The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for September 13, 2015

  1. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    OK… I know I’m tired…Burl has apparently grabbed the floor and is hanging on for dear life…. but there are three other things I can’t see….

    So where are…

    1) Marlene2) The Find-It …. and 3) The rest of you guys?

    BTW…. I believe you’ll find a picture of Jerry in that shirt in the new Harper-Collins dictionary, illustrating the word “Delusional.”

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    mikie2  almost 9 years ago

    Why is there a dark stain under the balloon basket? Where is Burl and what is he doing?Just how much of a balloon ride is our crew going to get, tied to the ground like that?Seriously though and in defense of Burl, some folks are terrified of heights. Others, like me, are claustrophobic. So water on, Burl, there are limits to being a good sport.

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    Olddog1  almost 9 years ago

    Bobarion. Either that or hiding in Jerry’s hair.

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  4. Hobo
    MeGoNow Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Okay, now. Suspension of disbelief is something we willingly do for the sake of the stories. But it’s just to much to pretend that any amount of hot air could heft this quantity of blubber into the air, even a few feet. .There might be one explanation. If it was open burrito bar lunch day at the Golden Gelding where our heroes slop down. If that’s the case, the additional gas is doing the heavy lifting, but when the excitement of the ride get’s them going, tomorrow’s headline will be, “FAIR BALLOONIST’S UNEXPLAINED DEATH LEAP.”

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    rs  almost 9 years ago

    I would have preferred “Plummet’s Balloon Rides”

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