Clay Jones for June 26, 2021

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  almost 3 years ago

    Alas, they’re crazy, not stupid.


    Recall the parable of the flat tire: A person was driving past an insane asylum (remember those?) one evening when he realized he had s flat. So he piled out, loosened the lug nuts on the flat, jacked that tire off the ground, took off the nuts and placed them carefully in the hubcap so he could find them again in the growing darkness. Unfortunately, while installing the spare, he kicked over the hubcap and sure ’nuff, the lug nuts disappeared. As he stood there, wondering what to do, a voice from the asylum called out “Take one nut from each of the other wheels. You can get home slowly with only 3 lug nuts. Replace them tomorrow”

    The hapless motorist called back “How come you’re in an insane asylum if you’re so smart?”

    “Because, I’m CRAZY, not STUPID!”

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  2. Triumph
    Daeder  almost 3 years ago

    I want some of what Kyrie Eleison is smoking.

    Yeah, it was the FBI’s idea to try and entrap people into overthrowing the government. How can anyone who can read comics and type comments still be that stupid!?!

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  3. 20170719 134838
    Terdarian  almost 3 years ago

    This is what happens when you have Fox news, OAN, rightwing radio and rightwing podcasts spreading disinformation speech every hour of everyday. Facebook and Twitter and all internet media also spread disinformation nonstop. With the internet you have hundreds of thousands of fake accounts spreading lies 24 hours a day.

    There was a headline just a couple days ago that said “U.S Government seizes web sites because of disinformation.” A US government official, who spoke to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity, said the US had seized roughly three dozen websites, the majority of which were linked to Iranian “disinformation” efforts."

    Yes, these were Iranian sites. But, the worst sites that are doing the most damage are the domestic rightwing sites and networks that lie to millions of Americans 24 hours a day. There were 74 million people in the U.S that believed those lies. Stop the Liars who keep these networks financed to stop lies and maybe save our democracy.

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  4. Cane immagine animata 0071
    Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    That GOP elephant must be related with some Italian politicians like Matteo Salvini or Matteo Renzi: they’re cretins too. Not mentioning most of his followers.

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  5. Lifi
    rossevrymn  almost 3 years ago

    tee hee

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  6. Photo
    S&C = Dismayed&Depressed   almost 3 years ago

    Pulitzer prize for this one Mr. Jones!!!!!???

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  7. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    Trump aides prepared Insurrection Act order to be used against Black Lives Matter activists

    Trump was likely contagious, posed risk to staff when he defiantly removed mask after COVID hospitalization

    What today’s GOP demonstrates about the dangers of partisan conformity

    ‘We need Trump to go away’: Top GOP pollster sounds alarm over havoc ex-president is creating

    Texas House Democrats and legislative staffers take Gov. Greg Abbott to court for defunding Legislature

    Pat Robertson is panicked over people learning about systemic racism — and historian thinks he knows why

    Watch Tucker Carlson put on a demonstration of ‘white rage’ — while denying it exists

    Filling the Trump void: Right-wing media’s calls for violence grow louder

    ‘Disgusting’ Tucker Carlson slammed after calling top US general ‘stupid’ and ‘a pig’ for urging military members to be well read

    Dire warnings as COVID Delta variant runs rampant in unvaccinated Missouri

    Socialism increasingly seen as ‘badge of pride’ in the United States

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  8. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    Trump is launching a series of ‘revenge rallies’ — and Republicans are worried

    ‘It’s only a matter of time until the fun kills people, or our chances of winning a totally winnable election, or both’

    New COVID wave could be another Trump-caused massacre

    Trump got aides to draft order allowing him to use troops against George Floyd protesters, report claims

    Then-president, infuriated by demonstrations for racial justice, reportedly said he wanted active-duty military on the streets of the capital

    Justice Department to sue Georgia over sweeping voting restrictions

    Civil rights officials to challenge far-reaching voting restrictions in Georgia in first major Biden-era voter

    ‘Crack their skulls’: The latest book on Trump shows America had a narrow escape

    Trump reportedly called for the military to go in and ‘beat the xxxx out of’ Black Lives Matter protesters – and several times, he told officials to ‘just shoot them’

    Two different Americas: How the anti-abortion movement stripped millions of their rights

    2021 is shaping up to be a hostile year with states passing the most restrictive abortion laws since the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v Wade ruling,

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  9. Missing large
    PraiseofFolly  almost 3 years ago

    A possible political/ psychological principle: If you are constantly fed a diet of verbal BS, eventually you salivate at the mention of flies.

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  10. Photo 1501706362039 c06b2d715385
    Zebrastripes  almost 3 years ago


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  11. Coexist
    Bookworm  almost 3 years ago

    There are some things upon which no thought is required. No, you are not that stupid. You are, however, that delusional and malicious.

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  12. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Can’t blame Mitch for dragging his feet on this investigation. Take a better man(?) then him to agree to an investigate of his own malfeasance.

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  13. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Nancy Pelosi announced the formation of a House select committee to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection. There is no time limit on how long such a committee can meet. It has subpoena powers. A RepubliQan House formed such a committee in 2012 to investigate the Benghazi attack.

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  14. Scout 3a
    Redd Panda  almost 3 years ago

    It appears PATJADE whacked a bee nest with a stick. Hmmm.

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  15. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member almost 3 years ago


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  16. Missing large
    ferddo  almost 3 years ago

    The elephant doesn’t see the need to prove anything else after he has already said “many people are saying”…

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  17. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    Republicans want to love the military, but it just won’t toe the white supremacist party line

    On Thursday evening, Tucker Carlson—whose combat experience seems to be limited to that time he was kicked out of an elite Swiss boarding school—decided it would be great to go after Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley. Carlson declared that the general was “a pig” and “stupid” and “not brave,” all because Milley had the gall to say that understanding the history of racism is not a bad thing. This comes a month after Carlson and other right-wing pundits launched a series of tirades about how the military had become “woke” and after Fox News played up a Russian commercial as showing that America is “doomed.”

    This follows the years of Donald Trump in which Gold Star families were treated as traitors, military prisoners gathered scorn because Trump “liked people who weren’t captured,” and Americans who died in battle were either “losers” or “suckers,” take your pick. Trump called John McCain a “loser” for being a prisoner in Vietnam. He also called George H. W. Bush a “loser” for being shot down in World War II. He lined up a whole stack of generals to give his White House some semblance of credibility, then threw them out one by one when they refused to go along with his degradations of democracy. Oh, and when Trump was looking for some place to get funds for building his “wall,” he took the money that had been dedicated to building homes, schools, and hospitals for military families.

    A proper modern Republican hates the generals, hates the troops, hates the veterans, hates their families, and hates their survivors. Those same Republicans are, of course, extremely pro-military.

    When they claim to be pro-military, Trump, Carlson, Fox News, and the rest don’t mean the actual military. They support the Real Military™.

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  18. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    Critical Trump Theory: DeSantis is out-Trumping previous guy

    ‘White Rage’, RW Grievance Culture, Domestic Extremism Now a Public-Health Issue

    Trump aides drafted Insurrection Act proclamation to deploy military against D.C. protests last June

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  19. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    Book Review: Close to Zero

    Jonathan asserts that trump while denying the danger of the Pandemic, seems to have to spend a lot of time making sure precautions were made for him personally. At the same time that he was telling the nation that the virus would be gone, suddenly, magically, overnight to zero from a mere fifteen, when the real number was much higher, and that we should get on with life, he himself made sure that anybody entering his presence had been very securely checked out for the virus. An obvious double standard.

    In addition, he actually denied states access to the equipment they needed, while sending aid to, of course, places, Putin’s Russia. Interestingly enough, most of the areas he denied help were Democratic rule states. So what was there, maybe biological warfare against the democrats under his “leadership”?

    Well, as the book says, and I tend to believe, this is how he was thinking. 1. declare mail-in ballots to be rife with fraud and therefore 2. declare that any state that had a lot of Democratic voters and wanted to be safe were rife with fraud whether there was any evidence or not.

    Meanwhile, many Republicans, riled up by Fox News and similar media sources were denying that Covid-19 even existed or that masks and social distancing were beneficial.

    I found it funny that some of the Trump supporters questioned the possibility that people would actually vote for Biden who had NO rallies or huge public appearances. The answer is simple, we voted for Biden in part BECAUSE he had enough respect for the lives of the American people than to have senseless and health-endangering rallies.

    Trump has a history of screaming “fraud”, apparently in an attempt to disavow any defeat that comes his way. The yelling, from him, about fraud only stopped for 2016 when he won.

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  20. Bunway
    RabbitDad  almost 3 years ago

    I’ve been saying this for weeks. If any Congressional Republicans actually believed for a moment that BLM and/or Antifa or the FBI were behind the Jan 6 events, they would never have voted against the commission. The fact that they did vote against it is compelling evidence that they know the findings would be very harmful to them.

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  21. Home winter 001  2
    gmadoll789 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Sometimes hard to tell the difference between evil and stupid…

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  22. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    ‘I didn’t cause the riots’: QAnon congresswoman refuses to take responsibility for inciting insurrection

    Greene has been pushing a debunked conspiracy theory that it was actually the FBI, not supporters of Trump, who organized Trump’s insurrection.

    “Where is the proof the FBI was involved?” CNN’s Jim Acosta asked Greene. “Where’s the proof Antifa was involved? Don’t you owe it to people to produce that proof?”

    Vicious lying hysterical Republicans are utter creeps.


    Marjorie Taylor Greene calls Ocasio-Cortez a ‘little communist’ and says AOC should be imprisoned

    USAA pushed to drop ads on Tucker Carlson show after Fox host trashes military leaders

    South Florida cops used facial recognition in ‘horrifying’ scheme to target peaceful protesters

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