Gary Varvel for June 25, 2019

  1. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 5 years ago

    I prefer the fascist Republican pay through the nose plan and socialist tax breaks for billionaires paid for by destroying all the govt social programs in the USA.

    That will destroy the American Way faster than anything.

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  2. Missing large
    DonnyTwoScoops  almost 5 years ago

    Clearly Republicans like Varvel will be taking the most extreme positions of any Democrat and using them to characterize the entire field.

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  3. Missing large
    DonnyTwoScoops  almost 5 years ago

    On the other hand Republicans want to force women to carry their rapist’s babies to term, justifying this policy under a concept they call “consensual rape”.

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  4. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  almost 5 years ago

    I’m in favor of immediately reducing the interest rate on college loans to the same rate at which the fed loans money… plus 1/4 of one percent. And prosecuting any lenders who have used bait and switch. And federal funding for the purchase of any such loans that lenders offer for sale, at 5% more than the current outstanding balance. Ignore the weeping and wailing from folks who’re making obscene profits from people trying to better themselves.

    Next up (at the same time) Medicare for all. This will save our society trillions of dollars over the next decade. At the cost of insurance companies’ obscene profits.

    Following that, I’d like to see government funded universities provide education to “local” students at a fixed cost per credit hour, with phased reduction of that amount to zero over the next 10 years. Limited to students who are making “adequate progress” (i.e. maintaining average grades of “C+” or better and on schedule to graduate within 4 years for most degrees, or 5 for degrees that currently take that for more than 75% of students). Note in passing that many European countries provide not just free education, but a (small) salary to college students.

    Free housing, free money for lazies and reparations? Nah. And you won’t find many people, liberal or not, who think these are good ideas.

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  5. Bbb
    NeoconMan  almost 5 years ago

    Obviously, America is quite incapable of meeting the standards set by all other industrialized democracies so we may as well just give up and give all our money to the rich in another tax break.

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  6. Pine marten3
    martens  almost 5 years ago

    Concretionist , I think Finland (or at least Helsinki) has instituted a plan to provide housing for those who lose theirs, whatever the reason. I also think the first reports on how this has worked have been quite positive. Try to imagine where you would be if, due to illness or injury or lost your job through no fault of your own, you were left homeless here in the US. To get back on your feet and be a contributing member of society would be a Herculean task at a time when you are already at a low ebb unless you had a breather in the form of societal support. Boot straps don’t get you very far if you don’t even have boots.

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  7. Tf 117
    RAGs  almost 5 years ago

    Captain Varvel on the attack; “We need more poor people who are willing to work for one half of minimum wage and say, ‘Thank you sir, may I have another.’”

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  8. Pat new 150
    Patjade  almost 5 years ago

    When Gary completely comes up blank for an attack subject (which is often), drag out a tired old trope and run with it, especially when he’s too lazy to actually learn about the subject. Thanks Gary for not disappointing in your total lack of knowledge and effort.

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  9. Bbb
    NeoconMan  almost 5 years ago

    Varvel has rightly understood that the problem in America is that the poor have too much money and the rich don’t have enough.

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  10. Img 0048
    Nantucket Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Carvel prefers bank bailouts that allow banks to get even larger and then they foreclosed on people which judges approved without always having all the papers in order. He also likes tax cuts for corporations so they can do stock buybacks and mergers, cutting more jobs. Many companies even have their employees re-apply for their existing job with a lower salary and MORE work because someone has to be cut. Increase the military with the tax cuts so Repubs have an excuse to cut Social Security and Medicare.

    Varvel’s claims are a shameless bunch of propaganda. State colleges used to be affordable, there are 6 vacant homes for every homeless person many owned by banks, healthcare costs and outcomes would be better under single payer, the New Green Deal looked for JOBS for all. Some want to DISCUSS reparations and there definitely needs to be something done about income inequality which is bigger for African-Americans. Student debt needs to be addressed, not erased, and Dem plans go in the direction of the former.

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  11. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Hey, I want all of them!

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  12. Dp
    All the dinosaurs feared the T-Rex  almost 5 years ago

    Ha, varvel peed in his own cornflakes today (everyday?). I think the right gets the word “free” confused. Free are the tax cuts the 1% got. Universal healthcare and education aren’t free. But far be it for me to point out that it is easy to judge when one doesn’t need to make the choice between a meal and a doctor’s appointment for their child.

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  13. Baryonyx
    Barry Onyx  almost 5 years ago

    Even in Varvel’s world, everyone is tired of Trump’s lame promises and want to see what else is out there.

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