Michael Ramirez for July 05, 2017

  1. 750a5be89e5492a6a79cdd5442eb47d9371b0b836689298121981f62979e5eac
    hooglah  almost 7 years ago

    It’s time to take this moron out!!! He will start a war just to get rid of his population. He can’t feed them and they are getting very desperate. In his distorted vision…eliminate the problem. Take him out!!!!!

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  2. Missing large
    DrDon1  almost 7 years ago

    @ LSMFT — Yeah, why should anyone be concerned that millions of South Koreans would be killed in retaliation!

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  3. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 7 years ago

    If only Trump would do something about it. he didn’t do this when Obama was president.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 7 years ago

    “Joe Jockstrap” attitude on using military intervention in a war that hasn’t ended yet, only a cease fire, is the good ’ol American “shoot first and ask questions later”, like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Viet Nam, all those other great successes!

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  5. Bluefish
    running down a dream  almost 7 years ago

    similar to Fidel Castro .. the kind of leader democrats look up to.

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