Dinosaur Comics by Ryan North for February 27, 2020

  1. Idano
    Ida No  about 4 years ago

    If we put Shakespeare, Marlowe and Bacon in a room with 1 million typewriters, would they have as much fun as a barrel of monkees?

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    scyphi26  about 4 years ago

    What T-Rex is overlooking here is that, at the time, Middle English was the leading version of the language, which has notable spelling differences unique to it, AND that how to spell certain words was not something that was heavily regulated at the time—the rule back then was really more “whatever looked right” to them. A little later on, the Brits would put together a council which would sit down and determine how each word of the English language in use at the time ought to be spelled (often by hybriding together common spellings), but by then, Shakespeare had already written several to most of his plays or had already died (I cannot recall the exact dates off-hand, so there’s room for error here).

    Point is, the spellings T-Rex is criticizing were perfectly valid for the day.

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