Mike Luckovich for December 17, 2023

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member 6 months ago

    Trump’s first impeachment was because he was holding aid to Ukraine hostage until Zelensky provided some dirt on Biden.

    Zelensky still has not provided (read: “made up” or “FIBricated”) any of the imaginary dirt on Biden that the TrumpubliKKKlan cult worshippers so covet, so Republicans are still doing Trump’s bidding, continuing to hold aid to Ukraine hostage, just as Trump demanded.

    Of course, they will try to hem and haw and spin and obfuscate and make up all kinds of other excuses for stabbing an ally in the back, but we all know it is all about doing the bidding of Trump and Putin.

    The once-respected Republican Party of the 1950’s all the way up until 2015 — when they were merely greedy in their aggressive efforts to REDISTRIBUTE wealth from the working people who produce it to the few richest elites who own and control the productive resources but were not traitors aiding and abetting our adversaries — was deeply opposed to Russian aggression.

    Today’s Republican Party, which has become nothing more than the TrumpubliKKKlan cult worshipping their “Orange Jesus” (their term), hates Zelensky because, unlike the Republicans, Zelensky has enough character and fortitude to refuse to surrender to Russian domination the way they did.

    TrumpubliKKKlan cult worshippers are just continuing to aid and abet Trump’s support for a tyrannical dictator in Moscow over a freedom fighter in Kiev.

    If you think standing with our allies is expensive, wait until you see the cost of abandoning them.

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  2. Question 63916 960 720
    knutdl  6 months ago

    Russia or GOP?

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  3. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 6 months ago

    From DD Wiz:

    “If you think standing with our allies is expensive, wait until you see the cost of abandoning them.”


    This bears repeating in many, many places.

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    happyinvenice23  6 months ago

    Good morning Mike, DD, Great portrait of the trump repubs, this is exactly what you can expect daily from a trump congress !

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    aristoclesplato9  6 months ago

    Russia is not capable of swallowing up Ukraine.

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  6. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  6 months ago

    Honestly makes you wonder why US just put ground forces

    You did with vietnam and Korean wars why be inconsistent now ?

    Biden could end the war in a week maybe less

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    cdward  6 months ago

    The Republicans really are evil, aren’t they?

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    baroden Premium Member 6 months ago

    Since when did Republicans ever care about living breathing people? If these were simply a collection of cells unable to survive outside of their highly controlled environment, they’d be all over “caring”. Once they pop out of though, screw ‘em. They’re on their own. You know, bootstraps and all that other BS.

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  9. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  6 months ago

    Republicans blocked aid to Israel also.

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    leonardonyc  6 months ago

    Obama and the Biden are the ones who let Russia invade Ukraine they ignore all warnings and now suddenly are so worried. And why would you not care about you own border at the same time?

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  11. Sunimage
    Sun  6 months ago

    Russia’s Vladimir Putin owns Joe Biden.

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  12. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  6 months ago

    People should watch the video from Traitor Trump’s meeting with Putin in Helsinki. Notice the difference in Trump before the closed door meeting with Putin and afterwards, when Trump was so subdued. Obviously Putin told Trump exactly who was the poodle and who was the owner.

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  13. Plsa button
    Richard S Russell Premium Member 6 months ago

    A word of thanks to the sane commenters here who are resisting the undeniably powerful urge to reply directly to the trolls. Let ’em starve! Might be good for them in the long run. Oh, and in case you’re ever wondering “Who on Earth would like a trollish comment like this?”, just hover your cursor over the little number to the right of the heart and you’ll see that it’s a coven of fellow trolls. The worst of them have taken to replying to their own comments in an effort to make them seem more popular.

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    Arghhgarrr Premium Member 6 months ago

    What are those Republican politicians going to say when the pictures of Russian tanks rolling into Kiev and the summary executions of “rebels” and all those refugees start to show up 25/7 on the news?

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    AtomicForce91 Premium Member 6 months ago

    Please explain to me how any other country is the business of America? Why not get involved with China and Taiwan while we are at it?

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  16. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 6 months ago

    Typical Rethugliecons don’t care about anything, save themselves. They hurt a lot of people, and they won’t stop anytime soon.

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    My First Premium Member 6 months ago

    Dems – “We must fight to the death to protect Ukraine’s Borders”.U.S. Citizens – “What about our borders”?Dems – “Crickets”. Guess you wouldn’t want to stop potential democrat voters. Everybody knows that people dependent upon government tend to vote democratic.

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  18. Sign
    Henwood  6 months ago

    ^^If the border weren’t secure, how could Johnson (your guy) adjourn Congress before having passed a bill funding more measures?

    Trolls are stupid.

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