Mike Luckovich for May 17, 2012

  1. Comics pearlsbeforeswine ratangry
    Heavy B  about 12 years ago

    George bush is writing a book (pause for laugh break) about ‘Strategies For Economic Growth’ (pause for laugh break)I guess its true what they say, “those who can’t, vacation for a third of their presidency then write a book.”

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    joe vignone  about 12 years ago

    some one must have bought him a new box of crayons if he is writing a book. Thanks for Economegeddon, you Nincompoop!

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 12 years ago

    Bush “writing a book” (even a graphic) is almost at hilarious as the Republicans bringing him out on a daily basis to support Romney, or any candidate, would be.

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    ARodney  about 12 years ago

    Harley, if you don’t think W got us in this mess, and that Obama is turning it around, where are you getting your information? Just look at the data over the past 20 years on your choice: poverty levels, jobs, the stock market, the wealth gap, inflation-adjusted income of working people, or the GDP. More than half of Romney’s economic team is made up of old Bush employees, which tells you how their work will pan out. (By the way, no such thing as a “scrape goat.”)

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 12 years ago

    A “scrape goat” is one you pick up off a parking lot, after it fell out of an airplane, at altitude??

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  6. Comics pearlsbeforeswine ratangry
    Heavy B  about 12 years ago

    Twice the books, a third of the vacations. Obama is the more efficient president.Also, dog delicious? If you’re going to shove an attack into your comment, at least make it make sense. For instance, you could have said “Dog-gone delicious”. And thats just off the top of my head. Man you CONs are slow.

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  7. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  about 12 years ago

    “Of course in lib world, it is all W fault. It is just one scrape goat look over there blame game Obama plays.”Just as “conservatives” continually blame Obama or even Clinton.

    “But the kenyan wrote TWO books, one of which was dog delicious.”Seeing as how Kenya wasn’t a country or even called Kenya the year of Obama’s birth, you again show how you choose to be willfully ignorant and/or a liar. You don’t ever seem to let facts get in the way of your insipid comments.
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  8. Jollyroger
    pirate227  about 12 years ago

    Thanks, Dumbya!

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  9. Calvin hobbes
    Noveltman  about 12 years ago

    Scary thing is, way too many people who have no idea what’s happening except for what Faux So-Called News tells them, yearn for a return to Bushism. (Also, I get the feeling that some people foolishly think that if Republicans won’t let anything through as the minority party, maybe the way to fix that is to tip the scales the other way…)

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  10. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  about 12 years ago

    During much of Bush’s presidency US enjoyed virtual full employment, in spite of the almost $1 trillion hit to our economy by the 9/11 incident..If that was a disastrous economy, what do you call 0bama’s economy . . . ?.I venture a guess that most you, the Bush haters, were better off then than you are now . . .!!!

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    kamwick  about 12 years ago

    Petergrt doesn’t understand that the groundwork for today’s economic problems was laid during Reagan’s admin (laissez-faire deregulation), and was particularly egregiously perpetuated by Bush’s tax cuts and indulgence in unnecessary war. You can’t avoid this reality by the old GOP claim that this is just people being “Bush haters”.

    Peter, just because the proverbial poop hadn’t quite hit the fan yet doesn’t mean that Bush’s policies were golden, as you imply.

    Obama has been grappling with this huge mess by walking necessary tightropes. Any other Prez, GOP or Dem, would have had to do the same. This one managed to do so and avert full out depression, while rehabbing the US image in the eyes of the world. Oh, yes, he also gave the very risky order that took out Bin Laden.

    McCain probably would have done the same economically but having Caribou Barbie along for the ride would have left the rest of the world wondering about the sanity of the American people.

    Romney, even with his magic underwear, won’t be able to move the economy along any faster, would probably make it worse through austerity measures that increase people’s suffering during rocky times. He’s also the most likely to indulge in another of the GOP’s “patriotic, support Israel” feel-good wars.

    No thank you…I’ll go with the guy who has actually managed to keep the faulty boat afloat in spite of GOP obstruction. ( the boat is SO faulty, that it’s inevitably going down anyway, but thats another story). He, unlike Bush, has actually been the one targeted by the MOST irrational, virulent hatred by the other side, who openly admitted from day one tha their sole political aim would be to oppose everything he’s initiated, even if they recently supported it.

    I am SO sick of these anti- American, VERY nasty people and their dittoheads sheeple followers.

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    hippogriff  about 12 years ago

    No dot indicating new cartoon – as usual with GoComics’ ban on progressive cartoons.

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  13. Comics pearlsbeforeswine ratangry
    Heavy B  about 12 years ago

    Yeah, if only Obama had kept his spending off the books like bush had. Oh well, I guess Barack is not only more efficent, but more truthfull.Also, I’m not looking for money, I only wish to help people. Heres another free tip. Delicious is not a word you use to describe a book, unless you intend to eat it rather than read it. Considering you are a CONservative, I wouldn’t put it past you.

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    thebaldtexican  about 12 years ago

    I wonder if Ayers is writing GB’s book, like he did Obama’s?

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