individuals properly trained to detain violent criminals. Satire even Juvenal could be proud of.

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  20. Vanilla ice cool as ice
    edmondd  almost 14 years ago

    Sorry Jade but if you compare a group of homosexual women with another group of heterosexual ones, you would immediately know which one is which by looking at some members. Some individuals choose to stereotype themselves, that is, the way they look and carry themselves, to make their preference quite obvious to the members of their own sex.

    Now this is a cartoon, and I might have made a wrong inference in this regard– only Ted knows. But to make an issue out of it would be missing the point, as being either a homosexual or a woman, or both at the same time, makes the cartoon message representative of a subject matter which liberals in particular care and advocate for, and in this instance seeing some advancement in issues they support, but which might blind them from seeing how this administration has failed to show a deeper sense of fairness, humanity and justice in other respects.

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    coot31  almost 14 years ago

    I’m with ahab. I believe it’s a comment on “…hope and change…” or the lack thereof.

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    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    “Sorry Jade but if you compare a group of homosexual women with another group of heterosexual ones, you would immediately know which one is which by looking at some members. Some individuals choose to stereotype themselves, that is, the way they look and carry themselves, to make their preference quite obvious to the members of their own sex.”

    As someone who hangs out with crowds of both, I’m pretty certain you’re wrong. I think trying to apply such blanket rules based on appearance will wind up with you being wrong far more often than ‘right,’ but even a broken clock is right twice a day.
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  23. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    “Sorry Jade but if you compare a group of homosexual women with another group of heterosexual ones, you would immediately know which one is which by looking at some members. Some individuals choose to stereotype themselves, that is, the way they look and carry themselves, to make their preference quite obvious to the members of their own sex.”

    It’s a question of your pool of data. If you have a group of five lesbians, quite possibly one or more will fit the stereotype(s). If you have 50 lesbians, your number will presumably be larger. But if you have 50 straight women, quite possibly a number of them will fit the lesbian stereotype.

    If you remove the 5 or 10 “most obvious” lesbians from the one group, and the 5 or 10 “most obvious” straights from the other, you’ll be left with two groups of 40-45 women that are pretty indistinguishable…

    The big problem with identifying a group by its most stereotypical members is that it leads you to underestimate their numbers. You tend to think “Oh, I don’t see any Bulldykes or Swishy Queens around, therefore everyone around me is straight.” If that’s your reasoning, I can assure you you’re quite wrong.

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  24. Big dipper
    SuperGriz  almost 14 years ago


    You are an idiot.

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  25. Big dipper
    SuperGriz  almost 14 years ago

    Irony, irony, all is irony!

    with a Bugs Bunny accent…

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  26. Vanilla ice cool as ice
    edmondd  almost 14 years ago

    ^ yeah lol especially when you go all Jennifer Aniston on somebody considering the politically correct atmosphere around here

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    myming  almost 14 years ago

    obviously, there is NO politically correct atmosphere around here…

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  28. Vanilla ice cool as ice
    edmondd  almost 14 years ago

    My mistake. Make that: “yeah lol especially when you go all Jennifer Aniston on somebody considering the previous discussion.”

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  29. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    I thought the phrase was “go all Monica”, i.e. Courtney Cox. Don’t really know what it means, but that’s how I’ve heard it.

    Apart from that, though, I’m with ahab.

    (That Bradley Cooper guy isn’t still sniffing around her, is he? I don’t like him one bit…)

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  30. Big dipper
    SuperGriz  almost 14 years ago

    Since when is “irony” politically correct?. Or Bugs Bunny for that matter?

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    vatonaught  almost 14 years ago

    For some reason my wife doesn’t get this one.

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  32. Notrump
    wmclay  almost 14 years ago

    Ahhhh! The female guard has short hair. That’s why she’s an obvious lesbian!

    Thanks for the heads up, edmondd!

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    badmojo  almost 14 years ago

    It is not that we radicals want to put something more, shall we say, gee whiz, radical in the place of liberal drivel. We just get nauseated at the constant self-congratulatory attitude so many liberals have for accomplishing so little and thinking it is progress. I, for one, have no illusions.

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    parkersinthehouse  almost 14 years ago

    delusions, though

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    kinrabe  over 13 years ago

    Uh… OK, geniuses. The point is that liberals are defending the new American regime even though it is useless and we continue to regress into a police state. He’s exaggerating, suggesting such people would be happy in a concentration camp as long as there was diversity.

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