Rudy Park by Darrin Bell and Theron Heir for November 17, 2021

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  over 2 years ago

    But they worked hard to make that money SNARK

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  2. Beaker
    Bullet Bronson Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Math before noon is the worst.

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    NWdryad  over 2 years ago

    It is indeed enraging, but the brutal truth is that there’s nothing the 99% can do about it, given the political climate.

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    Havel  over 2 years ago

    We are an innumerate lot.

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    NatureBatsLast  over 2 years ago

    Pity that the 1% can’t rig climate change so that they get all the effects of it.

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    Gen.Flashman  over 2 years ago

    Thanks to inexpensive foreign produced consumer items people are not up in arms. as long as a low wage worker can go home to a 60" ultra HD TV and prepared dinner in his microwave while talking on his phone he is not likely to be a Street Fighting Man.Most Americans do not resent the 1%, instead they idolize them, hence the devotion to supposed billionaire trump. Who they do resent are those a step or two above them.A Walmart clerk making $30k resents the store manager making $125k more than the Waltons.

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    AndrewSihler  over 2 years ago

    Eeek! A palpable gaffe.

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  8. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The income gap is meaningless, if your poor are fed, clothed, housed and employed. When you are secure in your existence, to be concerned that others have more is just a form of emotional dysfunction and a sign of mental illness. If your poor cannot be productive, and that is the sole reason for their poverty, then what expectation do they have to enjoy the fruits of productivity? If commerce is allowed to flourish, and production and employment are possible and available, then the income gap is not a matter of concern. It only becomes an issue where government controls all wealth and some part of the population is allowed to fall into poverty without the opportunity to participate in the economy as productive members of that economy. There are very few people who have no ability to reciprocate for their maintenance. Those persons who must rely on charity are not considered at all in the income gap discussions.

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