Joel Pett for March 23, 2012

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 12 years ago

    Been hearing this for a long time, like since 1/20/09.

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    garysr87  about 12 years ago

    the leader of the lynch mob is Dash Numskull

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  3. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  about 12 years ago

    Always with the bizarre reaction and extreme ideas that are completely useless to solving a problem, especially the one at hand.

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  4. Frank frazetta wolfmoon s
    ossiningaling  about 12 years ago

    Odd that “Dr Who” has lifted the moniker of so famous a sci-fi character, particularly one who evolves – in reverse! Maybe he’s looking at it from a ‘born again’ perspective.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 12 years ago

    9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, debt crisis, failed banks and housing bubble burst in ’08, Katrina, 2007 changes in regulations that allowed the BP oil spill, there were good reasons for it to be said.

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    kamwick  about 12 years ago

    Actually, we blamed congress as well from 2000 until 2006.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 12 years ago

    NIce to see “conservatives” tout and preserve the “civility” standard.

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    feverjr Premium Member about 12 years ago

    So this justifies killing an unarmed kid? Lindsey, who was 16 when he killed the officer, was convicted and is serving a life sentence. ………..

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    garysr87  about 12 years ago

    @rightisrightI asked you once before but as normal from ignorant right wing nuts they won’t answer “was the shooter arrested”. answer is yes he was. Zimmerman is free and not charged with anything and will not be charged because he was “Standing his Ground”. A law passed by some fear monger legislature of morons

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    Ellen Gwynne  about 12 years ago

    Enough with the lefty righty bs. Just say what you think about the ’toon!

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    feverjr Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Lindsey gave himself up and is serving a life sentence for what he did when he just turned 16. And the victim’s wife’s statement in court,… “So the more you complain, scared little boy, be very afraid, because you’re going to prison where people are tortured, raped and yes, lose their life and this time mommy and daddy cannot run to your aid and help you. So I want you to know when these things happen to you it will still fall very short of the pain I feel every day for what you have taken from me.”… but you’re not satisfied with that.…….And after hearing the recordings of Zimmerman’s 911 call, you can’t understand why the parents would want an investigation. …..…and you think that’s too much to ask.

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  12. Lew. shaved beard jul 11
    leweclectic  about 12 years ago

    As I read my history from the middle 19th century and back I find that your positions make sense and that you are quite correct in taking the position that—the purpose of government is to protect the opulent rich from the masses. As part of the 1-2 per centers (which you must be by your commentary), you, like that of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, know that we must give no quarter to any revolutionaries on the left nor to the unwashed masses of humanity that pollute our society…least they rise up and take back from us what we have extracted from them…right my boy? Cheers!

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