Bob Gorrell for July 26, 2011

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    Now if the ’toon was Boehner, it might speak a little truth, jees!!

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  2. Wargob
    gbrucewilson  almost 13 years ago

    And each increase lasted about 6 months. Do the math. Obama whats one large enough to last until after the election. Duh! My advice to BHO: Start leading and come up with a plan other that raise taxes and spend more money we don’t have.

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    Jsmithy67  almost 13 years ago

    Because each time under President Reagan it was modest, focused and contained controls to limit spending.

    President Wimpy (that’s a Popeye sidekick reference for you youngsters…) wants unlimited hamburgers today for which our grandchildren will gladly repay once he’s on the lecture circuit making President Bubba’s speaker fees look like chump change.

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    ARodney  almost 13 years ago

    Jay, you don’t know your history. Reagan insisted on strings-free debt ceiling raises, and he got them. By threatening a veto. Now Obama says he’ll take anything you want if you just include SOME token, easy, fair revenue increases as 16% of the deal, and the Republicans are calling him inflexible. I wish he WERE more like Reagan in dealing with Republicans.

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  5. Zoot and saxophone
    Boise Ed Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Amazing! The Republicans have admitted that their number one goal is to hurt Obama, regardless of how much it hurts the nation they are supposed to be representing. And yet Bob Gorrell draws just the reverse of this!

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  6. Thp 5
    svenskabru2u  almost 13 years ago

    2012 will begin the balance, alright. Romney will start balancing the national checkbook, and this clown will start balancing himself on the high wire of whatever circus takes him in.

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