Matt Davies for February 28, 2021

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    MaryBethJavorek1  about 3 years ago

    If (BIG IF) Senators and Representatives worked a forty hour week, every week, their minimal pay would be $83.65 per hour. They feel $15.00 is too much. They need to make concessions so that they can get into the real world and live like the people that they represent!

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    Ally2005  about 3 years ago

    Heaven forbid that the workers at the bottom of the economic ladder get a survivable wage. The Republicons won’t stand for that.

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    TrulyTexan  about 3 years ago

    Can anyone name a single action of the republicans over the last 50 years that has not done actual harm or only benefitted themselves?

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  4. Frank gifford
    nyg16  about 3 years ago

    yeah the gops in senate say we can not afford to help poor people by giving them $15 an hour minimums wage but had no problem giving $1.8 trillion to billionaires and huge business who donate to the campaigns

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  5. Binkley
    gnorth22 Premium Member about 3 years ago

    I do support a meaningful increase in minimum wage, along with other things like tax credits to try to boost income and economic viability in the lower income ranges. That said, I think trying to push it through with the Covid-19 relief package is a mistake. The parliamentarian’s decision is actually a gift to the Democrats, allowing them to remove it w/o taking the blame from their progressive wing.

    A significant change in policy, assuming the intend it to be lasting, needs to be built properly and have distinguishable support on it’s own.

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    GreenT267  about 3 years ago

    Opposition to a livable minimum wage has always seemed like a holdover from the days of slavery—the attitude that workers are just another cost factor in a business (the one most easily cut when profits are down), that profit is more important than the people helping provide that profit, that workers should ‘be grateful to have a job’ even if it doesn’t pay enough to support them. I remember hearing about a time in American business that company owners respected their workers, paid them reasonable wages, knew them and their families personally. But I’m not sure when, if ever, that really existed.

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  7. Athiestsymb
    lobo1939  about 3 years ago

    Any day I don’t have a Matt Davies’ toon is a bad day for me.

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