Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for August 13, 2012

  1. Me 2 22 2012
    Harryfan  almost 12 years ago

    Please note that she did not look him in the eye in the third panel.

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    BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Humidity in the closet? Or stupidity in the kitchen?

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    Dani Rice  almost 12 years ago

    A stone is seven pounds. This from a country that thinks the US is nuts for not going metric!

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  almost 12 years ago

    @rollsroyceI think those “three stones” aren’t in afficionado’s pocket! LOL

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    Allan CB Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I want to convert myself fully to meter system, but I still think in inches. Damn American’s! However, kilometers, and degrees Celsius it is. I tell friends that “it’s 20 Degrees out, and I’m wearing shorts”and my Flordian friends think I’m insane! LOL

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    NoTsOpUrFiKt  almost 12 years ago

    umm, from my bad

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    kaecispopX  almost 12 years ago

    Hey Adam,

    Humidity, unlike hot water, tends to make fabric (and paper) a little large not smaller.

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    bvallinino  almost 12 years ago

    I know why Adam is snug in the pants—Laura is beautiful. That’s the explanation I come up with.

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    burleigh2  almost 12 years ago

    Wow, no innuendo… should I be proud of the commenter’s restraint or more proud of the reporters for catching them early? ;-)As for my own innuendo, I’m sure he DOES get snug in the pants when he’s around Laura. ;-)

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    gosfreikempe  almost 12 years ago

    Canada switched to metric when I was in university, and Celcius too a while to get used to. But in high school, chemistry and physics had already used metric units, so they weren’t unfamiliar. But then people complained, and the federal government decided that stores can advertise the price of meat and vegetables in avoirdupois, but the sotre has to weigh and sell the foods in metric. So when I bought a 3-lb pork roast on Saturday at $3.29/lb, it was marked by the scale at 7.25/kg. And though I asked for a 3 lb roast, it weighed 1.377 kilos. It would be easier if we went fully in one direction or the other. On the other hand, I can’t get used to switching to metric for some things: ceilings are still 8, 9, or sometimes14 ft for me; the grid roads here are one mle apart,and people’s weight is easier for me in pounds.

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    gosfreikempe  almost 12 years ago

    GAHH!! "Celcius took a while to get used to…

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    gosfreikempe  almost 12 years ago

    Gahh again, since grid roads are one mile apart. The browser (or Gocomics) was getting grumpy at the length of my comment. Sorry for the tyops!

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    Comic Minister Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Nice outfits guys! But I hope Laura wears lipstick before this is over. Because I want to see them kiss!

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