Lisa Benson for June 07, 2016

  1. Shakes
    shakeswilly  about 8 years ago

    Coincidentally, Herr Drumpf is of German descent. If we use Trumo logic here we should call him a Nazi, just for that.

    His rhetoric is also disturbingly similar to that of the Nazis. He has expressed admiration of megalomaniacs like Putin. No wonder the likes of David Duke are drawn to him. Will we make the same mistake the German people made in the 1920s and 30s ?

    Party of Lincoln, how low have you sunk ?

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    Odon Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Trump’s foreign policy to date has been hiring temp’s to work for him.

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    twclix  about 8 years ago

    A partial list of Mr. Trump’s foreign policy stances:- Ban Muslims from entering the US- Build a wall on the southern US border- Cripple NATO and our other alliances- Promote the acquisition (and possible use!!!) of nuclear weapons- Kill all women and children who are under ISIS control- Making torture an acceptable practice for the US- Extol the virtues of Vlad Putin- Start a global trade war

    Yeah, that’s the ticket. Vote for Trump. Yikes, what are these people who like Trump thinking? Oh yeah, they don’t think. They emote.

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    dipierro Premium Member about 8 years ago

    I agree with Ms. Benson about 1% of the time (if not less), but this cartoon speaks for me.

    Look at Clinton’s recent foreign policy speech, and her history. She is totally invested in having certain nations defined as enemies. Trump at least is a businessman who made his living making deals. There’s much to dislike about him, but I’m not convinced he’ll cause as much suffering as she will.

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    kline0800  about 8 years ago

    my theory about this cartoon=Voters tried to see what Hillary/Obama foreign policies were (voters were promised “transparency” but the fence represents the regime’s deliberate hiding what they were dong). Voters got a black face from the Hillary/Obama policy consequences. So even if a president Trump was not “transparent” and his policies were as “incoherent” as the previous 8 years, then it couldn’t make matters for the USA worse to vote for Trump, in the hopes that his total record will not be as bad as the last 2 terms of mis-government.

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  6. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 8 years ago

    Looks like the Republicans are behind the Clinton sign. They are a disaster when it comes to foreign policy. It has been nice having an administration that does something more than just carpet bomb. Drones, treaties and negotiations rub the warpublicans the wrong way, but the world is in a much better place. Or do you remember what happened on our own soil? I thought you were never going to forget what happened when W was president.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 8 years ago

    Lisa continues her Backassward broken right-wing view of everything.

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    Mike Herman  about 8 years ago

    Would YOU want to be an American ambassador in a foreign country and rely on HiLIARy, the heroine of Benghazi, to have your back?

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    warjoski Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Sorry. Can’t agree with this one at all. Trump has already alienated at least one of our neighbors and a major trade partner. The leader of our longest standing ally has decried him. And he hasn’t even been elected yet. Clinton will probably be a disappointment. Trump will be a disaster.

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  10. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  about 8 years ago

    Trump’s foreign policy is an atomic explosion.

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  11. Wtp
    superposition  about 8 years ago

    Let’s be honest, part of Trump’s reason for wanting to block Muslim immigration is that they probably wouldn’t vote for him. They’re in the wrong educational demographic.“They’re better educated than most Americans U.S. Muslims have the second-highest level of education among major religious groups in the country; Jews have the highest. And a greater proportion of them have college degrees than the general U.S. population.”

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    rick92040  about 8 years ago

    The last time a Republican was in the White House we got into two wars. I’m gona vote Democrat this time.

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