Ted Rall for September 01, 2020

  1. Schrodingers cat
    genome_project Premium Member over 3 years ago

    .,. and if they win the Senate and White House they will because McConnell will be powerless (or gone hopefully).

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  2. Snl mrbill doll
    claudio645  over 3 years ago

    Got to love the false equivalency here. Mr. Rall are you really trying to say the only difference between the two parties is the Democrats say they want to help?

    Quick quiz for you then:

    1. Which party pushed for universal health care and did manage to get every American covered with the ACA (despite all the roadblocks put up by the GOP) and which party has tried to destroy it, even trying to get the SC to strike it down numerous times?

    2. Which party supports Social Security and Medicare and which one has repeatedly tried to defund it?

    3. Which party has gotten us out of multiple recessions and depressions and which party has gotten us into them in the first place?

    4. Which party wants the rich to pay the same real tax rates that the middle class does and which one tries to convince us that “trickle down” doesn’t mean they’re peeing on us?

    You’re no Progressive, you’re a wolf in sheep’s clothing. A Faux News style “conservative” pretending to have principles but really just working to help the party of the 1% keep power.

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  3. Triumph
    Daeder  over 3 years ago

    I guess since the Democrats aren’t perfect, we should leave the Republicans in power forever!

    That’s some ralldiculous logic right there.

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  4. Britstones
    Boomer Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Who voted for more relief for the unemployed, cities, etc.? The Dem. House. Who did not vote and went on vacation? The GOP senate. And BTB, its “neither, nor”…not “neither, or.” I guess cartoonists aren’t all that literate.

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  5. 8863814b f9b6 46ec 9f21 294d3e529c09
    mattro65  over 3 years ago

    If you’re looking for leadership and progressive policies from the Executive Branch learn some history. You’re sure not getting it from Republicans but which Democrat has provided it? Name one since LBJ. Hell, name one since FDR and you could convincingly make the argument that FDR was just trying to prevent a revolution. They’ve all been war mongers who cater to and provide services to the rich and powerful. Yes, the Orange Buffoon must go but don’t expect anything progressive from Banker Joe except empty words and broken campaign promises. Look at your congressional candidates. If the Democratic candidate is not truly progressive then vote for him or her anyway and start working now to get a real progressive in 2022. Or, you can vote for Banker Joe and if he prevails turn the tv on and tell yourself everything will be just fine.

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  6. Photo
    DonPoole  over 3 years ago

    Biden has a long enough record that he can be found saying almost anything. And his words can be twisted enough to increase that to absolutely anything. Joe has proposed raising the SS tax cap and increasing benefits. I’m perfectly comfortable with the Democratic proposals concerning those programs. We’re in the midst of a real change right now. Younger people are taking over and progressives are increasing their power in the Democratic Party, while the GOP have shot themselves in the foot with Trump. The American people as a whole are far out front of the Dems in what they see as the role of government. We need M4A but the effect of an expanded ACA with the public option should be to break the backs of the insurance companies. I don’t mind if the insurance companies hang around but they need to be brought to heel-along with the rest of the giant corporations, banking, ag, manufacturing and tech. Americans have been fed so much propaganda, and the system is set up in such a way that this is going to be a real struggle. I, and maybe all if us, will be gone long before it’s over.

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  7. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member over 3 years ago

    It is either dishonest or misinformed to equate the Republican and Democratic parties. A person who runs for office has to choose. In reality, the choice will probably be for the party that will support them.. The Republicans vote and work for the rich, working on the notion that giving rich folks money will cause it to “trickle down” and improve the whole society. I don’t think they really believe it themselves, and it has never worked anywhere it has been tried, but that’s what they say. And, the Democratic party votes for the the middle class in congress. Granted, they are not doing a terrific job, largely because the Republicans are working really hard to prevent them from doing any good, but they are at least trying. Both parties are going to choose to throw support behind the candidate that at least says they agree with the goals that make up the party platform.

    Consequently, the Democrats lie less and are more honorable than Republicans, because they can be. Not that that’s a very high bar.

    Republicans HAVE to lie and cheat in any way they can. When people are given a choice of two statements on issues that actually affect their everyday life, one that describes the Republican position and the other the Democrat’s, the Democratic position is chosen by about 85% of Democrats and Independents. No surprise there. The weird part is that just under half of Republicans also choose Democrat positions, unless they are told which position is supported by each party. Then they fall into line and choose the Republican option- 78% of the time. So, it is entirely reasonable for Republicans to lie a lot. The people running the Republican party are in that half of the Republicans who actually believe in Republican positions. They are roughly 25% of the voting public. They have no chance of ever winning a national election unless they keep as many people as possible from voting and keep the rest of them confused enough to vote against their own best interests.

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  8. Dell pict0002  2
    sartre  over 3 years ago

    Ever seen a stinkhorn? I had one on my lawn a while back. Gross, phallus-like, weirdly fascinating. And smelly! Pulling up the mushroom doesn’t get rid of it. Another one will take its place. You have to go down into the soil and kill the mycelium.

    Removing Trump and replacing him with Biden changes nothing. Not while the system that produced them both continues to function.

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  9. Scarypeople
    HouseApe  over 3 years ago

    Rall is as much of an authoritarian as Trump. He wants his ideas to be a grand edict imposed on all citizens of this nation. What he fails to acknowledge is that we are a democratic republic, with people and representatives who have beliefs that differ from his. He also fails to acknowledge that any legislation needs to be a negotiation and compromise between these differing ideologies. Anyone who thinks that electing Bernie Sanders as President will suddenly mean that Medicare for All becomes a reality is fooling themselves. The majority of the country (and an even bigger majority of Congress) isn’t ready for that and the proposal will die in Congress. Sometimes you have to accept the incremental steps towards the desired goal, even if it doesn’t meet Rall’s stringent demands for his ideological purity.

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  10. Scout 3a
    Redd Panda  over 3 years ago

    What a crappy strip.

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  11. Missing large
    randolini Premium Member over 3 years ago

    If the democrats wanted to help, they wouldn’t have fuct Bernie twice. We have a one party system, the corporate party.

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