Steve Kelley for June 05, 2022

  1. Angrydog
    The Real M38  about 2 years ago

    And which team is more responsible for the proliferation of gun culture and capitulation to the gun lobby, Steve?

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Just don’t go to places where you might get shot and killed or maimed, kid.

    Like school.

    Or church.

    Or the grocery store.

    Or a mall.

    Or a movie.

    Or a nightclub.

    Or a hospital.

    Or an office.

    Or a freeway.


    At least not until they are sufficiently hardened.

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    LookingGlass Premium Member about 2 years ago

    And I remember when petrol was only thirty-nine cents per gallon!! Then again, the minimum wage was $2.30 per hour!!!


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  4. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  about 2 years ago

    A dollar and a quarter a gallon? Sixty years ago, it was 22.9 cents a gallon at the edge of my memory. At the time, we had a huge middle class, an above-average president who inspired us, both parties worked together on foreign policy, if not domestic, and optimism for the future. We also had a Supreme Court that upheld our rights, especially of ordinary citizens instead of corporations.

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    The Nodding Head  about 2 years ago

    The father does not appear to be armed. Bad father. Bad.

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    walfishj  about 2 years ago

    Gee, when I got my first car, a VW Beatle, gas was 25 cents a gallon. There have been five republican presidents since then. Did you blame inflation on them?

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Fortunately, unlike the current 20th-century mindset, Gen Z is looking past their noses toward their future and the vital importance of a clean planet and eradication of the ignorance that has plagued the planet for so long.

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  8. 3holycow
    cbgoldeneagle2  about 2 years ago

    Guess what that electric car ain’t cheap and it will cost the same to maintain it over the years!!! so in the long run it get stuck by the government any way!! Wait until you have to replace the battery!!!! sucker

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    preacherman Premium Member about 2 years ago

    I feel for the little guy here, and all the little ones out there that may not have a future anything like ours growing up. We continue to pollute the atmosphere with CO2 so the climate change effect will deepen. Already, storms are more severe and low lying areas are really feeling the punch. Dryer areas are getting dryer, wetter areas are getting wetter. Forest fires are now into world areas that had rarely had them decades ago. Species of birds and insects are dying off at an incredible rate. Even the rate of melting ice worldwide is moving faster than the experts had predicted. Yes, I fear for the future of our little ones.

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    ragsarooni Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Soooooo true…..what insight that kid has…..

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member about 2 years ago

    I recall on holidays into the states gas wars knocking the price to 18 cents/gallon. Mind minimum wages were ~ 75 cents/hour, a pop cost 10 cents and our Canadian dollar was worth more than the American one.

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    BB71  about 2 years ago

    Thanks Joe. Electric cars are not cheaper. They cost more. They depreciate very fast. The cost of a new battery averages $10,000. The batteries have less range every year. The batteries lose 40% of their capacity at 41 degrees. Who knows the range at below zero.

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    Rich Douglas  about 2 years ago

    Between the increases in the cost of living since then and the present-day price-gouging by oil companies, yeah, I guess it is a little high. But compared to the rest of life’s challenges, it’s a tiny thing.

    Consume less.

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  14. Saint dogbert
    Saint Dogbert  about 2 years ago

    I remember when gas was $1.86.

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  15. Tf 117
    RAGs  about 2 years ago

    SKELLEY and other angry republicans refuse to comment on how many hours it takes to earn the cost of what they buy. Workers demand raises so they can afford what they buy, so employers raise costs so they don’t lose any profits. Taking that into account, somethings are cheaper now than they were, but that does not fit into the republican narrative. I remember when $10,000 a year was a living wage.

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    RonnieAThompson Premium Member about 2 years ago

    When I was his age, regular gas was 14 cents per gallon.

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  17. Get smart shoe phone
    gopher gofer  about 2 years ago

    only 5 bucks?! ha ha ha ha. we pay much more than that here in japan. nobody’s happy about that, of course, but you don’t hear people foolishly trying to put the blame on the prime minister for things that are beyond his control…

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    My First Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Headline, June 3rd, 2022 – ‘Thanks, Joe’: Gas Prices Have Officially Doubled Since Biden Became President". Think people won’t be thinking about this when they vote in the midterms?

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    1db  about 2 years ago

    I just watched Die Hard again this weekend. In the beginning when the cop goes into the convenience store I noticed the sign in front had gas for 74.9 cents a gallon!!!

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    LeeGP  about 2 years ago

    Hah. I can remember when it was 27 cents for the cheap stuff. One day my father sent me to the gas station to fill up the car and I accidentally asked for supreme (back then they did everything for you). I got reamed for paying an extra 2 cents a gallon…

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member about 2 years ago

    @VegaAlopex – Those we’re the days my friend, we thought they would never end!But they have! It was a great ride while it lasted.

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