Matt Davies for November 30, 2016

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    DaBoogadie  over 7 years ago

    Perhaps if American mob money hadn’t corrupted Cuba in the first place, it would have evolved in a better way.

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    canFunny  over 7 years ago

    @The Wolf in your midstCastro never had any intentions of letting the Americans rule him. His political views were well known long before the revolution, he used the Americans (then) and the Americans let themselves be used.It must be clear that the embargo only affected American businesses and citizens, Castro was free to do business with any other country in the world, Spain and France did a lot of deals with him, however, most of them failed, mainly because Castro insisted in doing everything his way. Even today, after Obama’s visit when it looked like progress has been made, but when it was time to get something done Raul Castro demanded that the investment of money must be paid to him, and then he would arrange for the work to be done. No one is investing in Cuba any more, least of all Americans. The idea that Cubans would benefit from any investment is as false as expect Cubans to be free, the Castros are one of the most richest people in the whole of the American Continent (South, Central and North) they own Banks which operate not only in the US but in many countries in Europe, and yet Cubans still live in poverty, hunger and fear. As most Americans aren’t allowed to travel to Cuba, most of the Americans comments are hear-say, they only know the drunken comments of Canadians, but had they need to use their hospitals, or other services they would be shocked by the filth, lack of resources, and the indifference of the underpaid and unappreciated professionals. The claims of advanced education are just as false, granted everyone in the island knows how to read and write, but what good will it do when the main education purpose is to indoctrinate people to obey a communist regime.

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    Kip W  over 7 years ago

    I have this old book called Our Islands and Their People, actually a two-book set, and there’s one photo from Cuba that shows some street kids, and one of them has a US flag in his hand. It looked odd, so I looked closer and realized that the flag had been drawn in over a photo of a kid with nothing at all in his hand.


    This is no doubt highly symbolic of something. Not sure what.

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    oneoldhat  over 7 years ago

    yes wolf the USA should have let cuba nuke it

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    canFunny  over 7 years ago

    @BrassOrchidDo you realize that you have just made my point, you have said what I stated; American only know “hearsay”, but if my facts are not good enough for you, why don’t you talk to a Cuban residing in the US, the question is then, will the fact that they escape from Cuba will be enough for you. The greediness of Americans doesn’t affect the Cubans because they don’t deal with the Americans, they don’t loose or gain. Emotional responses do necessarily make truth. Your response is emotional.

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