Steve Benson for July 29, 2011

  1. Cheryl 149 3
    Justice22  almost 13 years ago

    But your VP pick is one of their darlings, Mr. McCain.

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  2. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  almost 13 years ago

    Senator McCain sucked up to the Tea-Bags last year to get re-elected. Now that he’s in his last six years in office, he can tell them what he really thinks. Of course, most of what he thinks comes from The Wall Street Journal.The Tea-Bags are this small group puffed up by the rightstream media. If the media didn’t lean rightward, then the Tea-Bags would dry up & blow away.

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  3. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  almost 13 years ago

    The Tea-Party was not even an idea before the election of 0bama. Indeed, it is his policies that gave rise to the Community Organization, albeit without the benefit of a dedicated and professional Community Organizer.

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  4. Missing large
    stoic567  almost 13 years ago

    Sen. McCain, Thank you for your service.

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    feverjr Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Just how left and how much empathy towards terrorists has John McCain shown?

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  6. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  almost 13 years ago

    OMG! Benson’s last comic was all about “The American People” about to give the Donkeys and Elephants a beat-down because they weren’t getting OUR work done, and now he’s calling us BRATS. Steve Benson is completely delusional. BTW, idiots like this keep trying to give the impression that the tea party has taken over the GOP, but it’s the other way around. The GOP has co-opted the tea party, and are trying to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes. John McCain is an idiot progressive collectivist, and he got ZERO support from Americans who want smaller, more responsible government. MY GOD! Just SAYING you want government to be more responsible paints you as being some sort of “radical” in today’s lexicon. This country is on the verge of being OVER, and you idiots are on the side of the very people who are engineering it. The insanity that pervades every last corner of this country today is considered brilliant, and the ways and means that made this country great is morally and intellectually bankrupt now. You partisan leftists are utterly blind, and you won’t know that it’s all over for the country until it’s too late.

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  7. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  almost 13 years ago

    My,my, how uberintellectual of you. To the professors credit, his load of profound poooop is preceded by " . . .may be defined as . . ." Yes, we need to redefine what “is” is . . . ., just as uberintellectuals have succeeded in redefining Fascism, Nazism and other like totalitarian / dictatorial forms of governance as a right-wing philosophy, which was easily done since there is no such thing as right-wing / conservative philosophy. There is no counterpart to Nietzsche, Marx, Lenin and the likes. According to this ‘definition’, is there a populist movement that would not qualify, as in American Revolution for example? For us, simple folks, Machiavelli, Nietzsche, Mussolini and purveyors of Proletariat Dictatorships’ have pretty much told and shown us what Fascism is. The one common denominator of all incidents of Fascism is that it favors a collective, as opposed to promote an individual, which is precisely why Fascism is fundamentally incongruous with any conservative – real right-wing ideals, including the Tea-Party, of which I am a proud member.

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    drsconti  almost 13 years ago

    It’s not fascism, it’s not communism, or even socialism. This country has ceased to be a democratic republic––it is now a plutocracy, a system of government controlled by Corporations and Wealth. The Tea Party yokels have been co-opted by the Republican party, and corporate backers like the Koch brothers. This was facilitated by the Citizen’s United decision handed down by the Supreme Court and its conservative majority. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. The plutocrats have succeeded in programming brain-dead Americans using corporate owned media, and the likes of Limbaugh, Beck and Fox News, to simply sit back and continue getting screwed by corporate-backed political hacks. Yes these Tea Party dupes actually believe that more tax cuts for the super rich, and more war mongering to support the defense industies are better for this country than helping seniors with Medicare and Social Security, educating our children and then helping them go to college.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    Benito defined “Fascism”- a dictatorship controlled by corporations- that IS what the TEA party of today stands for, they just haven’t recognized who’s really behind “their” movement- just as with most dictatorships and their rise to power. Plutocracy and Feudalism, where those who control all wealth call all the shots is also major here today. Robin Hood wanted to free the people of overwhelming taxation, and return to the “rightful” king, who didn’t do away with taxes, he just saw that a rightful government taxed everyone, for everyone’s good. Don’t forget, even Robin was the Earl of Locksley and wanted his OWN lands back, but he was willing to share his wealth.

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  10. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  almost 13 years ago

    Thank you for confirming that you are a product of leftist uberintellectual inbreeding. I believe that I have once commented on your views as having been honed by years, if not decades of liberal arts American academia, for I don’t think that it is possible to become so arrogantly ignorant and view history in such a maniacally unreal way, without the help of some serious brain re-programming. For us, the simple folks, “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” does not Fascism make.

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  11. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 12 years ago

    Tea-party " . . .a group that has been wholly co-opted (practically since its inception) by the very kind of big business fascism I mentioned." I am done – you are either too intellectually dishonest, or are too sick to comprehend reality – you are entitled to your opinion, but not to an artificial universe.

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  12. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 12 years ago

    I know Dick Armey, and I like him and his ideals. I was ignorant of Koch Brothers, and now I like them as well : Dear uberintellectuals: libertarianism is about as opposite of fascism as it gets. On the other hand, you must be really proud of Soros and the like corporate dirt-bags bankrolling the Democratic Party.

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  13. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  over 12 years ago

    So you read up on the Koch brothers and decided you like idea a couple of millionaires using a pseudo grass-roots movement to eliminate consumer protections and regulations so corporations can run even more amuck to the detriment of the middle class?The Koch’s are looking to help themselves to the detriment of others. Soros is looking to help the country to the detriment of his own taxes. Who’s the sleaze bag?

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  14. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 12 years ago

    The tea must be giving them a rash…

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  15. Thp 5
    svenskabru2u  over 12 years ago

    Eryx that was low even by your unhinged A$$bagging standards. Whatever GD basket weaving postgrad degree you are associated with, you must not be able to find gainful employment with it. Otherwise you might be busy rather than consistently in here with that ridiculous level of Lefty noise. I get a headache just thinking I once wanted to take you seriously. Senator McCain can held accountable for a lot of wrongs, but his record of service in the armed forces isn’t one of them.

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