Steve Benson for June 16, 2016

  1. Wtp
    superposition  about 8 years ago

    You would think with a large portion of the population self-identifying as “conservative”, more caution and regulation would be observed in how we do things.

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    strictures  about 8 years ago

    BBC America News had on an “animal expert” who has a show on ABC. He said gators have rarely attacked people in Florida.What he & BBC left out is that ABC is totally owned by Disney.A shameful omission from the Beeb!

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  3. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 8 years ago

    There was nothing in this case to indicate that there was anything extraordinary in terms of parental neglect. Walt Disney World Resort as said “There are no words to convey the profound sorrow we feel for the family and their unimaginable loss. We are devastated and heartbroken by this tragic accident and are doing what we can to help them during this difficult time”This is the third tragedy to strike Orlando area in less than a week. Grimmie, the Pulse Massacre and this young child. I feel for the people of Orlando in this time for their city.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 8 years ago

    The artificial lake became a home for a gator driven from native habitat that had been destroyed by developments in Florida. Nature will find a way?

    Gators, like sharks, are opportunists, a 12 inch sub would be too much and ignored, but serve up a sampler, and they’ll take a nibble, especially in the shallows.

    This is a sad case, but FAR RARER than a toddler the same age killed by a gun found by another kid and tested for its toy value.

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    tbally57  about 8 years ago

    The Tragic Kingdom for sure in Orlando this past week

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    stevebenson  about 8 years ago

    I intend at some point to kick Mickey’s tail to Magic Kingdom Come over Disney’s abject failure to:.(1) protect its paying customers by apparently not posting adequate “Beware of Gator” signage;


    (2) provide effective physical barriers between gators and park visitors ; and

    .(3) prevent the stocking of these stalking ferocious predators in its man-made lagoons, essentially forced in there by the destruction of their natural habitat..

    Can you say Mickey Massive Lawsuit? I suspect one may be coming..

    In that case, the Creature from the Black Lagoon would be The Mouse himself.

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    strictures  about 8 years ago

    The Sun-Times Network never reported on the Orlando massacre before it happened.They just printed an incorrect dateline. Which isn’t surprising since the Sun-Times Network is a pathetic joke!Take off the tinfoil hat & return to reality!

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  8. Am  flag
    Geezer  about 8 years ago

    This is a sad case, but FAR RARER than a toddler the same age killed by a gun found by another kid and tested for its toy value.Where might I find a source for that assertion?

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  9. Am  flag
    Geezer  about 8 years ago

    I’ve lost a close family member to a handgun.How many have lost a close family member to an automobile?I’ve heard of self-driving automobiles. Are there now self-shooting handguns?

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  10. Am  flag
    Geezer  about 8 years ago

    Posted above^LOOK!Instead of copying and pasting a URL into a comment without explanation, and expecting a reader to copy and paste it into a browser, you might consider taking a few moments to learn how to embed an HTML hyperlink into a comment.Next thing you know, you might learn how to use boldface, or italics, or other types of text formatting.If a simple country boy like me can learn it, surely someone as brilliant as you can too.

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  11. Am  flag
    Geezer  about 8 years ago

    Ya’ll shouldn’t complain about other’s laziness when you are such a shining example.I seem to have mistaken laziness for ignorance. Laziness is a reader’s prerogative, not a writer’s (if he expects to be read.) My comment was a suggestion, not a complaint.

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  12. Am  flag
    Geezer  about 8 years ago

    … thanks for the first suggestion that sounded like an insult as well ….Thank you for all your kind remarks. When it comes to insults, I’m a Groucho Marxist.

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