Lisa Benson for January 19, 2023

  1. Triumph
    Daeder  over 1 year ago

    I’m sure since Lisa cares so much about the national debt she didn’t vote for debters like Reagan, Bush, Bush Jr. and traitor-45. And of course, she voted for Clinton, Obama and Biden, right? Because debt is bad, right?!

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  over 1 year ago

    Simple solution tax the rich

    Oh wait you’re against that i forget

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    drbee  over 1 year ago

    Every Recession, And the Great Depression, came about under a GOP administration. The idea they are the Party of Fiscal Responsibility would be Laughable, were the consequences of their lies not so catastrophic for everyone else.

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    braindead Premium Member over 1 year ago

    I don’t want to accuse Lisa of being STUPID or anything, but evidently she has no idea how many times the debt ceiling was raised when Her Messiah was president.


    And once again: The debt ceiling is just one more “issue” for Republicans to weaponize and LIE about.

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    brwydave Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Darn, I forgot the PIN number again.

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    DC Swamp  over 1 year ago

    This does misrepresent the debt ceiling, but does illustrate in a broader sense that the the DC swamp is spending this country into oblivion. I remember Barry Obama criticizing Bush Jr. about a $9 trillion debt, calling it “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic.” Wow, a mere $9 trillion, pocket change compared to now.

    Unlike the usual one-sided posts on this thread, it’s both Democrats and Republicans who are responsible for this massive debt. Future generations will abhor us for our greed as they eventually have to deal with this burden.

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    A# 466  over 1 year ago

    Not to worry. The House is teeing up a bill to gut the IRS and ditch the federal income tax, setting set up a national “sales” tax on all purchases in its stead. This is probably the best news the greedy rich basturds (i.e., the rich folks who don’t pay their tax liabilities) could receive since before the 16th amendment was ratified. Why, you ask, it that true? Well, a sales tax is probably the most regressive of taxes, and it will impact low and middle income folks far more than the rich folks.

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    Nantucket Premium Member over 1 year ago

    The Repubs insisted on an increase in military spending that is greater than inflation for any of them to vote for the badly needed infrastructure bill. Eliminate that increase and then cut even further. Stop building tanks that go directly to storage, stop developing new jets and equipment that is more advanced than current technology and they never work properly, and stop paying retired generals to be consultants since their solutions tend to involve more wars. Have to wonder how much money those generals have invested in the military industrial complex.

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    rs0204 Premium Member over 1 year ago

    More so than at any other time, Republicans don’t feel like they have to govern for the whole country; they only have to govern for those who got them there. Do you think there will be a shred of negative press coming from the Right Wing media if we default on the debt? Do you think those voters that keep returning the reactionaries to congress like MTG understand anything about the Debt Ceiling?

    This is going to be a mess.

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    The Nodding Head  over 1 year ago

    If we have reached the limit, then fix the future. Conservatives keep trying to change the past.

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    aristoclesplato9  over 1 year ago

    And now expect a wave of clueless experts to start posting about how the debt ceiling does not matter.

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    Interventor12  over 1 year ago

    The 2022 interest on the nation debt is about $305 billion. Projected 2031 debt is about $914 billion. Which will require massive tax increases to just service the debt.,%20%206.8%25%20%206%20more%20rows%20If you think inflation is bad now…

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    codak  over 1 year ago

    u can generally find economists on both sides of every issue. One side calling the other illiterate.

    at a certain point I would think the US would face a natural debt limit such as Greece and Iceland hit. One defaulted and one was kind of bailed out with more loans.

    We certainly need to tax the rich more..I think tha would be apparent to congress.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member over 1 year ago

    All the pork that was promised to get you elected needs to paid for. Harsh reality but there it is, sorry.

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  15. Missing large  over 1 year ago

    Donald Trump fined 305 billion.Don’t worry,Mexico will pay it

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    cdbro  over 1 year ago

    America has officially hit the $31 TRILLION debt ceiling: Treasury implements ‘extraordinary measures’ to avoid economic meltdown – and here’s what it means for your 401KsThe Treasury Department will start using ‘extraordinary measures’ from todayDebt is now 120 % of the GDP and equals $246,876 of debt per taxpayerFigure is more than economies of China, Japan, Germany and UK combinedCongress will now go to battle as clock ticks towards an economic meltdown - TERRY MOSELEY FOR DAILYMAIL.COM

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    Retrac Premium Member over 1 year ago

    You captured this perfectly Ms. Benson. All of the money spent and the Dems want to spend even more. There has to be a better fiscal policy than spend, spend, spend.

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    cdbro  over 1 year ago

    The “reach across the aisle” party will not hold talks with McCarthy per KJP. What they will do is roll out the propaganda talking points “they want to cut SS and Medicare” when it has already been stated that it won’t. What the Rhinos and Dims are afraid of is their money laundering hustle will be cut.

    McCarthy said Tuesday that talks should begin immediately on the potential spending cuts that Republicans are seeking in exchange for raising the debt limit, even though the Biden administration has equated that demand to holding the U.S. economy hostage.

    ‘Who wants to put the nation in some type of threat at the last minute of the debt ceiling?’ McCarthy said. ‘Nobody wants to do that. That’s why we’re asking, ’Let’s change our behavior now. Let’s sit down.’

    The Biden administration wants the borrowing cap increased without any preconditions. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Tuesday ruled out holding talks with McCarthy.

    Russ Vought’s proposal answers how to deal with the debt without touching SS/Med. Eventually SS/Med has to be dealt with as POS politicians can’t resist “borrowing” it to spend on themselves. Their salaries and benefits should be reduced first.

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    ShadowMaster  over 1 year ago

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    cdbro  over 1 year ago

    CHINA JOEK, how much is coming back into his pocket?

    US Has Sent a Net $309 Billion to Communist China This YearAmerica’s next move must be one that won’t make the Chinese Communist Party happy.

    A report in The New York Times suggested that the Chinese government was happy with the outcome of the Biden-Xi meeting. Its headline said: “After the Biden-Xi meeting, Beijing signals optimism over relations with Washington.”

    “An upbeat photo in China’s main newspaper and comments by the foreign minister suggested that Beijing believes its relationship with Washington could improve,” said the Times.

    “The prominent position of the photo on the front page of China’s main official newspaper spoke volumes: In it, the nation’s leader, Xi Jinping, smiled and shook hands with President Biden against a backdrop of Chinese and American flags.”

    The Times reported that Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told reporters of the Biden-Xi summit: “This meeting was both a continuation of exchanges up to now, and augurs a new starting point.”

    The new starting point that the United States should establish with Beijing is not one that will make the Chinese Communist Party happy. It should be one that will pressure China to stop its human rights abuses and eliminate the trade imbalance that in the first nine months of this year has resulted in the American people sending a net of $309 billion to a Communist regime. – Terence P. Jeffrey

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  21. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 1 year ago

    Republicans stole all they could during the Trump admin.

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    Radish the wordsmith  over 1 year ago

    25% of total US national debt incurred over 230 years happened during… the Trump Administration

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    Drgnslr Premium Member over 1 year ago

    They never reach the limit

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    cdbro  over 1 year ago

    GIVE US MO MONEY.. the deficit isn’t big enough to support this: Biden Admin’s New Refugee Sponsorship Program Partners With ‘Abolish ICE’ Organization

    Support immigrants sounds great, but who pays for it? How is this sustainable?

    It’s not, sustainable. It is a support system for the Cartels, sex traffickers, drug dealers and pedophiles. It is DISGUSTINGLY opportunistic. The promise that illegals are given is full of deceit. The trek that these people must take is dangerous and does not end well once they are here.

    “Instead of providing excessive and immoral resources for inhumane treatment of immigrants and asylum seekers, the United States should put those resources into programs that expand our capacity to welcome immigrants with the dignity and respect everyone deserves,” the CWS said in September.

    The organization’s involvement with the Biden administration, however, doesn’t stop there. The organization was also tapped to head the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Case Management Pilot Program to monitor illegal immigrants awaiting their court dates in the U.S., Fox News reported in October. – Daily Caller

    Libs needs to watch the live videos that are provided by Ben Bergquam and Oscar Ramirez. If you watch these videos and think we are helping these people, you are a part of their problems. Travel with them while crossing over the Darien Gap and get back to us with your tale if you are still alive.

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    cdbro  over 1 year ago

    Billions spent; is it too much to ask on what? If so, why? Does the money laundering SBF scandal come to mind to anyone else?

    Exclusive — Sen. Vance, Rep. Bishop Lead Letter Demanding Biden Administration Produce Report on All Ukraine-Related Appropriations

    The group noted that the omnibus spending bill, which brought the total amount of money given to Ukraine to $114 billion, mandates that the report is due 30 days after the legislation went into effect but “does not include the full picture of expenditures on areas such as budget support for the Ukrainian government and economic assistance.”

    Russ Vought, the former OMB director under President Donald Trump and current president of Center for Renewing America, told Breitbart News, “Congress has given out over $100 billion to Ukraine without telling the American people exactly what that money is being spent on. We fully support Senator Vance’s request to OMB Director Shalanda Young to be honest about where American taxpayer money is being spent in Ukraine. The American people deserve transparency and the Biden Admin must provide that.”

    Garrett Bess, Vice President of Heritage Action, told Breitbart News that the “American taxpayers deserve a comprehensive strategy, accountability, and oversight of the tens of billions of dollars of assistance that the United States has sent to Ukraine.”

    “While recently passed legislation requires an accounting for all direct military aid to Ukraine, this is wholly inadequate, as it does not include a review of the direct economic support received by Ukraine since the start of the war,” Bess added. “Sen. Vance’s request that OMB provides an accounting of both military and economic aid would fill in the gaps that the current law has left and provide a much more robust picture of how U.S. tax dollars have been spent in Ukraine, which would better inform lawmakers’ decision making as the conflict continues to unfold.”-Breitbart

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    BB71  over 1 year ago

    I had that problem with an ex-wife. I took her credit card away, paid her bills and got rid of her. Problem solved. You are making a simple problem a very complicated one. For example the last spending bill passed a month ago for $1.7 Trillion was full of PORK. The amount I have heard was in the 70% area. There is the problem. Go back and eliminate the PORK for starters. Billions spent on useless projects and grants.

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    BB71  over 1 year ago

    The national debt for 42 Presidents was (In round numbers) $5 trillion. Bush 43 doubled it to $10 trillion. Obama doubled it to $20 trillion. Trump raised it another $ 5 trillion, largely due to COVID spending. Remember, all spending starts with the House. Presidents can`t spend money without House authorization.

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    Rich Douglas  over 1 year ago

    Dear Lisa:

    Explain what you mean by the limit. Because what you drew is not what happens. No one goes to the ATM to pay a bill, yet the debt limit is that: bill paying. It is NOT spending. That’s already happened. We have to raise the debt limit to service the $6-8 trillion in additional debt run up by Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans.

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    jader3rd  over 1 year ago

    That’s not how this works. When we reach the limit we can keep borrowing, but we refuse to pay back those that we borrowed from previously.

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    AllenHudsonVeasman Premium Member over 1 year ago

    DD Wiz made this statement “whereas it is actually DEMOCRATS who reduce deficits.” While technically true. When did that happen? There was a short time at the end Bill Clinton’s time and the first year of Bush 2 when the Debt to GDP ratio dropped to 55%. When the S&L crisis hit in late 2007 the ratio went nuts. Today that ratio is 123%. OH and since DD Wiz wants to blame the the Administrations and doesn’t mention the fact that the Administrations can only spend what Congress authorizes. Maybe we should look there to place blame.

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