Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for June 14, 2011

  1. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 13 years ago

    NO, to fill a boxcar would require 800 million BILLS. It only requires $8 billion DOLLARS if you use $100 bills.

    It “only” takes $800 million dollars in $1 bills, which I would find a quite acceptable substitute, if you want to park it next to my house, thanks.

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  2. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 13 years ago

    OOPS I meant 80 million. The first time was a typo, then my brain quit working cos it’s so late. 80 million will do nicely. :)

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    StelBel  about 13 years ago

    I could have lived my whole life, gmartin997, without that image in my head…

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    Bosn_c_otter  about 13 years ago

    I love it when animals get revenge. good for you Rooster!

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  5. Jv pict
    jonvuk  about 13 years ago


    I only looked at volume.

    19 billion dollars would weigh.

    19 000 × 20 = 380 000 lbs.

    but what if I stuck to the weight limit then …

    160 000 lbs is what the weight limit is

    but I could fill the volume with 380 000 lbs of $100 bills

    I can only use a portion of my total…


    160 / 380 = 0.42 (this is how much of my total I can actualuse because of the weight limit)


    19 billion x 0.42 = 8 billion

    which would have been right.

    … sigh :^\

    I need to watch more patrickJMT videos on YouTube.

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  6. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member about 13 years ago

    now, do you expect me to believe that?

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    sbeavin  about 13 years ago

    But you cannot do it by weight- you have to do it by volume and so, we still have no accurate answer. Lame- someone needs to at least take a look at these “facts”!

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  about 13 years ago

    Call an act of both God and Nature.

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    tuslog64  about 13 years ago

    Animals can backfire if mistreated. Years ago, some boys thought it would be fun to dip a cats tail in kerosene and set it on fire. So, what does a kitty do if in pain? Head for the barn! The boys then had to explain why the straw-filled barn burned down. (NO – I was not in on this, only heard about it)

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  10. Me in fall
    coolvq  about 13 years ago

    Too much math!! Abort! Abort!

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    coryart  about 13 years ago

    LOL @ coolvq Reminds me of the Simpsons episode Bart: I would end all life on this planet just to get out of doing fractions. Lisa: Fractions aren’t that hard. You just have to have a common denominator. For example, one-half plus one-third equals three-… Bart: End. all. life. on. this. planet! [makes explosion sound] Lisa: You’ll need to know fractions to make that explosion!

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