Jeff Danziger for June 26, 2021

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  almost 3 years ago

    That’s with only two voters (but one has a veto). With more voters, it’s actually EASIER to understand: If someone wins outright, they win. If not, then the one with the fewest votes is eliminated and for anyone how chose that candidate first, their second place vote is placed as though it were their first. Repeat until someone has a majority. This is guaranteed to find exactly one winner (well, or a tie is theoretically possible). In fact, we can pay attention to all the vote choices at the same time so once all the votes have been handled, discovering the winner is quick. Unlike the traditional system, since votes for people who are behind will EVENTUALLY be cast for someone else, you cannot predict the winner based on who the losers are.

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    Terdarian  almost 3 years ago

    Very good. Well said. Explained in a manner we can all regret later too. I should have stuck with strawberry shortcake and I should have voted for candidate 1 instead of 2. Oh well, we can go back next week and get it right.Funny and informative.

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  3. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    Biden wasn’t my first choice.

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  4. Thomas at teretonga 1st march
    DuncanCairncross  almost 3 years ago

    I prefer the system we have – MMP really well and gives everybody a voice

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  5. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  almost 3 years ago

    The method is irrelevant if all voters aren’t allowed to vote. Or if the legislature can simply invalidate an election it doesn’t like.

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  6. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Hold on, I thought that everyone they were voting for was actually ON the menu. They’re not voting for things that are unavailable, it’s there. Right?

    I mean, I don’t ALWAYS get the first choice I make on the ballot anyway. Do you seriously think that I WANTED four years of Donald Trump?

    If we had had ranked voting back in 2016 Trump would have been MUCH lower than hot dog. He’d have been like “digested hot dog, scrapped up out the toilet and repackaged as 3rd rate fertilizer, low in nutrients, vitamins and content.”

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  7. Calvin   hobbes   playtime in snow avatar flipped
    Andrew Sleeth  almost 3 years ago

    It’s a simple concept … as easy as finding the lowest common denominator was in grade-school math.

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  8. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    And if she can’t have a “hot dog”, she take a dandelion burger. The latest vegan treat.

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  9. Peace sign 2
    rionmorrison69  almost 3 years ago

    Beats the shit sandwiches we are being offered by both major parties.

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  10. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    ‘It will get ugly’: Trump insider warns Republicans against challenging the former president

    With Donald Trump hitting the road this weekend to begin a series of rallies with an eye on the 2024 presidential nomination, an aide close to the ex-president claims Trump plans to serve notice that he is not to be challenged for control of the Republican Party.

    According to a report from the Daily Beast’s Asawin Suebsaeng, Trump’s rally tour will be one part red-meat cultural issues for his rabid base and one part making sure people know he intends to be the face of the party for the next four years.

    “In [recent] conversations that I’ve had with him, he has said that he wants to be everywhere to remind people, not just Republicans, that he’s still in charge,” the Trump associate explained. “The message is a pretty straightforward one: I am still leading this party, and if you want to try to challenge me for that, it will get ugly.”

    The report adds, “His overwhelming popularity in the GOP and among the base of conservative voters—even after the deadly MAGA riot, and Republicans losing the House, Senate, and White House on his watch—is something that Trump is determined to preserve.”

    Looks like republicons are bound and determined to lose in 2024.

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  11. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    ‘This is bonkers’: Internet reacts to bombshell right-wing ‘spies’ with deep pockets infiltrated Democratic Party

    Erik Prince linked to long-running undercover scheme to infiltrate Democratic party organizations

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  12. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    GOP consultants raise red flag about 2022 midterms: ‘If they are about Trump, we lose’

    Lauren Boebert’s tweet about ‘disaster presidency’ blows up in her face in spectacular fashion

    Rep. Lauren Boebert’s (R-Colo.) recent attempt to insult President Joe Biden took a turn for the worse when Twitter users flipped the script on her. On Friday, June 25, the conspiracy theory-supporting lawmaker tweeted: “Six months into this disaster presidency and I’ve yet to see a liberal be able to praise Joe Biden on his own merits.”

    One Twitter user wrote, “I’m a Republican and I am praising Biden for his performance to-date.. You, on the other hand, have proven your incompetence day in and and day out.”

    Another Twitter user wrote, “Biden is fully 50% more popular than Trump was at his best ever, on his merits. Getting tens of millions vaccinated, rebuilding trust with allies, ceasing the heinous subservience to dictators & thugs… people of all political backgrounds see we are better off.”

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  13. Missing large
    The Love of Money is . . .  almost 3 years ago

    At least we don’t see a “Whites Only” sign at the lunch counter with the way the G.Q.P. is making changes. Maybe that will be on their next platform at the convention of Trump followers. . . . /S

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  14. Picture
    Ontman  almost 3 years ago

    Screw it, give me all of the above.

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    briangj2  almost 3 years ago

    Similarly, ranked-choice voting simply asks you to list your preferences. Except instead of listing places to eat, voters list the candidates that they like best. Voters get to express which candidate they like the most, and also which candidates they would prefer if their favorite does not have enough popular support to win.

    Say your favorite in the campaign is Candidate A. You agree with Candidate A on almost every issue and think they would represent your values best. Your preferred election outcome would be for Candidate A to win. Obviously, you would rank them first. You are not as excited as Candidate B or Candidate C, but you can get on-board with most of their ideas. If Candidate B or C won, it wouldn’t be ideal, but you could definitely live with it. You would rank B or C as your second and third choices.

    First, everyone’s first choice is counted. For you, that would be Candidate A. Let’s say that after this first round, Candidate A receives 20% of the votes. Candidate B receives 30%. Candidate C receives 24% and Candidate D receives 26%.

    No one got a clear majority- more than 50%- so the election goes into a second round automatically. This is the instant run-off.

    Because Candidate A got the fewest votes, they are not included in the second round. This means that everyone who ranked Candidate A as their first-choice now have their second choice counted for their vote. In your case, that means that your vote in the second round will go to Candidate B. If necessary, this process continues past the second round until one candidate has more than 50% of the vote.

    Let’s say that in the second round of your race, Candidate D is eliminated. In round three, Candidate B receives 53% of the vote, and Candidate C receives 47%. Candidate B then officially wins the election.

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  16. H
    cherns Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Pretty clear and close. The alternative would be what is called “First Past the Post,” the current system in many jurisdictions. In that system, the answer is, “Sorry, whipped cream is off, so you get nothing; too bad you didn’t order strawberry shortcake without whipped cream, your second choice.”

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  17. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    90-minutes of rage — Trump repeats his long list of grievances during Ohio MAGA rally

    The former leader of the free world listed his numerous grievances, pushed ridiculous conspiracy theories, lied about his record in office, and complained about his perceived enemies during a long-winded speech in Ohio.

    Trump painted a dystopian picture of Joe Biden’s administration, which he argued is destroying America.

    Trump’s speech was loaded with red meat for his base, but short on facts.

    Trump repeated his debunked delusions about the 2020 election, which he complained that he had been winning before all the votes were counted.

    “We had great people working for me, and we had some real losers too,” Trump admitted.

    Trump supporters chanted “CNN sucks” as he complained about the press.

    And Trump said China owes America “trillions and trillions” of dollars in “reparations”.

    “The military brass have become weak and ineffective leaders and our enemies are watching and they’re laughing,” he charged.

    Many of Trump’s comments were indecipherable for those who are deeply plugged into right-wing media, but Trump assumed his supporters were up-to-date on Fox News conspiracy theories.

    More than one-hour into his speech, Trump praised disgraced MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and the crowd gave Lindell a standing ovation.

    Through it all, Trump kept returning to his lies about the 2020 election, which was decisively won by Joe Biden. But Trump just keep pushing the “Big Lie”.

    Same old vicious lying crap, different day.

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  18. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  almost 3 years ago

    As a system, Ranked Choice Voting seems to work pretty well in countries that use it. Certainly beats the runoff system or the plurality system. If I had my way, we would have a two-fold system. For elections, ranked choice voting. BUT (and I know this will get blowback) for incumbents, I would institute a system where they run only against themselves with an up-or-down vote. That is, they announce their desire for another term, and in an early election, the people vote to retain them or not. 50%+1 means they have a new term. Term limits can apply if we want, but the incumbent can’t campaign during their term. Period. If the incumbent fails to get 50%, they are not allowed to run that cycle. Only after that vote may the various parties make their candidate choices in whatever fashion they choose.

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    Bendarling1  almost 3 years ago

    Ranked choice is a good way to make both parties more responsible to the electorate. “1st vote for your partisan idiot, 2nd choice the less partisan , 3rd the guy that’s ok, then quit when you really can’t stand their positions.

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