Dana Summers for August 14, 2018

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    Judge Magney  almost 6 years ago

    Peter Strzok has had a long and distinguished FBI career, defending the United States against enemies foreign and domestic, especially foreign. Donald Trump’s presidency has been marked by its steadily giving aid and comfort to one of those enemies. America would be greater with a man like Strzok in the Oval Office and Trump in the garbage.

    Donald Trump has a particular hatred for patriots who refuse to bend the knee to him. His indecency toward John McCain this week underscores his abominable character.

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    JohnHarry Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    McChuck: Your limited grasp of history is so concisely illustrated in just a few sentences. Liberals and the “Left” do not and for the most part hate the FBI, the police, the courts or any other form of govt. What we have objected to is the improper use of these institutions to force a political agenda. i.e. the Viet Nam war and draft; the surveillance of citizens without a warrant; the disproportional shooting of black Americans; the undermining of foreign gov,ts in the ’50s and ’60s for the benefit of corporations(banana republics). Not because we want America inhabited by non-Americans. It already is, we were ALL non-Americans at some period in the history of this great country. Your name is a give away that you are one of us – from somewhere else. Unless i have never heard of the McChuck Nation somewhere in the USA.So lets get to it shall we start to deport all those ancestors who came here less than 10 years ago? 20 – 30- 50-100 ? If we ask members of the Mohawk, Sioux, Oneida and dozens of other nations – it would be all those in the past roughly 500 years – that sir includes you.

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    DrDon1  almost 6 years ago

    Summers promotes disrespect for the DOJ while ignoring the reeking pile of trash in the White House!

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    Dtroutma  almost 6 years ago

    Septic pump truck at the White House has a much bigger load to pick up.

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