Ted Rall for September 14, 2011

  1. P16
    thisisretarded  over 12 years ago

    He’s both! Which makes him the perfect Tea Party candidate: An ignorant panderer with no concept of science or logic.

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  2. Knees phuh
    phuhknees  over 12 years ago

    Nice touch; the smoke in the window…

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  3. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 12 years ago

    Now, now, he might be honestly ignorant.

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  4. Missing large
    Bilword  over 12 years ago

    he’s both

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  5. Scullyufo
    ScullyUFO  over 12 years ago

    Human, there is an excellent editorial in today’s Ottawa Citizen on candidate differentiation in the 2000 election. I recommend it to all thoughtful readers. It’s entitled “When the good times have gone”. It’s at http://www.ottawacitizen.com/business/When+good+times+have+gone/5398197/story.html

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  6. Missing large
    eepatt  over 12 years ago

    @s: Liberal media? The mainstream media is owned by giant corporations who tell us only what they want us to hear. They are NOT liberal. Do you think Rush is mainstream?

     •  Reply
  7. And you wonder why
    Kylop  over 12 years ago

    Stupid will always poll better than lying.The Rs must pander to the far right, currently, after the convention the nominee will go for the middle. The statements about climate change and intelligent design will be smoothed to where no opinion is evident. Aside from being vocally “against Obama” whoever the candidate is will begin to resemble Obama.

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  8. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 12 years ago

    Overly simplistic methodology (I am a social scientist), but for those who assume the whole of the media are left-wing, not so much: http://nickholtzman.com/Holtzman%20Schott%20Jones%20Balota%20Yarkoni%20in%20press%20Exploring%20media%20bias%20with%20semantic%20space%20models%20Validation%20of%20the%20Contrast%20Analysis%20of%20Semantic%20Similarity%20CASS.pdf

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    Okay, as to bible “literalists”, as Perry claims to be. How come they all proclaim the LITERAL and ABSOLUTE truth of the bible, until you point to something contradictory or stupid, then they say “It’s a metaphor”. Politically , we we see the same thing in almost every Teapublican argument, as soon as the argument falls apart, it is “metaphor”. Interesting.

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    ^Wow! You had me freaked and “believin’” until I read the 2001 date on the post! Started wonderin’ who rolled the rock aside THIS time!

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  11. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 12 years ago

    Uh, both.

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  12. 100 1176
    Lavocat  over 12 years ago

    The answers to all questions posed in the ’toon are “yes”.

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  13. It  s a gas station    by todd sullest
    Max Starman Jones  over 12 years ago

    TR: I am against Perry, but I am a thinking Christian, and your mindless lumping together of people of faith is the same shallow thinking that puts atheists, liberals, and communists in the same group. Talk about Perry if you want. Oppose people’s beliefs if you want. But you may have three fingers pointing back when you say someone is “stupid.” I am an educator, speak several languages, and teach in public education. Your comment is stupid.

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  14. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    Max, on “mindless lumping together of people of faith”— Like Americans and Islam?

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  15. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Jesus would probably say the same line a french cartoonist had Muhammad say;What a pitty that I’m followed by so many morons.

    While the Empire crashes and burns (like all empires before), Michelle Bachmann freaks out against the HPV vaccines; how will we scare our teens away from sex now?

    Tiger-stripped Mittaines says;You guys know what I’m about to say…

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