Jeff Danziger for April 26, 2021

  1. Sparrow
    kennnyp  about 3 years ago

    hey stupid…you’re outside….you’re at least six feet apart…you tag the guy and move away after the play…..your safe…. ( now go to the dugout and put your mask on…you’re benched.)

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    brwydave Premium Member about 3 years ago

    If you are the catcher or the home plate umpire, it behooves you to play masked.

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  3. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 3 years ago

    Off-topic a bit, but my all-time favorite article in Mad Magazine was about the great game of “basebrawl.” For some (very) odd reason, this ’toon reminded me about that……

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  4. 290px wow signal
    ImDaRealAni  about 3 years ago

    I think there was a baseball player who got COVID and then still decided to play ball anyway.

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    briangj2  about 3 years ago

    Major League Baseball is getting back to normal. Players can now travel with their families. They can go to restaurants. They can play cards and move around on planes and buses. They can use whirlpools and saunas in the clubhouse. And they no longer are required to wear a mask on the bench or in the bullpen.

    However, teams are first required to have at least 85% of their tier 1 players and staff fully vaccinated, with a two-week delay after the final vaccination, according to a memo obtained by USA TODAY Sports that was sent to teams Monday.

    Plus, these new protocols only apply to those who have been fully vaccinated.


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    briangj2  about 3 years ago


    Among the new and relaxed protocols:

    ► Players and staff members who are vaccinated no longer are required to wear masks in gatherings in hotel rooms and other indoor spaces with other fully vaccinated individuals but still must wear masks in the clubhouse and training room. Masks are not mandated in the dugout, bullpen or weight room.

    ► Family and household members who are vaccinated, including non-vaccinated children, are now permitted to stay with them in their hotel rooms on the road. Players also no longer are required to notified their club compliance officer when leaving the hotel

    ► Vaccinated individuals now have the option to decrease testing to twice a week using saliva tests.

    ► Fully vaccinated individuals who have been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 no longer need to quarantine unless they have symptoms.

    ► Fully vaccinated individuals can carpool or use ride-sharing services to and from club facilities.

    ► Card playing is back on planes and buses as long as no unvaccinated individuals are within two rows of the fully vaccinated people.

    ► Vaccinated individuals can meet outdoors with anyone instead of just household or family members.

    ► Vaccinated players and staff members also are permitted to appear at in-person sponsorship or marketing events, provided that the event’s health and safety protocols as approved by the club.

    ► They also may now attend indoor religious services, although outdoor serves still are recommended.

    ► Family members and guests of players and staff are no longer required to sit in pods at games, and can mingle with other spectators.

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  7. My personal icon
    cocavan11  about 3 years ago

    The power generated by the fusion of greed and machismo routinely overcomes the fusion of wisdom, experience, prudence, and self-interest.

    “Stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results.” ― Margaret Atwood

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  8. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member about 3 years ago

    The more unvaccinated individuals are out there, the more variants we’ll have, and some of them may end up resistant to the vaccines we have.

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  9. Lula1
    fairportfan  about 3 years ago

    Ty Cobb used to sit on the dugout steps sharpening his cleats and staring at the second base man.

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