Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons by Al Goodwyn for April 15, 2023

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    Grandma Lea  about 1 year ago

    Please don’t use common sense for once! Allow someone who can win run instead.

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    Odon Premium Member about 1 year ago

    The right wants, so bad, to get something on Joe. Yet they seem all too willing to give 45 a pass on everything.

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  3. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  about 1 year ago

    prosecution of former presidents who commit crimes…otherwise, it’ll backfire as political

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    braindead Premium Member about 1 year ago

    What crime(s) did Biden commit, Goodwyn?

    Be specific and show your work.


    Otherwise, it’s just more made up crap that Trump Disciples weaponize and LIE about.

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    Kurtass Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Bidin can do any crime he wants. Up to and including murdering someone on Fith Avenue. The DOJ can not indicte.

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    The Nodding Head  about 1 year ago

    Three months into the House led by Mushie McCarthy, Loony Greene, Jackoff Jordan, Creepy Gaetz, et. al., and…. Bupkis.

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    Zebrastripes  about 1 year ago

    GOP can’t prove any accusations…it’s all they got! They thrive on irrelevant past events, that never happened!

    They investigate, waste taxpayers money and time! Instead of working for WE the PEOPLE, the reason they were ELECTED, they’re in it for their personal gain….and the millions in BRIBE money from all the corps that they vote for in their favor…and don’t forget the gun suppliers and the NRA!

    Heartless, greedy, ignorant, no scruples, cowards and bullies, and no heart and souls!

    They aim their sights on women and children….☹️

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    rs0204 Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Either we hold all people, regardless of wealth or station, to the same legal standard or admit our justice system is a joke. And before anyone says it,… that includes Hunter Biden. If you can prove he broke the law, indict and prosecute him.

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    ShadowMaster  about 1 year ago
    (sarcasm alert) Yaas, if you have something you can prove enough to at least get it INTO court on Biden.

    Because that’s what has happened in T’s case. They have enough to get him there, on more than one occasion.

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  10. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  about 1 year ago

    Sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander.

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    quixotic3  about 1 year ago

    Badly drawn, badly thought out cartoon.

    You can tell their heart really isn’t it, but they just can’t quit trump.

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    casonia2  about 1 year ago

    Goodwyn, why do you persist in supporting Trump? Why should he be above the law — because he says he’s a “Republican”? In no way does he stand for traditional Republican values. That he has not yet been brought to justice is contributing to the general lawlessness that is damaging our country. Shame on you!

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    fjblume2000  about 1 year ago

    An UNSEALED indictment of 34 counts and NO felony/felonies among them? That DA is a political hack running a Star Chamber!

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  14. Triumph
    Daeder  about 1 year ago

    ^ 34 FELONY charges. Try to keep up.

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    Al Goodwyn creator about 1 year ago

    In the prosecution of Trump, the bar’s been lowered to a level that makes misdemeanors a worthy target for the prosecution of former presidents. But in the minds and frothing mouths of many liberals, torturing the charges into felonies is more than justified. The contortions required may look like Cirque du Soleil meets the Chicken Ranch, but a dangerous precedent is being set. A precedent that could easily be used against Biden for his alleged family enrichment through influence peddling.

    And as far as Trump’s concerned, I personally wish he’d just ride off into the sunset. Forget prosecution (although I’m all for a Trump gag order, secured tightly, double knotted, and duct taped; see my cartoon from two days ago). Unfortunately, the media and Democrats just can’t quit him. The TDS is so strong that there’s a definite trickle-down TDS effect that prods level-headed Americans, some journalists and even a rube cartoonist to occasionally poke at the abundance of derangement symptoms on display.

    Nixon wasn’t prosecuted after he resigned as president because Gerald Ford pardoned him. The pardon was bad for blood thirsty, divisive Americans but good for the country. Now, our lasting memories of Nixon are his helicopter departure followed by his lonely walks on the beach. For Ford’s controversial move, the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation awarded its 2001 Profile in Courage Award to him. For more on that period, the book “31 Days” by Barry Werth is an excellent look into the month following Nixon’s resignation.

    Apparently, NDS at the time was in no way comparable to present-day TDS afflictions.

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    apfelzra Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Trump should be indicted and tried for the Mar-a-Lago classified documents thefts, for instigating a riot at the US Capitol, and for trying to overthrow the 2020 election results in Georgia. The Stormy Daniels affair and crimes are trivial by comparison. But I agree with you that Trump should should shut the #%*@! up for good, although his enormous ego won’t allow it.

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    Rich Douglas  about 1 year ago

    If TDS exists, it’s because “T” is so “D.”

    The media don’t “quit” him because he doesn’t quit. He’s a former President of the United States, so everything he does publicly makes news. This is doubly so since he’s also a declared candidate for the GOP nomination for president. And thrice so because he’s a huge public figure with that. And let’s go with the quad: he’s under investigation in two states and in two federal cases. None of that is the media’s fault.

    Until Trump, Nixon was the greatest threat to democracy we had ever seen from a president. But Trump makes Nixon look like a punk; an active traitor to our nation. So, yeah, Trump is worthy of every single little bit of attention paid to him.

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