Matt Davies for October 19, 2018

  1. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member over 5 years ago

    We “Saw” what you did…

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    Ally2005  over 5 years ago

    Saudi’s, Trump, Kushner and the GOP working on a BS story to cover up what really happened. Money over morality.

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  3. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 5 years ago

    Just doin what Trump told him to do.

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  4. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 5 years ago

    Radical Islamic Terror” was a keystone of Donald Trump’s attacks on Hillary Clinton. He said it over and over again. He accused Saudi Arabia of funding ISIS, and demanded she return every penny her charitable foundation had accepted from them.

    So, for Trump, this should be easy. This should be red meat to Trump’s Republican base. Here is a cut and dried opportunity to prove he’s tough on radical Islamic terror.

    Instead, Americans are treated to the shameful sight of Mike Pompeo glad-handing the playboy prince who spat in Trump’s face when he ordered Khashoggi slaughtered. And people want to know why, exactly, Trump is acting like such a gutless coward before the Saudi terrorists. Did they pay him off? Or did they pay his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, off?

    Kushner is the administration’s so-called Middle East expert, a job for which Trump granted a basic security clearance after Chief of Staff John Kelly had it downgraded from TS/SCI to ‘Secret’.

    (The White House reviewed the background investigation by the FBI on Kushner and then granted ‘Top Secret’ clearance, which it has the right to do whatever the FBI report says; but the CIA prevented Kushner from regaining the TS/SCI clearance that Kelly effectively stripped from him. The stripping followed accusations that Kushner had given names of MBS opponents taken from the Presidential Daily Briefing to MBS in Saudi Arabia, which resulted in the Prince’s torture purge of his opponents.

    “Jared Kushner is in my Pocket”

    Mohammed Bin Salman, the terrorist and murderer of the Washington Post journalist, reportedly boasted that Jared Kushner was “in his pocket”. But why should he be?

    Kushner sought funding from Qatar, Saudi Arabia’s regional rivals, for his personal property, the tower at 666 5th Ave.

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    amethyst52 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Five top Saudi officials have been fired and 18 others arrested over Khashoggi’s murder. Trump finds the explanation “credible.”

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    It has now been described as an “accidental” killing during an interrogation – and I can picture it now.

    The Saudi “interrogation” team of 15 highly skilled “interrogation” experts were “encouraging” Khashoggi to answer questions by trimming various fingers, toes and ears off Mr. Khashoggi when it was noticed that he’s stopped screaming. They turned to one another and probably said something along the lines of, “Oh, dearie me, whatever have we done? And whatever shall we do?”

    Whereupon the Head Forensic Expert, who just happened to be along for the ride, stepped in and said “We’ll just take him home with us! The Crown Prince will know what to do!”Someone else then piped up, "He’s terribly heavy – however will we fit him into our “carry-on” luggage?"

    The Forensic Expert, a favorite of the Saudi Royal family because he was VERY smart, then replied, “Fear not! I NEVER travel without my favorite dissection kit and my trusty bone saw!” They all cheered.

    They separated Khashoggi’s body into 16 separate pieces so they’d fit in the forensic “baggies” the good Doctor of Forensic Medicine ALWAYS had with him and off they went to the airport and the waiting Saudi Royal Private jets.

    It might cross your mind to wander – if there were 15 men – then why 16 "baggies? Simple, really. These were all Saudi Arabian “Sons of the Desert” and were all mighty hunters. Mighty hunters ALWAYS take trophies of their kills. Yes, you might say, but there were 16 bags but only 15 men. Correct. The Sponsor of the hunt always gets a trophy, as well. The 16th bag, containing Khashoggi’s head was probably presented to the Crown Prince as a symbol of respect. That’s the way things are done in the Sheikdom of Saudi Arabia.

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    realrobnelson Premium Member over 5 years ago

    If you rearrange the bags, it also spells “enemy.” How appropriate….

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