Jeff Stahler for August 03, 2023

  1. Green 5 point celtic knot 300
    Erse IS better  10 months ago

    I think it’s more NON-honest Don. I doubt he’s even got the CONCEPT of honesty.

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    sipsienwa Premium Member 10 months ago

    If his portrait has to be in the gallery, put it in the janitor’s closet. With dirty mops over it.

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  3. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member 10 months ago

    Honest Abe — the first Republican to be elected president.

    Dishonest Don — the Republican who tried to destroy American democracy.

    For more than 230 years, we had a tradition in the United States of presidents serving their terms, and then stepping down and, even if they were defeated for re-election, participating in the peaceful transfer of power to the next administration.

    When George Washington served two terms and then voluntarily stepped down, deciding not to run for a third term, it was an unprecedented act in a world where power was only surrendered by death of the ruler or at the point of a sword or gun.

    When John Adams, the second president, had a knock-down, drag-out political bloodbath against his rival Thomas Jefferson, when he lost the election and became a one-term president, Adams voluntarily conceded his lost, stepped down and peacefully transferred power to his hated rival, again, a move that was unfathomable in the world of that time. (Ironically, the two bitter political rivals hated each other yet, at the end of their lives became close friends and even died on the same date in one of history’s greatest ironies — July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence Jefferson had written).

    This nation has been built and predicated upon a legal and traditional basis for the peaceful transfer of power. Donald Trump single-handedly has done his best to destroy that legacy. Whether or not he succeeds in his quest to destroy this nation depends on us. He came close on January 6, 2021. It is up to us to make sure that never happens again.

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  4. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  10 months ago

    Definitely not next to abe though

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    scote1379 Premium Member 10 months ago

    Purge !

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  6. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  10 months ago

    Buttercup still gets more media attention than he deserves. His absence from the tv screen would mean far less turmoil in people’s lives. As proof, since we stopped watching national tv news 4 years ago, both of us have lost the nervous anxiety about what he will do next or what effect his conviction or lack of it will cost the country. We are still concerned about the direction of the country, and we read national news stories that are of real interest to us. There are other, more serious problems that can’t be ignored, and that’s anxiety enough.

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  7. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 months ago

    Trump is the worst president in American history, tried to overthrow the current president, should be in prison now.

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    dflak  10 months ago

    Innocent until proven guilty. However, if there is a huge column of smoke, there is usually a fire underneath it. It is worth investigating.

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    oldchas  10 months ago

    The picture of tRump should be smaller than Lincoln’s. A lot smaller. Like wallet size and pasted next to the drain in a urinal.

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  10. Screenshot 2024 02 05 at 6.32.06 pm
    librarylady59  10 months ago

    Let his portrait hang in the WH along with other previous presidents. Post the indictments, the impeachments, the special prosecutors and their reports written for the public, and finally a list of the 70-some charges brought against this *malignant narcissistic psychopath as well as lawsuits against him, etc. Come to think of it, the paperwork on this mob boss would fill an entire wall… place his portrait and the proof of his corruption on the first wall WH visitors will view upon entering. Let the following be etched deeply in the wall: "The government announced that never again will this country allow such a ‘lapse in humanity to poison us and strip people of their basic human rights.’ Everybody looks back and wonders how we allowed it to happen in the first place. It all seems so simple now. — Cecelia Ahern

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  11. Blm
    1BlackLivesMatter Premium Member 10 months ago

    Dementia Joe.

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    GiantShetlandPony  10 months ago

    Lying has worked for him his entire life, that he can’t stop. Even, as those lies will finally catch up to him in court. I expect a lot of pleading the fifth, and I can’t remember, I can’t recall. It’s the only way he can’t perjure himself.

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  13. Freeradical
    Free Radical  10 months ago

    1 weak white male troll suffering from a severe identity crisis can only come up with “Dementia Joe”? Stay on subject and keep your old misleading name from now on please

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    momochan  10 months ago

    honest Abe the railroad lawyer who fought a tyrannical, unjust war of conquest to prevent sovereign people from self determination so he could continue to collect taxes and maintain power and if you want to say he freed anyone or that the war was fought to free the slaves, look into the Corwin Amendment which would have prevented federal interference with slavery in the states for all time, Lincoln was all for it in 1861 and may have actually authored it. The emancipation proclamation was clearly a war measure to destabilize the Confederacy, slaves in the states loyal to the Union clinked in their chains until Abe was a saint in heaven as H.L. Mencken so aptly put it. Read Thomas DiLorenzo to find out how honest St. Abe really was.

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    dflak  10 months ago

    The judge said that he has to be very careful about what he says from now on. If I were one of his lawyers, I would shoot him with a tranquilizer dart and put him in a coma until the trial is over.

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    dflak  10 months ago

    Twice impeached, thrice indicted, once convicted, two-time loser of the popular vote, the Republican Nominee for President: Donald Trump.

    I would have been committed to the loony bin if I had said this 20 years ago.

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  17. 1968 avatar 1
    pamela welch Premium Member 10 months ago

    There’s supposed to be a portrait of each President hanging in the Capitol in Denver, CO. It’s commissioned by private donors; at the end of 2017, the committee had collected $1.00; yep, 1 buck!

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    PaulGoes  10 months ago

    Hopefully, there will be iron bars added to the portrait

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  19. 2016 steelers wallpaper six superbowls rings trophys
    Awesome Steelers  10 months ago

    LOL…. On Point!

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    dflak  10 months ago

    I saw the artist’s sketch of the court scene. Mr. Trump is standing tall with his shoulders square as if he actually had a spine. Missing is the paunch in his midsection. His eyes are missing the bags and seem focused. Also he has human-like skin color. It barely looked like him at all.

    It was the artistic rendition of Photoshopping one’s picture on a dating site.

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    dflak  10 months ago

    “If you come after me, I’m coming after you.” – Doesn’t this violate the conditions of Trump’s bail? Shouldn’t he be behind bars by now?

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  22. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  10 months ago

    Buttercup is an example of what sticks when you throw extemporaneously ejected substances against the wall.

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