Ted Rall for October 15, 2009

  1. Image013
    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    this is about drones I guess. Just go get al qaeda

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Slim Pickens, “Dr. Strangelove”, and just visualize Cheney in the black gloves.

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  3. Vanilla ice cool as ice
    edmondd  over 14 years ago

    I agree this nation’s interventionist foreign policy has brought about many evils, even upon its own self-interest as the “long term view” is now evermore clear.

    The overreach has been so absurd indeed, the grotesque disregard for long term consequences tragic.

    But can we really make a single man responsible for the encroachment of a military-industrial complex in the design of an interventionist and adventurist foreign policy?

    Obama would even be impeached–I have no doubt of this as conservatives are a persistent, vocal, and effective minority–if another attack were to occur in the USA. (Heck, I could even fathom a few ideologues concocting it for self-serving, atavistic, and myopic reasons). And Afghanistan and Iraq, unfortunately, have become the very “cauldron of evil”, as it were, that the former administration was so pre-emptively trying to prevent from becoming–at least that was the fairy-tale,simplistic and disingenuous pretext for the intervention. A tragic, sad irony indeed.

    But I think the way out is the strategy being sought after right now. Making the protection of the citizenry a priority. I hope this is truly occurring of course.

    The only way for this to happen is to have an obliterating force whose sheer presence foils the organization and communication of the combatants. Also, the rest of the nations must understand that the USA screwed up big time, well they know this, but that it is for the best interest of all in the long term, to have stability in those regions without being interventionists in the invaded countries’ cultural, religious, and economic policies—thus we need an obliterating military presence composed of many world armies that resembles more a police force than a warring body, without forgetting about co-opting with worthwhile rewards those who are interested in prolonging the conflict, for whether this be so because of true ideals or the pursuance of self-interests, most people will budge when their price is met. And if a few still hold on to their ideals, as heroic as they might be, they would be probably be much less effective and ultimately rendered irrelevant.

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  4. Turte18df
    toasteroven  over 14 years ago

    Ah, phallic imagery.

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  5. Young wmb
    wmbrainiac  over 14 years ago

    tr: been readin for years. jus now signed up. gotta tell ya. you the best. guess i’d call myself a democratic socialist and one who finds political compromises puke-inducing. and there is something off about sending drones after the stone age creeps whose hate we’ve inspired. and presidents wield far too much power and far to many compromises to earn anything called a peace prize. yer work is painful for its accuracy.

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  6. 64449 wallpaper400
    Ronshua  over 14 years ago

    Genuine Decorated and licensed Phallic pilot .

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    YouWereWarned  over 14 years ago


    edmondd said “… if another attack were to occur in the USA. (Heck, I could even fathom a few ideologues concocting it for self-serving, atavistic, and myopic reasons)…”

    You mean, like the 1st time?

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  8. Missing large
    wolfhoundblues1  over 14 years ago

    New boss just like the old boss.

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  9. Selfportrait2013
    Ted Rall creator over 14 years ago

    I’m not a pacifist. If another nation invaded the United States, I would join the military and/or resistance. But giving the Nobel Peace Prize to a warmonger like Obama–remember, he ran for president last year on the line that Afghanistan was the “good war” that Bush “took his eye off the ball of” when he invaded Iraq–is vomit-inducing.

    Even Kissinger, that slug, did negotiate the Paris Peace Accords before he won. Obama is ramping up the Afghan war, keeping us in Iraq, reneging on closing the Gitmo concentration camp, and reserves the right to keep on torturing.

    Oh, and can I have my habeas corpus rights back now?

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  10. 100 1176
    Lavocat  over 14 years ago

    Oh, man, Ted, you bleeep nailed this one! THAT was a belly laugh, this time around. Usually you just get a cynical smirk out of me.

    Slim Pickens, updated for the Brave New World of today.

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  11. Soldier  edit
    Kosher71  over 14 years ago

    Mr . Rall’s pimp-hand , got a little strength back today .

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  12. Missing large
    YouWereWarned  over 14 years ago

    Ted Rall (Genius) said “I’m not a pacifist. If another nation invaded the United States, I would join the military and/or resistance”

    Yeah, like all good Germans did…

    I can’t wait for Canada or Mexico to invade your (even more) barbarian country.

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  13. Avatarmess03
    audieholland  over 14 years ago

    Well yeah, Germany was invaded by a Polish force (10 men strong) so that entitled Hitler to strike back against Poland.

    Most historians say this was actually a German “False Flag” black ops but thank God the US would never even think of doing such a thing -cough-9/11-cough-

    Anyone ever seen “The Atomic Cafe?” It shows many authentic American Cold War propaganda reels.

    “We are not a militarist nation. But we have the right to defend ourselves.”


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  14. Avatarmess03
    audieholland  over 14 years ago


    But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

    Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.

    It works the same in any country.”

    Hermann Goering at the Nuremburg Trials.

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  15. Image013
    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    Ted, closing GITMO is one of the bigger problems Bush left us with. Because of the actions of the Bush 43 administration, GITMO is a treacherous problem that no one wants to help fix, and that includes our own Congress and other countries. I may fault Obama for some things, but not GITMO. He can’t do it alone.

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  16. Missing large
    YouWereWarned  over 14 years ago

    Aaah, another pearl of wisdom from another “genius”.

    Come on, Mr Rall, and you, all patriots, answer this call to arms!

    I don’t think there is a country where people have been more thoroughly brainwashed than the US of A. Granted, lacking any cultural armour, mushy brains don’t resist even the most basic techniques. And it’s a lot easier for imbeciles to believe they are better than the rest of the world.

    Wait a minute, rest of the world? What’s that?

    Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it. – George Bernard Shaw

    And this , oh sooo American, one:

    Patriotism is often an arbitrary veneration of real estate above principles. – George Jean Nathan

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  17. Missing large
    HARVIN  over 14 years ago

    Let us know when you enlist scottfreitas, we’ll have a party to see you off.Only you can save us Obi-scott.

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  18. Soldier  edit
    Kosher71  over 14 years ago


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  19. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 14 years ago

    toasteroven; LOL! Note to Self; don’tmakejokeaboutblackmen’spenises don’tmakejokeaboutblackmen’spenises, don’tmakejokeabout…

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  20. Willow
    nomad2112  over 14 years ago

    … anyway, nice ‘toon Ted.

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  21. Skullonly
    bikerusl  over 14 years ago

    My only hope for Obama has ever been that his lofty rhetoric will inspire people to expect and demand more. That can still happen. He has already inspired many in a racist world just by his skin colour.

    What he does is slightly irrellevant. Those paying attention knew how beholden he was to the very corporate interests that he “promises” to keep in check - from the start. No surprises really.

    The office of the President is far too powerful to ever be healthy - even if someone fundamentally angelic were to occupy it and that will never be the case. (Well, maybe Eugene Debs but anyway)

    The point is we need to stop obeying that power - and I don’t mean anarcho-capitalist government downsizing. We need to organise our own communities - use that rhetoric, use the lies (to galvinise), use the stupid weaknesses - use it all the make things better. Replace the power organically. Reduce the individualism, increase real freedom, protect each other from fear etc.

    We are only ever strong in one another.

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  22. 1250741192973
    meowdam  over 14 years ago

    Our problems are in Pakistan , the Taliban are a bunch of fast fading religio extremists who are increasingly unpopular within their own population , Technology , the internets are changing everything and people in the remotest regions are becoming aware there are other options. We have no hopes of occupying Afghanistan we know this , this mission is about hearts and minds and collateral damage is counterproductive, this is where the drones are most effective ,not perfect but much better than Salvos of cruise missiles or squadrons of bombers. Of course every drone strike the enemy claims killed only women and children , but this is most often just propaganda. I believe progress is being made .

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  23. Pales
    Palestino  over 14 years ago

    Bullseye..Ted !

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  24. Avatarmess03
    audieholland  over 14 years ago

    Hello, Americans.

    Your problems are at home. NOT in any far away country, however much you may bomb, pollute or machinegun it.

    Regarding New York shortly after 911: remember the bit** that reassured you “the air safe to breath, the water safe to drink?” She caused the agonizing deaths of thousands who thought they could trust their officials when they breathed in the poisonous fumes and drank the polluted water.

    I wonder what Scotfreitas thinks of her. He probably would give her a medal.

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