ViewsAfrica by Cartoon Movement-US for November 10, 2009

  1. Turte18df
    toasteroven  over 14 years ago

    No doubt someone will be here to explain just why hatred of homosexuals is so much more legitimate than hatred of blacks. No doubt they will quote the Bible profusely and sincerely.

    And no doubt that their arguments will be as empty as those of the angry, hateful fools who sought to defend slavery with quotes from the Bible, as those who seek to defend the oppression of women with quotes from the Koran. As empty, in fact, as the excuses of any group who sought to attach their hatreds to the cause of a higher power, in an effort to make them unassailable.

    Lies then, lies now.

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  2. Think
    tpenna  over 14 years ago

    Didn’t take long, toasteroven, for an uneducated fundamentalist hate-monger to come along and prove your point.

    For what it’s worth, a.c.d., the above half-wit does not begin to accurately represent the God of Christianity. I’m a devoted follower of Christ myself, but neither can I claim to faithfully represent God’s loving regard for her children.

    Some wonderful recent examples of true Christian faithfulness and compassion include Rev. Martin Luther King, Bishop V. Gene Robinson, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

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  3. Windmill w tulips haarlem netherlands 383092
    a.c.d  over 14 years ago

    ^^wow, I mean, wow, you are completely off the rails

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  4. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  over 14 years ago

    “Their homosexuality IS their religion, their faith, their god. It is their all-consuming passion, in a manner you rarely ever see in ordinary male-female fornicators. They cling to it like a drowning man clinging to a life preserver.”

    Really? I have met a few, and none seemed all THAT much more absorbed in their sexual practices than most heterosexual people.

    Regardless, your post has nothing to do with the topic of the cartoon - violence perpetrated by humans, not divine intervention. Vengeance is mine, says the Lord. What He wants to avenge, He does. He doesn’t need any help with it last time I checked.

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  5. Missing large
    rekam Premium Member over 14 years ago

    I’ve tried basically to ignore Scott’s rants as much as possible, but at this point I have to speak out about his diatribe on gays. First I’ll state that I’m straight and have been happily married for over 50 years. I have no interest in a gay lifestyle for myself. However, maybe the gays and lesbians I’ve met over the years are different from those Scott claims to know, but I know several gay and lesbian couples who have been in long-term (15-25 years) committed loving relationships. They’re not interested in pushing their lifestyle on anyone. All those I’ve worked with know I’m straight as I know they are gay or lesbian and we have gotten along just fine. I serve on the board of our neighborhood community association and there are two lesbians as well as one gay on the board. All are hard-working, strive to help our neighborhood and never mention their orientation. I cannot and will not condemn them for their sexual preferences as they do not harm anyone around them. I detest blind prejudice when it seems to be for its own sake. I don’t care what any individual (or book) says, I will judge people by what they are as people and how they interact with their fellow man or woman. Some people I will like and others I will dislike, but it will be because of those interactions, not because of some sexual orientation, race, ethnicity or anything else. Scott, you may not like my comments, but that is how I feel and I make no apologies for them.

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  6. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 14 years ago

    Why are we allowing a certain poster to always set the agenda?

    As usual with the international cartoons, he gets this one wrong but does at least provide the example for what is intolerance and homophobia.

    Onto the cartoon… The first panel in this cartoon depicts the aftermath of the Kenyan elections in 27th Dec 2007. Note it mentions Jan 2008. Over 1100 Kenyan against Kenyan deaths resulted from that violence. There was an almost obvious attempt at ethnic cleansing aimed at the Kikuyu tribe in Kenya’s Rift Valley after the opposition leader, a Luo, lost and claimed fraud. The violence was not restricted to Luo on Kikuyu though.

    The second panel shows once again Kenyan on Kenyan violence but this time Intolerance & Homophobia being the cause of the violence.

    THAT is the theme, one that is being exemplified by certain posters here.

    IrishEddieOHara: AIDS in Africa is spread mainly through heterosexuals, not homosexuals.

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  7. Windmill w tulips haarlem netherlands 383092
    a.c.d  over 14 years ago

    The fact that you say homosexuality is unnatural is incorrect. You are taking this fact from a group of people who made up a book thousands of years ago with little or no understanding of the natural world beyond the anedotal evidence they had infront of them. This is why you can’t eat shellfish or pork. Because they looked at these animals and claimed them to be unnatural (shellfish are in water like fish, but walk across the base of it like land animals, so it must be unnatural, and pigs, who have cloven hooves but dont chew their cud, oh well since horses and cows do, pigs must be unnatural) The point is that these are people who had not even the most basic education in science and are making claims which define morality with no factual basis what so ever. Homosexuality is commonly present in nature, and if anything the act of sex is not only for the procreation, it is also an act expressing socialisation. Bonobos are an extremely sexually active group of apes where almost all members of the group have sex as a means of showing each other affection and comfort. So please, Scott why dont you go read some books about social behaviour and try to grasp the complexity of natural attraction and sexuality before you make such black and white statements.

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  8. Greensun
    siddartha999  over 14 years ago

    @toasteroven - Oh Yeah !

    @therestofyoufools - if I gotta live by Leviticus, you gotta live by Deuteronomy !

    @hatersgenerally - how grossly insecure do you have to be afraid of EVERYTHING ? well at least everything not exactly like you… sad

    @fellowfruits - listen to Pansy Division ! ignore the fools and haters ! try to be somewhere good if in a bad place ! be at peace ! demand Change.

    Peaxe & Lurv, Rev. Very Reverend Billy D.

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  9. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  over 14 years ago

    “The gays in America liked the slogan “AIDS – Everyone is at risk for it”. Of course, that was a massive lie, as people who never engaged in fornication outside of marriage would never get AIDS, but the gay lobby and gay supporters didn’t care.”

    Actually, it can be very easy. The OTHER person in the marriage engages in fornication, it happens. Or there is a medical contamination - remember that case with an AIDS outbreak in a Libyan hospital? Hundreds of kids got infected there, and it sure wasn’t from having sex!

    Gays are calling for a cure, and so should everyone else.

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  10. Chongyang 重阳
    mhenriday  over 14 years ago

    Some people - not a majority, but a fair number - seem to get their kicks from harming others. Others will engage in similar activities if they feel themselves threatened. This is part of the human condition and must be taken into account when we attempt to steer our societies away from violence. It seems unlikely whether any god who is the creator of the universe would worry over much about the sexual proclivities of one particular species on one little planet, and it strikes me as still less likely that this omnisicient omnipotent diety would choose such spokesmen as «scottfreitas» or IrishEddieOHara. If they neither engage in them nor are tempted to engage in them, homosexual activities will not harm them and if they claim that they harm god in some mysterious way, then he/she/it is surely competent to deal with the problem without their help. Let the gays alone !…


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