Tom Toles for October 06, 2009

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    Bubba_Boo Premium Member over 14 years ago

    The executives giving themselves 500 times what their employees make aren’t earning it. They are creating a feudal society in this country.

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    cdward  over 14 years ago

    HQ, first of all they don’t earn it. As Bubba says, they make their own raises – and these are obscenely different from what they were when America was at its strongest.

    Second, these are corporations, so it IS our money – assuming we own stock. But stockholders have less say than voters. At least with voters it’s one vote per person.

    And at least with voters, the poor have a voice. With corporations, only the ultra rich have a real say – and they say that the rest of us will give them more money.

    Finally, think about these immoral bonuses: they’re giving themselves bonuses largely to run their companies into the ground. How is that “earned?”

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    hastynote Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Roll back the Reagan tax cuts. Then roll back the Bush tax cuts.

    The reason our economy is a wreck is due to the greed and corruption on the part of the wealthy 1%. They have matched the wealth of the combined total wealth of 95% of Americans.

    The Middle Class is being crushed by that 1%. Before Reagan, there could not be such concentration of wealth. It’s un-American!!

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    kjhesser  over 14 years ago

    Why don’t all you socialists go to Russia or China. Oh wait, they gave that system up, wasn’t working… where can you go now…. maybe North Korea or Cuba. Go take a look at their living standard, I certainly would not like living like that but maybe you would. Less taxation means more money for investment and that means more jobs for the American people. Taxes on corporations only cost the American consumer, those taxes only raise the price of the product being sold. Bring on a 10% fair tax.

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    Kosher71  over 14 years ago

    He who has the gold , makes the rules . I’ve heard it said …

    Darwin’s theory in action ?

    Necessity is the mother of invention ?

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    benbrilling  over 14 years ago

    We aren’t talking socialism, kjhesser, we’re talking pre-Reagan/Bush tax cuts in the good ol’ capitalist US of A. Tax cuts helped bring us to our present sorry state and your tea bagged baloney won’t change that fact.

    Note I said “helped.” Bush did the rest. Obama is doing as well as can be expected to fix the mess, and without any help whatsoever from the kicking and screaming right wing nuts.

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    HabaneroBuck  over 14 years ago

    Tax cuts brought our economy to its knees. Interesting theory…more money in the hands of the government is better for the economy….wealth which is, by definition, generated by the private sector. If high taxes are so great for the economy, why not just give the government control of all the nation’s money?

    benbrilling, are you suggesting that Carter’s economy was better than Reagan’s? That Carter’s policies caused the USA to flourish and that Reagan caused it to falter, ultimately? Now, there is a lot of corporate malfeasance which has lead to the massive loss of jobs we are experiencing, but no one argues that tax increases are GOOD for the economy. They might argue that they are good for the country, but not for the economy.

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    JoyceBV65  over 14 years ago

    Hey, it’s all Bush’s fault. Bush’s fault. Bush’s fault. Bush’s fault .Bush’s fault.Bush’s fault. Bush’s fault. Bush’s fault. Bush’s fault. Bush’s fault. Bush’s fault .Bush’s fault. etc., etc., etc.,etc., etc.,etc.,etc., etc.,etc.,etc., etc.,etc.,etc., etc., etc.,etc.,etc., etc.,etc.,etc., etc.,etc.,etc., etc.,etc.,etc., etc.,etc.,etc., etc.,etc.,

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    Motivemagus  over 14 years ago

    Bonuses awarded for the wrong reasons are a misuse of corporate funds and a betrayal of the stockholders. There has been astonishing increases in CEO and executive pay in the US – more than anywhere else – and we can make the case that it is in fact excessive. Contrary to what harley thinks, many of the firms that were being bailed out gave “bonuses” that were in fact obligatory – people were guaranteed the amount. Given that this had no relationship to real performance, either it should have been properly accounted for (bonuses are counted differently from salaries for tax reasons and whatnot, you see), or it should have been treated as a true bonus – in which case they didn’t deserve any.

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    mustbeunique2  over 14 years ago

    Yeah i dont want to pay taxes for government to have nice suits and flying the presidents to camp david and hawaii. Without bills and taxes(selfishness), that economy probably wouldnt have been driving so recklessly. Therefore avoiding the reck.

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