Matt Davies for August 29, 2022

  1. Snl mrbill doll
    claudio645  almost 2 years ago

    Large numbers of teachers are quitting. They don’t like being abused for teaching science and history, being asked to pack a handgun and shoot it out with unstable students and being dumped on while getting paid much less than they are worth.

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    casonia2  almost 2 years ago


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    mwksix  almost 2 years ago

    The more things change the more they stay the same…

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    gigi20  almost 2 years ago

    My friend’s daughter just quit her job after teaching in 2 states for 14 years, under a salary freeze the entire time. The admin kept piling more and more duties on her because the school was short staffed. When another teacher complained that she was “bossy”, there was going to be a disciplinary hearing. She resigned immediately! She now has time for her family and is no longer working on an ulcer. I don’t know how there are any teachers left.

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    cmxx  almost 2 years ago

    If you missed the 8/28 cartoon, click left.

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    lonecat  almost 2 years ago

    I would be curious to know what people got out of school — primary and secondary. I learned the most in math class (through pre-calculus) and French (five years — by the end we (there were five of us) were reading Gide and Balzac). I enjoyed those classes, the others I found boring.

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  7. Freeradical
    Free Radical  almost 2 years ago

    Pretty soon in the barbarian states of amerika most of the teachers will be preachers, and we all will have to pay for it via vouchers.

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  8. Frank gifford
    nyg16  almost 2 years ago

    in “great” state florida and other blood red states

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  9. P1000380
    A# 466  almost 2 years ago

    Read all about it in Gasset’s 1930’s book, “The Revolt of the Masses”. Could update the title to “The Revolt of the MAGATs”.

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    ChristopherBurns  almost 2 years ago

    This is only happening where there are no teacher’s unions.

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    FrankErnesto  almost 2 years ago

    As long as the high school football team looks good, teaching is secondary. Remember how the parents howled when faced with their own kids, 24 hours a day. Open the schools they cried, we are willing to risk our kids lives, but get them out of here.

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