The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day by John "Scully" Scully for September 18, 2019

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    Newzy Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Rain forces the cancellation of today’s highly anticipated sack races. Snake, it must be said, is grateful.

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    Mayor Snorkum  over 4 years ago

    If Scully gets paid for a strip that never changes day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, why couldn’t I get paid for a strip that’s entirely blank? It’d be called “Entirely Blank Comic Strip.” Maybe it’s too small a niche in the comics world, but a guy can dream.

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  3. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 4 years ago

    And now, it’s time for your most awaited show…. The Tale of the Giant Frog Creature from Outer Space!

    (Ep #68) :

    “Speak to me, Corey. Speak to me!”, says Brekk.

    “B… Brekk….”, stammers Commander Corey, who is now on a hospital bed, “s… Sir…. I’m s.. sorry we c.. couldn’t get the j… job done..”

    “Nonsense, my boy”, says Brekk, “you tried your best, I’m sure. I know you did. I know that your whole team did. The only reason I’m alive today is because you put your life on the line to save my life, Corey. You saved me on the first attack of the giant mosquitoes on us, on Planet Diptera. You’re one of the bravest and coldest of our warriors, Corey. We don’t want to loose you!”

    “I… I don’t want to d… die before I b.. blast the bloody bloodsukers to s… smithereens, General”… “Cough! Cough!”, Coughs Corey, and says, “b.. but it looks like this time, m… my time is up!”

    “Nonsense, my boy. Don’t you dare say that. We need you, Corey. The frog force needs you. I need you. You’re my only buddy who has survived this misfortune that has pounced upon us Bribbittians. You lost an eye and almost lost your hand. You’ve given so much for the glory of the frogs. I’m a brave warrior for our forces, but I’m a wreck on the inside. You know I cannot sleep anymore without getting heavily drunk. I owe you a lot. We all owe you a lot. We will win this war, Corey. I promise you that. And I want you to be there to enjoy the victory and it’s aftermath. You deserve… Corey? Corey?!!”

    “S… Sorry, sir, I …. I ….. "

    And then there was silence, except for the beeping heart monitor, which was now flat. Corey was no more. And a tear rolled down the cheeks of the brave frog who hadn’t wept when his wife and kids had died. Brekk had lost too much. In fact, he had lost everyone close to him. His ambition of outer space exploration seemed like a distant dream to him for he wasn’t interested in it anymore. (Continued in the Reply to this )

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