Ted Rall for July 12, 2016

  1. Trilobyte photo
    Trilobyte Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    If I could just draw, and state the obvious I could be a cartoonist. But I don’t, and probably couldn’t (to lazy to find out) , so I am grateful for Ted.

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  2. Young wmb
    wmbrainiac  almost 8 years ago

    No meaningful gun laws, no peace.

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    JBBLAW  almost 8 years ago

    Turnabout is fair play

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  4. Picture 1
    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Clearly unloading your Glock into a person that is being sat on by two cops is clearly over the top. Unfortunately this kind of overkill is becoming more and more common. Police lives matter but so do other lives. Thank God that cell phones are allowing people to she what goes on instead of a sanitized police report.

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  5. 8863814b f9b6 46ec 9f21 294d3e529c09
    mattro65  almost 8 years ago

    A big problem is the “Blue Wall Of Silence.” Good cops defend bad cops and the bad cops go back on the streets instead becoming mall security guards.

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  6. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  almost 8 years ago

    If there are ten policemen, and one of them beat and killed an unarmed teenager and the other nine knew and did nothing, how many bad cops are there?

    Show your work.

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  7. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 8 years ago

    I always enjoy a good turn-about, and this is a good one.The problem is, both sides go out every day and worry, is this the day I don’t come home. Both sides are people, and their lives do matter. The police and vigilante killings are not done through our fair legal system. There is a disproportionate amount of violence and brutality done to African-Americans. It is not racist to point out that there is an issue here that must be solved. The police do matter, their lives matter, their families matter. They do a job for all of society and we all need them. It is the lowest to take that trust and use it to forward your prejudices and turn on the people you were sworn to protect. The racist cops who shoot unarmed kids, shout unintelligible commands and fire and those who feign to be afraid to unload a clip in a dark skinned person deserve to be put in prison to rot.

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  8. Bg joshua chamberlain
    russellc64  almost 8 years ago

    Help me out. Is the second panel referring to the white AG Eric Holder who cleared Darren Wilson?

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    hippogriff  almost 8 years ago

    mattro53Yeah, they got the idea of omerta from the Mafia..californicated1J. Edgar Hoover still runs the FBI. How? Tradition..mattro53Back in the old days, the term was Uncle Tom.

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  10. Avatarkhmer mtn
    Bar Pluc  almost 8 years ago

    Here’s an idea from another Chicago community organizer I heard last night; eliminate the police and judicial system entirely and let each community provide its own security..Works for me..She just needs to be aware that MY security in MY community will not tolerate individuals from HER community causing problems in MY community for any longer than it takes to empty a magazine. … and because those will be the rules in MY community, she needs to accept it with a smile..So much for unity

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  11. Lifi
    rossevrymn  almost 8 years ago

    Pretty weak

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