Tom Toles for January 25, 2011

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    kreole  over 13 years ago

    Compromise can mean no one wins and both lose. When you compromise your values you begin the downhill slide…………..

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    Jaedabee Premium Member over 13 years ago

    I know I say this a lot but Toles… so hilarious the way he draws Obama. Especially when compared to Boehner (which he did give a customary tear).

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    Doughfoot  over 13 years ago

    Jade: There is a new book out called “O: A Presidential Novel” that covers the election of 2012. The cover of the book is a large letter O with two ears sticking our of it.

    The novel is supposed to like Joe Klein’s “Primary Colors” but reads more like a simple hatchet-job against Obama, in which he runs against a picture-perfect Republican candidate unlike anyone currently in the field.

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  4. Warcriminal
    WarBush  over 13 years ago

    ^^So that’s what that loser with Matt Lauer was peddling this morning.

    Matt: Is this book bi-partisan?

    Loser: Our society has been politicized.

    Matt: Who wrote it?

    Loser: Purchase the book and find out.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 13 years ago

    this article is written about 40 years of watching State-Of-The-Union speeches and finally realizing the careful staging of the Picture For the Public that covers up the perversion of America’s History as a Christian-Founded and Christian-Governed nation.

    The builders of Washington, D.C. put the Christian symbols everywhere, in the Marble in the buildings and in the Marble statues and monuments. The Supreme Court and the Capitol Building are full of Christian identifications.

    IMO that attitude and that “gagging” of America’s bonds and debt we owe to God for our nation’s existence as a Land of Liberty and Freedom and a Fountain of civil rights based on God’s gifts and blessings, and our winning past defense wars against enemies who intended to end our form of government…..that attitude explains why the USA is now outside God’s Blessings and is suffering loss of respect in the world along with the loss of economic power and political power.

    Appropriate for today in the USA is what Amos warned Israel’s Northern Kingdom to do….repent….change your attitude….and turn back to God for forgiveness and restored blessings.

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    mnsmkd  over 13 years ago

    Clark, only “1/2% of the population is rich?” Where do you get your figures?

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    mike.jones  over 13 years ago

    Personally, I’d give a lot to see a President (any President) go to the podium and say “The State of Our Union is (adjective. I have prepared a number of suggested legislative initiatives to address the key issues facing our union, which I have distributed to every Congressperson in writing. I look forward to prompt action on these issues” and sit down.

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 13 years ago

    ^^^ Taxpayer going biblical again.

    Most people don’t bother going to church and most of those who go there hardly listen. What makes you think they’ll listen to you?

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  9. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 13 years ago

    Um…disgusted…Jefferson edited out the miracles in his version of the Bible and swore opposition to organized religion; Washington only used the word “God” when he had to and otherwise was wholly Deist if not absolutely secular; Franklin lived a life that was not exactly Christian by most standards; the symbols selected for the country were not only non-Christian but pagan (lots of Freemasons in the Founders), and they all agreed to separate out religion from the business of the state. ALL religion. Whatever their personal beliefs, they all came out of a country that had had wars over what brand of Christianity you espoused – they were wary of organized religion, and for good reason. Oh, yeah, and some thought Hebrew should be our official language. With a religious source? Yes. But not Christian. The term “Judeo-Christian” was invented by Christians to co-opt Jews, who absolutely do not agree that it is one culture. Your own beliefs are fine and yours to have and hold - but don’t assume they are the same views as anyone else’s, especially those of the Founders.

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  10. Keithmoon
    Wildcard24365  over 13 years ago

    Yes, Mr. President. Compromise can be tricky when the other side has already made up their collective mind to take you down at all costs.

    You are an intelligent man. No doubt a student of history. Please take a tip from Nevile Chamberlain these next two years and try to remember that appeasement didn’t work in 1938, it WILL NOT WORK in 2011.

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  11. Cheryl 149 3
    Justice22  over 13 years ago

    Mr. Tuba,,, ” CEOs are paid more in the US than in most other countries.” Most U.S. CEOs are given over ten times what they would be in other countries. It is comical to hear “If we don’t pay our CEO what he asks, he will go abroad to run some other corporation.” -I don’t think so.-

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 13 years ago

    Hmm, there are a few MASONIC symbols around D.C., but don’t over react. Washington added “so help me God” on his own, it is NOT part of the Oath of Office- in fact “God” is not mentioned in the Constitution at all. There IS that Article Six that prohibits ANY “religious test”.

    “Weepy” is already lining up committee chairs to do as much damage to America as he possibly can- they should ALL be closely watched. Fortunately, law still requires the Senate, but committees can screw up a lot, or prohibit progress- as Newt proved.

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  13. Warcriminal
    WarBush  over 13 years ago

    When the founders said, “Under God”, they did not mean a christian god. Its God. Period. Take your pick.

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