Bob Gorrell for October 21, 2008

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    David Riedel Premium Member over 15 years ago

    It takes many people some time to see the light (or to find the truth when others hide it from them).

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    bell3rose1a  over 15 years ago

    Ouch! Fair point. He could’ve resigned

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  3. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  over 15 years ago

    and Gorrell’s “edited” point is?

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    MaryWorth Premium Member over 15 years ago

    The think the point is the difference in speaking with a speech given you compared to speaking with you heart & brain…

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  5. Marx lennon
    charliekane  over 15 years ago

    Politics ain’t beanbag, but kind of a low blow.

    In panel 1, I believe he was doing what he felt was his “duty” to the administration in which he served.

    He is now free to do what he believes is right.

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  6. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  over 15 years ago

    Thanks guys. I don’t mind a difference of opinion but get a little steamed at character assignation.

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    danTheForth  over 15 years ago

    “In panel 1, I believe he was doing what he felt was his “duty” to the administration in which he served.

    He is now free to do what he believes is right.”

    You know, he still believes the invasion was the right thing to do, given the intelligence available at the time. Don’t delude yourselves into thinking he’s suddenly a dove.

    I think Gorrell’s point is, he was wrong about WMDs, he’s wrong about Obama.

    He didn’t even say he’s endorsing Obama because of agreement in policies. He just thinks McCain is mean.

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  8. Buddy
    lalas  over 15 years ago

    Wrong Dan… he clearly said he felt Obama has what it takes AND McSame is lame.

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    danTheForth  over 15 years ago

    I read the transcript. He mentioned that McCain might not be up to the financial crisis, and that he would appoint conservative justices. But most of his criticism of McCain dealt with the tone of the campaign, and the attitudes of other Republicans. His biggest praises for Obama were that he’s inspiring and that it would be monumental to have an African-American President.

    Most people seem to be glossing over the fact that Powell offered praise with scant criticism for Bush. His biggest criticism there was that under Bush we’ve given the world the wrong impression.

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    dhleaky  over 15 years ago

    danTheForth says: McCain might not be up to the financial crisis, and that he would appoint conservative justices.

    That IS pretty defining, as well as d@mning.

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    danTheForth  over 15 years ago

    Some of us actually want conservative judges. And some of us disagree with Powell’s assessment of McCain’s economic acumen.

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  12. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 15 years ago

    dan4th- fair point on wanting conservative judges (I like the ones who defend the First Amendment, myself), but since McCain himself said he didn’t know much about the economy, and appointed as his main economic advisor one of the people most responsible for this mess (Phil “don’t regulate derivatives” Gramm) even before his recent flailing about with different options, I think your opinion is rather suspect compared to the facts!

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