Michael Ramirez for September 12, 2011

  1. Marx lennon
    charliekane  over 12 years ago

    Mikey musta missed da speech!

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    stoic567  over 12 years ago

    Barak H. Obama, like his alterego, J. Wellington Wimpy, only has one speech. Somehow, he believes that speech is new every day. The rest of the world is not so confused.

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    stoic567  over 12 years ago

    Re BHO’s message: Same speech multiple times daily for more than three years. His unacceptable, unworkable message is clear and has been for months. BHO will no more foster a predicable, capital attractive business climate than a vampire will cook garlic pie for dinner.

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  4. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 12 years ago

    Wow, you think rather highly of yourself, don’t you? Methinks you ignore Einstein’s definition of insanity, which goes: Insane=repeating the same actions over and over, and expecting different results. “Approach” was the same. It’s a bill to pour money that we don’t have into a bureaucracy which will created more public sector jobs, but won’t do anything to help the private sector. It will empower the oligarchy, but it will do nothing to create productive jobs. Regarding the “tenor,” if you mean that he sounded more maniacal than usual, then I will agree with you there.

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  5. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 12 years ago

    The problem with you is that we DO “pay attention to the details,” and we also have historical precedence to show that these “details” do not work in the real world. The left’s continually explain that their theories work, but for the fact that “not enough money was put into it.” It won’t work because big-government “solutions” NEVER work. You are enthralled with government making everything work, except you’ve never ever actually seen it happen. And, the reason you remain in this stupor is because you are a hopeless partisan sycophant. There’s hope for you if you could just see things with a moment’s worth of objectivity, and see how today’s political parties do not have the answers, because they are following the SAME progressive/collectivist notions. The only difference with them is the degree by which they believe that these policies should be implemented.

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  6. Calvin hobbes
    Noveltman  over 12 years ago

    The difference between Haiti and the Dominican Republic could NOT be clearer. And that is the difference between a Democratic Government complete with regulations, and (what every country-hating Republican wants) no government at all. Which side do you think resembles a complete wasteland??

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  7. Hawaii5 0girl
    treered  over 12 years ago

    stick to 9/11….

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  8. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 12 years ago

    You silly sycophant! He’s promised this idiocy over, and over, and over, and yet you keep lapping this swill up like it’s champagne. How many times are you going to listen to this sock-puppet’s broken “promises” until you GET IT? Until you can see thing without your partisan blinders, you are hopeless.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    Deregulate, tax breaks for the rich and corporations- for shipping jobs overseas, tax the middle class out of existence, give away our national natural resources, start wars we can’t afford against enemies “we” really didn’t really have, boost the military industrial complex, yep, that was working well. Now as to what Obama has done wrong? Mostly continuing those idiotic “tax breaks”, failure to RE-regulate and do away with the regulatory “giveaways”, and bending over too often to accommodate failed corporation policies that became LAW and “GOVERNMENT”.

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    ARodney  over 12 years ago

    Um — but we haven’t taxed the rich, so having Obama say “Our policies haven’t worked” is rather disingenuous. Democratic policies have been blocked by parliamentary maneuvers by the Republicans and therefore haven’t been tried. If you want to balance the budget, there’s no way to do it without increasing taxes on the rich. So, prepare yourself with ever-increasing debt if the Republicans get their way.

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  11. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 12 years ago

    “South Koreans are dying to buy cars made that have to be made with substandard materials to offset the high union labor costs of building them.”

    You’re right. Let’s cut down American wages (including unions) to the point where GM can sell a car at 90% profit. Screw the workers unions or otherwise.

    until the EPA backs off the hyper-regulation of the processes involved, the US will NEVER be competitive with China.

    Have you ever been to China? It smells like a(word). Plus they use TOXINS that were banned in the United States, like lead paint. Do you want the United States to look like THIS?

    “He said let’s give a ton of money to the union teachers because we all know that students will be stupid until we pay them more money.”

    I doubt he said “union teachers” in his speech (which if he did you’re gonna have to produce some proof). Let me ask you this Howie: A college graduate with a masters degree in mathematics comes into the workforce and gets two job offers to choose from. He can become a teacher at the local school for $30,000 a year or he can become an engineer that pays $80,000. What job do you think he’s likely to get? Also I’d like to see tha opt.-ed about a teacher who’s making $150,000. Maybe its the 401k at work but not a teacher’s salary.

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  12. Marx lennon
    charliekane  over 12 years ago

    Another point of view:http://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view&id=3567&emailView=1

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  13. Missing large
    cole_slaw  over 12 years ago

    So reading the same thing off the teleprompter in a different voice is saying something diffeent?

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    cole_slaw  over 12 years ago

    oops, “different”

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  15. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member over 12 years ago

    For the past ten years the rich get tax cuts and produced no jobs.Manufacturing has been deliberately moved out of America to slave wage jobs in China against which it is impossible for a free people to compete.Infrastructure and other government jobs are down. “Spending more” in jobs to repair roads, bridges and to hire cops, teachers, and other government workers would help.

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  16. Missing large
    jack Nunes Premium Member over 12 years ago

    It’s the BO 3 note…

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    Spaghettus1  over 12 years ago

    You act as if zero is a new low. Bush topped that by far, with negative 2.6 million in ‘08, also a first since the 40’s. It could be much worse.

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  18. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 12 years ago

    “Contrast?” How about actual “change,” rather than doing what Bush did, only HARDER? How about doing what economies do that have succeeded in the past, rather than the failed nonsense that B.O. is offering? High taxes and high regulation are a formula for failure. That isn’t me saying it, it is what has BEEN since John Maynard Keynes started fiddling around with a chalk board. The only thing that is “meaningless” is what pours forth from B.O.‘s lips. He promised the SAME THING he’s promising now ever since he began running for president, and it’s all reliant upon the same worthless government action applied in different ways. Should I be comforted by his claim that his “jobs bill” is a bi-partisan effort, when I know that both parties are populated with “progressives”? (And, notice that he did not name who these two guys are.) And, he did not say READ the bill, he said PASS IT. It’s the Obamacare tactic all over again (“we can’t find out what’s in it until it’s passed”). If what I am saying is “meaningless,” it has more to do with YOUR lack of understanding of the word itself, or you have a hard time with reading comprehension. You want “contrast?” STOP THE FREAKING SPENDING! GET OUT OF THE FREAKING WAY! STOP TRYING TO ALTAR THE FREAKING BUSINESS CYCLE! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, CHANGE COURSE, INSTEAD OF DOING THE SAME BLEEDING THING OVER AND OVER! Is that “contrast” enough for you?

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  19. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 12 years ago

    By doing what—take Obama’s words at face value? Even then, all I hear from him is “fairness and security” coming from Washington, DC (please tell me how many times “fairness” is mentioned in the constitution). Also, what about Obama’s own “political hyperbole?” Is that not what he’s done ever since he became a politician is feed on people’s preconceived notions and fears about "the other side, rather than expressing unity? “Political hyperbole” is what you fed upon this past Thursday night, but you’re too completely intellectually invested in your political party to notice. Either that, or you’re just too lazy to come back with anything intelligent to counter me. If this does nothing for you, then how about laying out what I’m saying that’s supposedly wrong (rather than simply dismissing me), and correcting me?

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  20. Sunset on fire
    Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member over 12 years ago

    “Yea, let’s end….Subsidies…” YES!! No New Taxes for ‘R’ to oppose. Just get the Special Interests out of the way.

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  21. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 12 years ago

    First of all, you give an example such as Scandinavia, which carries a puny population, where the vast majority of it concentrated in few metropolitan areas? PLEASE. That is an apples/oranges argument. Besides, their demographics are such that they will feel the pain of their system in due course, if they survive the influx of Muslims who will inevitably outnumber them, and will force that system to collapse. I’m talking real world demographics, that say in 20 or so years, nations like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and The Netherlands will collapse.

    If you don’t want the poor and elderly to be abandoned, THEN DO NOT ABANDON THEM. PERIOD. Communities and FAMILIES used to take care of their own. People USED to care about their communities and set things that were wrong RIGHT. Since WHEN was it the responsibility of THE GOVERNMENT to do all of that stuff FOR US? Government WASTES that money. Are you actually awake as you are writing this bilge? What makes you so assured that we NEED a big-government to take care of people? Sure, you’ll find a happy story here or there, but on the whole, government CAUSED the rotten neighborhoods you are talking about.

    I watched Detroit disintegrate for over 40 years (living in the Metro area), from one of the greatest cities in America into a pathetic pit of crime and degradation. It was the 5th highest population, and now folks are fleeing that city as if there was a plague. And, those who remain want to know who is going to take care of them. That’s not me, that’s out of their own mouths. Healthy, capable adults have been bred to be overgrown children, and that is the result of government that has promised them their livelihoods, rather than the opportunity to be who they can and should be.

    And, is it any coincidence that these poor neighborhoods invariably vote for the biggest collectivists on the ticket? Explain that for me. I mean, why do these poor folks vote for the people who keep screwing them with the same class-warfare rhetoric that places the responsibility for their circumstances on the backs of others?

    Regarding SS, it was a system that was doomed to fail when it was implemented. Had it been a savings account or something that earned a percentage over time, then it would have been worthwhile. You put those thousands of dollars into a forced pyramid scheme, and I seriously doubt that you will see much of it when you retire, simply because that money went to somebody else, and there won’t be enough people to support you when your number comes up. What to do about it? Don’t know. I just know that it was a broken system when it was implemented, and as it is, it can’t be fixed. I must be reformed in some way, but it can’t continue as it is.

    Regarding helping people, I help people who I see around me. I see people who have names and specific circumstances, and I do what I can for them. I’d do MORE, but unfortunately our government doesn’t leave me with much of a allowance after they’ve taken all that they claim as THEIRS. Your idea of “help” is to waste hundreds and even thousands of that FICA money that as taken from you to keep the bureaucracy running, to fund Congressional projects that’s been raided from SS, and helping deadbeats and cheats who are defrauding the system. If you truly want to “help” people, what about giving to a reputable charity? If you have a specific cause that pushes your buttons, GIVE TO IT. We are a very charitable nation, and I do not need you or your collectivist pundits and statists telling ME that I’m not doing enough for people because I think that the government wastes my money.

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  22. Infantry
    aguirra3  over 12 years ago

    simple question for you…Spaghettus, would you feel this strongly if it were YOUR money you were spending? Why do so many people feel they have a right to other people’s money? Don’t fall for the hype that the government is going to make things equitable – open your eyes and see that even the most liberal of our leaders, Pelosi, Reid, Feinstein, Kennedy…ARE FILTHY RICH!!! If anyone should help the poor it is these types of hypocrites!

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  23. Infantry
    aguirra3  over 12 years ago

    oh yea, and don’t forget your President….RICH.

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  24. Missing large
    Spaghettus1  over 12 years ago

    It’s my money as much as most people…I’m paying taxes. Hype? What hype?Money in politics and the obvious problems that result are another matter, one where I think we would largely agree. Though none of our leaders are ideal, I do see shreds of decency in a few of them, and more blatant greed in others.

    Obama was raised briefly by a single mom, and later by grandparents who became well-off, but had to work for it. He’s rich now, but at least he wasn’t always, and I can tell sometimes.

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  25. Missing large
    AmateurHTX  over 12 years ago

    Better do what he says or Hoffa will send the Union Thugs to get you.

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