Matt Wuerker for August 24, 2018

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    Odon Premium Member over 5 years ago

    His fans wear bigger more restrictive blinders by the day.

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  2. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member over 5 years ago

    AND, of course, there’s ALWAYS "But…But…Hillary…But…Obama…But…Birth Certificate…But…BENGHAZI!!! to fall back on. And the low-watt dimwit Trumpanzees will be running around, dragging their knuckles on the pavement and flinging their poo in joy.

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    Nantucket Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Is that Andylit in the red cap?

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  4. A selfie2
    Brian G Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Perhaps with his diehard fans, those things are a badge of honor, making him more like them?

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 5 years ago

    Where the wild things play.

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    gammaguy  over 5 years ago

    Illusion, delusion, pollution, but no “collusion”, you say? You haven’t yet reached the end of the trail.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    As a student of history and an aficionado of the English language there are many facets of Donald John Trump that are – well – confusing to me! Supposedly, Mr. Trump was born in the borough of Queens in New York City, New York in 1946, and he supposedly received a post-secondary degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. So – technically – Mr. Trump is an adult, natural-born American with MORE than a high school education.

    Assuming all of the above, it is puzzling to me exactly WHY he chooses to disport himself as if he is a “backwoods hillbilly” of limited intelligence and little if any social skills – no manners, no culture and absolutely NO social skills whatsoever! He presents himself as a very rough copy of an upper-class American who spent his formative years in the hinterlands of an eastern european country NOT speaking English until it was “discovered” that he closely resembled one Donald John Trump – at which point he was hurriedly recruited and trained to “BE” Donald John Trump and the ‘switch’ was pulled!

    Most progressives wish to see his tax returns! I, however, would be greatly desirous of seeing a comparative D.N.A. test with Frederick Christ Trump & Mary Anne MacLeod, Donnie’s supposed parents! he man in the White House is neither well-educated nor overly conversant with the English language! The man continually repeats the phrase “no collusion, no collusion” and yet ANY half-way educated American KNOWS that “collusion” simply defined is “secret agreement or cooperation”, which is a textbook description of the meeting between the Trump Campaign and the Russians in Trump Tower on June 9th, 2016!

    I, personally, am beginning to suspect “our” Donald John Trump is a Russian ‘ringer’!

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    twclix  over 5 years ago

    Wellis1947, it’s actually quite clear to those of us who understand the nature of the (now waning) Northeastern WASP elites ( if you want to know who I’m talking about, look up the “Social Register”), and the very influential NYC Jewish elites. These folks NEVER accepted trump. That’s a big part of how his mental illness blossomed over time. He got ZERO respect from the NYC movers and shakers, ZERO respect from real estate moguls, ZERO respect from the banking establishment, ZERO respect from the high-society crowd. This was most hurtful to poor little donny. The WASP and Jewish elites looked down their noses at him. They thought him a buffoon, a clown, a weird side show. Words they used to describe him would be crass, vulgar, dumb, reckless, ignorant, foolish, garish, classless, and so forth. His money meant nothing to these folks. But their praise and respect meant EVERYTHING to him.

    These thing I know, because I know the WASP and Jewish establishment. I grew up with them. I work with them. In our diverse society, their influence is waning, but trump, at age 70, grew up when these peoples’ opinions counted, and counted a lot. The upper tier of NYC social and commercial ranks actively shunned trump as a “short fingered vulgarian”. Gradually, trump became more and more isolated from the power establishment. This rankled him to no end, given his malignant narcissism.

    Finally, trump was reduced to what the establishment thinks is close to the lowest form of society—the reality show maven. You could fall no further, really. Even if you were penniless, you could be a higher status doing almost ANYTHING else.

    You want to know how trump went from a run of the mill narcissist into a psychopathic narcissist? Look no further than the social scorn heaped on him by those establishment figures with money and power, or,lacking money and power, those held in esteem by the WASP and Jewish elites in NYC.

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