Michael Ramirez for September 24, 2011

  1. Missing large
    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 12 years ago

    Actually the people who wants to do that are against the palestinian goverment goes to the un to sanction it. So get all the fact straight please.

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  2. E43
    chayafradle  over 12 years ago

    Yes, this is so right on! Mazeltov! In fact, the idiot who spoke up for this in the UN also said that 2 planes could not have taken down the twin towers. He probably also is the proponent of the “Holocaust is a myth” lie.

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  3. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 12 years ago

    This shocking hatchet job just takes one’s breath away.The dehumunisation process marches on.

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    eepatt  over 12 years ago

    There are usually more than two sides to an issue. Why we are constantly told about the position of the Israeli government and the extremists in Palatine,we never hear about the large percentage of Israeli citizens who do want peace and fair treatment for the people in the occupied territories.

    “@yohann : I think you just might be an expert on the topic of ugly propagandizing and obfuscation.” There are usually more than two sides to an issue, but you appear capable of seeing only one. The phrase"underinformed’ voter is much too kind to accurately describe your ilk.

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  5. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  over 12 years ago

    The way the two sides behave, I don’t support an independent state for either of them.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    Interesting that the opposite is exactly the view of the Israel’s current “government” toward Arab Palestinians, and they prove it every day with advancing “settlements” and attacks on Gaza. There ARE many people, Jews, in Israel, who want a peaceful (two state) solution, but isn’t it odd how those who lead such a “movement” end up dead, or suffer strokes?

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    Banjo Evans  over 12 years ago

    cool marble effect

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 12 years ago

    with the teachings every Arab Muslim gets from birth, there never has been any chance of a “2 State Solution”…..since the Arabs rejected a “2 State” UN deal in 1947, it is unavoidably evident the Arabs want every inch of Palestine without a single Jew alive…….many duped Jewish Israelis don’t seem to know that……“Palestine” was God’s gift to the Jewish people, but Messiah Jesus must come in Person to Jerusalem to bring it about, after defeating every enemy of Israel…..so, Come Soon, Lord Jesus!-trout said “with advancing “settlements” and attacks on Gaza” as if the Arabs never, ever fired missiles at the Jews who live near Gaza! Israel has been defending its survival against Arab attacks since Independence Day Ma 14, 1947.

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  9. Pales
    Palestino  over 12 years ago

    How can a Palestinian state distroy Israel?Israel was created in the UN in 1947 to live side by side with a Palestinian state..

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    dannysixpack  over 12 years ago

    kimberly,a palestinian state WAS created after balfour. It was called trans-jordan

    but the arabs don’t want the palestinians to have their own state, they would rather have what is going on now.

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  11. Dx7ii
    Yammo Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Nice! If only the world would pay attention to that t-shirt instead of ignoring… Thanks Michael

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  12. Missing large
    dannysixpack  over 12 years ago

    the t-shirt is exactly correct.

    read the PLO charter. that’s what it says.watch the behaviour of the palestinians, that’s exactly what they do.

    what they say, what they do, and what they put in writing are in agreement and alignment. Who ya’ gonna believe.

    when they say they are peace loving, they are looking forward to the day when the jews are run into the sea and exterminated. then there can be peace.

    when they murder each other, they consider that peace too.

    i will NEVER forget the images from gaza and the west bank when the twin towers were attacked of the people dancing in the streets over it.

    no one should forget those images.

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  13. Gray wolf
    worldisacomic  over 12 years ago

    Radish the Blowhole! Your bias and partisanship has fallen below your waist! Pick up your objectivity for your slanted views are exposed and are quite disgusting!

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  14. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    If your family has been living in the area that today is Los Angeles, for over a millennium, and I take your fields and home away from you, bulldoze it, and tell you we’re giving you a fine home in say, well Quebec, or Mexico City, or well, Omaha, is that going to make you happy? It isn’t even a stretch to compare this to what has happened to Palestinians deprived. The Jews ran into the same problem around the first century A.D., and have come back to claim the land they haven’t held for nearly 2,000 years, even if a few of their relatives DID stay behind, it doesn’t make all the land the property of folks who’ve lived in eastern Europe, Soviet Union, or the United States. Of course, once you move, and the folks who took your old land, take your NEW land, again, maybe you have reason to not be a “happy camper”??

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  15. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 12 years ago

    No one here is saying the bs that you post. You guys, on the other hand want mass genocide of another peoples based on religious zionism and ignorance. And the worst part is you come right out and say it.

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