Matt Davies for April 25, 2016

  1. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  about 8 years ago

    Not to mention that liberal bastion we call the US Military, who lists climate change as a threat to national security.

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  2. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 8 years ago

    @Ahab – I’m told that most major Volcanic eruptions are competitive. Add to that the amount of material spewed out of Black Smoker Vents on the Ocean floor and you get a feel for another major source of material.

    I’m not a denyer. We came out of a mini-ice age in the 1700s and 1800s. So everything should look like an upward trend.

    But to get ME to buy on to doing drastic and stupid things you have to take some steps:1) Prove that the climate is warming – I’ll give you a check for that2) Prove that cutting greenhouse gas emissions will make a difference – I’m not giving you a check for that, yet. There are too many other sources of methane, CO2 and other greenhouse gasses to show that we could even put a dent in it.3) Prove that if the earth warms that all these horrible things will happen. Partial check.I wouldn’t want to live in Florida or on the gulf coast if the seas rise. But I wouldn’t mind owning property in Canada, Russia, and Iceland.

    You Eco-nuts are all alike and you sound like a broken record. Stop the C02 Emissions or we all will fry!!!!

    I have another solution: Develop the parts of the world that now become hospitible. Protect the areas that are currently inhabited with damns, dikes, levies and the like.

    You don’t have the only solution. You have one solution that many of us reject because it is too costly, too painful and unnecessary.

    It also doesn’t help that the Socialists have joined your group with the intent of using this crisis to rob the producers of wealth so that they can redistribute it to the most needy.

    Don’t assume everyone is a denier because they won’t buy your solution. Use your head and think through the argument rather then letting your knee jerk.

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  3. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 8 years ago

    the binding penalties are we’ll all be up to our necks. regardless of party affiliation 99% of world leaders think this is really important. Meanwhile the Republicans will continue to pass resolutions against the Paris agreement, make it illegal for the sea levels to rise, block agency expenditures for activities related to the environment, check what people have in their pants and overturn the EPA’s emission-reduction plan. When the party of NO is up to their neck, they still will just blame Obama for not doing enough about climate change.

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  4. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 8 years ago

    @motivemagus – Apparently you don’t read either. I openly conceded that the earth is warmer now then it was in the 1700’s and 1800’s.

    Where you and I differ is on how significant that fact is?

    It will be very expensive and catastrophic to the economy to forego: Transatlantic transportation, cars, coal fired plants, cheap energy in general.

    Maybe you don’t care about job losses but they mean a lot to me and my family.

    As I told Ahab. Your solution may look like a good one to you and perhaps the country will agree with you. I’m thinking they won’t though once they realize how many jobs will be lost to achieve your goals. I offered another solution just to show you that they do exist.. It isn’t easy to implement either.

    But I’ll tell you this – Telling everyone who disagrees with you that they are anti-science is not the way to establish a rational dialog with thinking people.

    You and I can look back over the last 100 years and say “Heh it’s warmer”. That’s data that we both share and can agree on easily. You and I can look forward and predict what will happen over the next 100 years and have very diverse opinions because we are both predicting the future based on our own biases and assumptions. That doesn’t make either of us wrong or evil or anti-science.

    Don’t assume you have the market cornered on predicting the future OR the right solution to the problem.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 8 years ago

    Even small steps are better than no steps, on the long road we need to be going down, at much higher speed.

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  6. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 8 years ago

    @ahab – Really? No economic catastrophes? Brazil, Russia, the EU, Venezuela. All of those countries and zones are still in deep recession.

    Get over yourself.

    The world Economy is Fragile and while it’s better then it was there are still way more workers then jobs.

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  7. Chpic
    Nov Nov Man  about 8 years ago

    Aww. Brucie never got back to anybody… I thought he was more than mindless troll.

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  8. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 8 years ago

    @nance19oped – At the point where those scientists go from the scientific arena – Predicting the future – To dictating what THEY see as the only solution – Yes I can. I offered an alternative solution. There are others. But the Global Warming initiative has been co-opted by a bunch of Socialists.

    I live in the Midwest. Many of the changes they want to implement will cost me and my neighbors more money even though things don’t look that bad to us.

    They are trying socialize the cost over those of us who chose to live in less coastal areas. It would be a hidden tax on many of us who have made better choices.

    No thank you.

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