Nick Anderson for November 03, 2022

  1. Frank
    Frankfreak  over 1 year ago

    Conservative lies will outpace truth every time.

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    old1953  over 1 year ago

    Several million Democrats have been saying that, LOUDLY.

    Democratic Party politicians had no problem with the internet, UNTIL it came to social media. And there they just seem lost for the most part.

    There are thousands of GQP social media sites/pages that do nothing but push for GQP candidates and lie about Democrats, or repeat lies. And it is EFFECTIVE, given the rate at which we see those absolute lies repeated here, where they can’t just repost.

    It’s known that most of the influential pages are funded by groups supporting the GQP, and you can’t find a GQP reference on most of them. Just general “stuff of interest”, often lists or recipes until an election is close. And then it’s all about “did you know this” lies.

    Gee, I didn’t know that Bill had fifteen black children or that Hillary was a lesbian, or that Joe was secretly dealing drugs out of the White House or that there as a plan to turn the USA over to Blacks in the South and Mexicans in the West, after paying them huge reparations for damages done to their delicate psyches because of being forced to go to school with Whites? Did you know any of that? Wow!

    And, of course, it’s just the standard GQP lies. But they are much much more effective after being carefully planted by “the church lady” or “the old farmer” or “the guy who cooks in his little kitchen”.

    Democrats need to get their rears in gear and counter this crap. And it needs to be countered on that same level, not denials from on high.

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    Radish the wordsmith  over 1 year ago

    AOC accuses Elon Musk of sabotaging her Twitter account: ‘Doesn’t seem very free speechy to me’

    ‘Why should people pay $8 just for their app to get bricked when they say something you don’t like?’

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Yeah, Republicans would certainly want Democrats to stop with having a cogent and substantial platform and positive direction to offer the voters.

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    DrDon1  over 1 year ago

    Is Anderson implying that Dems are poor at messaging and Repubs are poor at governing?

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    jvscanlan Premium Member over 1 year ago

    If the Media had spent the past year talking about the issues themselves instead of just the horserace, Biden’s approval ratings would be positive and the election would be a shoe in for Democrats.

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    mxy  over 1 year ago

    The message is just fine. I know who and what you are.

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    sedrelwesley2 Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Hold their feet to fire. Replay their lying ads & call them on it.

    Re-establish the “fairness doctrine”, done away with by Reagan administration, giving rise to liars like Limbaugh at first, then Hannity, Carlson, et. al.

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  9. Cathy aack Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Maybe you could quit attacking each other too…especially your president.

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    FrankErnesto  over 1 year ago

    The message is clear enough. It is the brain function of 40 million voters that is foggy.

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    jean.balliet2  over 1 year ago


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